Oxfam America

Global Food Crisis

After years of remaining relatively stable, global food prices are being driven through the roof by a convergence of circumstances—including climate change, rising energy costs, and increased demand for biofuels. This phenomenon particularly affects poor people in developing countries, many of whom already spend 50 to 80 percent of their income on food. It’s estimated that 840 million people around the world are chronically hungry, and the shock of high prices will only increase world hunger.

What Oxfam is Doing

Oxfam is factoring higher food prices into the work we do at many different levels. In our humanitarian response, we are already employing a broad range of tools adapted to local conditions. more »

What You Can Do

  • Donate to the Global Food Crisis Fund
  • Take action: Host an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event! It's a powerful way to engage your school, community, faith congregation or business around issues of chronic hunger and food security. Register today!
  • Download materials. Check out Oxfam's Fact Sheet on the crisis.
  • More ideas for action: Get resources and information to help you do more to make a difference in times of humanitarian crises

Feature Stories

As food prices rise, Oxfam programs help decrease worry
As food prices rise, Oxfam programs help decrease worry
Combining two different programs, farmers are learning to share information, save profits, and grow more rice.
Working harder, eating less
Working harder, eating less
Cambodia’s people work more but eat less to cope with rising prices.
In Ethiopia, Hunger Lurks as Rain Begins to Fall
In Ethiopia, Hunger Lurks as Rain Begins to Fall
4.6 million people now need emergency assistance as drought and high food prices take their toll.
Haiti no Longer Grows Much of its Own Rice
Haiti no Longer Grows Much of its Own Rice
Oxfam is helping people in Haiti with a variety of programs, including supporting community subsidized restaurants.
Oxfam Finds Some Local Solutions to Food Crises
Oxfam Finds Some Local Solutions to Food Crises
Oxfam and its local partners have responded to food shortages with tools adapted to local conditions.
As Food Prices Soar, Hunger and Unrest Prompt Global Concern
As Food Prices Soar, Hunger and Unrest Prompt Global Concern
A convergence of factors, including high energy and fertilizer costs, has sent global food prices spiraling upward, forcing families to make excruciating choices.
Deepening Droughts Hinder Efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Deepening Droughts Hinder Efforts to Fight HIV/AIDS in South Africa
In rural Hluhluwe, a drier, hotter climate means fewer nutritious crops for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Vegetable Gardens, Orchards, and Literacy Classes Offer Hope for Afghans
Vegetable Gardens, Orchards, and Literacy Classes Offer Hope for Afghans
Gardens with an array of new vegetables have helped improve the nutrition of families and allowed them to save money.
Feeding a Nation
Feeding a Nation
With funding from Oxfam, CEDAC teaches Cambodian farmers to raise their rice yields and use the extra profits to improve their quality of life.

Donate to the Global Food Crisis Fund »

Oxfam America is working around the clock to address this crisis, and we need your help.

Host an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event »

The global food crisis is deepening the suffering of the more than 840 million people already plagued by chronic hunger. Education, awareness, and action are all critical to helping the people most affected.

Host an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet event in your school, community, faith congregation or business to engage others in this crisis.