

Welcome to The Center for Aquatic Conservation, located at the University of Notre Dame. While only miles from Lake Michigan, the scope of the Center’s efforts reaches well beyond the Great Lakes. From invasive species in the Great Lakes Region to waterborne diseases in tropical Africa, the mission of the Center for Aquatic Conservation is to promote the application of scientific knowledge to conserve earth’s freshwater resources. Through research, education, and outreach, the CAC is building partnerships to enhance the capacity of ecosystems to support the diversity of life and increase human welfare in future generations.

Scientists at Notre Dame are partnering with organizations such as The Nature Conservancy to affect both management and policy, and to enhance their own research in order to more efficiently and directly benefit society. Center-sponsored educational opportunities, such as courses, workshops, seminars, and research fellowships allow scientists to participate in informing management and policy.  They also encourage students to relate research to pressing societal issues.  Finally, scientists and students from CAC are sharing their latest research in outreach efforts such as the new invasive species gallery at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.

This website offers a closer look at the Center for Aquatic Conservation. For further information, please contact us.

In The News

Pre-Proposal deadline for Center for Aquatic Conservation Graduate Fellowships.