SAF Certified Foresters
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Find a Certified Forester


Only those individuals who voluntarily apply for and meet Society of American Foresters' Certified Forester® Program requirements and Standards of Professional Practice are located by this search. The term Certified Forester® is a registered certification mark as authorized by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

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Note: Names, addresses, and contact numbers are printed as provided by the individual listed. Please notify Corey Hughley in the national office of any changes: (301) 897-8720, ext. 108; fax (301) 897-3690; e-mail:

SAF does not warrant or guarantee the performance of its members, candidates, and certificants.

Copyright © 2009 Society of American Foresters
5400 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814-2198
P: 301.897.8720   -   toll free: 866.897.8720   -   F: 301.897.3690   -   Email: