T 7 r I )A't i,": '7 3C,@unc,"i.l. tC@ yC)U O,,7 j.) I h,:, d r.i D.r t p.r:1 c t 7)r. i w a c)n o-' four., i-!.i- c,, -f." c, Pnth, The te,,, ,i, Cc, l@ Di !,'at!,,,, S t Aft@r suclgc-,-r@.@, s i E@ t F, C-. 0 r s Pace 2 Oi@ the on I,.(--.c @j G-r. Ti-ic@ aTnc@u!,It for @;,,@-an-L-s ii-i 19"14 is 1) 4 0 0 U -@l tl.-irough 7 3 hr-is to 'Lis an@i be clt @-)y Lc) i,n et tl-ie C C 5,- 4 a,, t C) to l@io ,()U C, a:vl k d for sLipf@)o,,--t of LI J@,-ine 30, 'i.1- 74. Elc-.v@p-i-.i C(-,-ntercl- by --'.n --hc, (see ll'c.) date !'nl Of " I - 0, 4 @C). c-,, n rriaC@e@ $1,3@ :i,n tl-l(-, F C)U tc) be f iiy,..ded and the of- IL-he ry 1-i, @n i.-, c) t h e Serv:i-c--es Aamiriis-- t-ri@,,t-ioii. A@.,,y -I'(,r 30, 1974 f C)a rc@l.,i @lhat t,@ LiDr)-i A,@,-t-- '-'or Fiscal.. Ye 1 3 i, c c-- d $ 0 cri i@li,:Ic-.:.@, I"- (-thE@ @rzp.;,IP 'Lo- d -@-lie t, C? CC)l@l.,,-,@Ci.1 i4- h tiously i-n Pc@-o@,-daric,-e t]-ie Su!-o. 2 T@. l@@ Sr-,,@ttic-,, :i-n n s la c- -r,@roj,<@!ct has been a n d r,, o a r(.@c c),I- b a a@). cL e for 3f e 7,T, i-i @9 0 -'o tl,.(@ Hi.Ll- :L s t i:Lit on E@c-rv-1@-,,:@,@ T of 1.71@3.wa.,@i. t@) tll,-. ITa,,,,a-,Li ,DC' c)F -"-II under an agre(@-ii,,cnt S c)tl@ic@a.- E@,! pz,o e c s are s-til2. uj-idcr i-,-,,IPS. for of ;-tctive proj E@c-, Ls. lic-al,th E-@ication Area. Hc,al--ti-i Edi).catic)n fun.dc6. a j ,.unJ,ed OF fOl' I-' 11-y 31 T 71. (sc-e f-,o r L@ c Aimed Coordinators, e@ a i-,-) C@ c) t a E, !7i f - 2- c@,@ cl. )D y @t.- h e r) 11 f: 1. 'El z: c @j, r a. i t . al. TI-ic@ 7 0 f- z@) c, f 'L) c,, th t II (-,2, 7 3 on Z: @5 to .@7 f V oil a. l')@' 73 b 3, c) Li i, n c,-@ all. n. of z@@'ll oil fui-jcq@; Z.,Iay r)c. In i.i), th a f C,.Z- @l of i.@Y 73 was dc-ii--'f.e(Il h)y Pr@,@ti-, '73 1-la(3. 'by Cc)iir-(- of and t',@).e o:-- rel.ca.,@e of FY 73 lias i,,.s part of tl-i@, Suit. VI. 53 f -o @l. g. Th, f c) c)f filnd@, 1.)y l@j@ aCtl. 17S to Tly !St"2 gc) 3 3. time. f;F.,.ct @V4 it thr-- ax-e i,,Lad,@ cut t I 5. si@ c)f t,ie -is t )f V 1 L T', ic- D4-vi-@, @,,.o,@i o@. vc d -;- sii i @t @,i -t c, The 'c. h DPTL) a Publi c Ti-,@, Plary@i,,,ici Eva'l.i@,,-I.'L--@on I t i o "@l E@! C"f Operat.'LDY)@'; Sc-vera.l. PL@IPS striff ).)c,. 0-v(-@@- -tlje. nc-xt rflonL'h@.-@ oi-i -LI&@sk forces w@.th LI-ic I.egi.sl.@,,@itivc,, py..ogrE'ii,,. .1@ v !.f l@ y 1973 7 itc-,n, rc., o" 'or -ind '?4 a --Fo -r,,i,,j-'-a ce@i.1 i:li."j is c)ii c,..' 73 f(@-@r such. Y.,ct 11-y fot-inu.I.Fz -t@ hi. s s 17Y 73 LI @i t,:o col,4t@-ct:@-t otc@) (r. c,,ii c)(7c@7.sic,,,-i c. f o I a c@ 'via. -C 0 u@id kc.@v a-r-e ice (@f TT@ Ilr. Lym@!,n V a r. t- d a r, c@ 14 Y-.,, c,, b I-1- k,itr, Into I-ov s-r)cts in l,'r. Z@,-i:'L@-,k' s In 7 :-rcm dissolved the c i r C;), I o I !D 3, i. c @.1 tCI@2, c c u -r V Cl. up t@c) on lo J'f t ]'I 1 It C;' @L c@ c i-,, n c,@ (,.,c F u.-4 h c-, r of Fv a. c,-t t';i@