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Staff Position Openings | Law Students | Volunteers | Refferal Attorneys

Staff Position Openings

None at this time

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Law Students

Interns and law clerks play a vital role at Farmers’ Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG). FLAG is a public interest law center dedicated to providing legal services to family farmers and their rural communities in order to help keep family farmers on the land. Founded in 1986, FLAG serves financially distressed family farmers and ranchers nationwide, working on legal issues such as contract farming, agricultural credit, disaster assistance, direct marketing, sustainable and organic agriculture, corporate concentration, and race discrimination. By providing a combination of legal education and plain-language publications, backup support to advocates and attorneys serving family farmers, impact litigation on key issues, and legislative and administrative technical assistance services to its client organizations, FLAG plays a key role in preserving the family farm system of agriculture in the United States.

FLAG has hosted many interns and law clerks during the summer and throughout the school year. Their contribution to our work helps FLAG to leverage limited resources and work to support our mission. Law clerks and interns can expect to assist attorneys in all facets of their work. While we cannot always predict the exact project a law clerk will have an opportunity to work on, we can predict that they will have a substantive work experience through which they will have exposure to a variety of issues and more generally to a public interest law firm. Interns or law clerks working in our office may work for credit, others may have been awarded a stipend through their school and have been hosted by FLAG. They are generally not paid for by FLAG.

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We are in need of volunteers to help with a variety of projects. If you are interested in helping FLAG please send an email to: please include your complete contact information and your areas of expertise.

You may also contact us by filling out a short online Volunteer Form.

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We need your help! Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc. (FLAG) is updating our attorney referral lists for farmers in need of representation.

As you may know, FLAG is a Minnesota-based nonprofit law center dedicated to providing legal services to family farmers and their rural communities in order to help keep family farmers on the land. We work with family farmers and family farm organizations throughout the country. One of our methods of helping family farmers is to provide them with information and referrals. It is important that when FLAG is not able to represent a farmer or give direct legal advice that we are able to provide them with attorney referrals that are current and specific to their needs.

There is no charge to be included in FLAG's attorney referral database, nor is there a charge for a referral. Some farmers may seek reduced rate or pro bono assistance-FLAG advises farmers that they must discuss fees with the individual attorney. If available, we may provide farmers with more than one possible referral.

If you are interested in in recieving referrals from FLAG, we are asking you to take a few minutes to complete an online form that we will use to update our records.

Please click here to fill out the survey online

You may also print the form from the website and mail it to Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc., 360 North Robert Street, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-1589; Or fax it to FLAG at 651-223-5335; Or call FLAG at 651-223-5400. If you are within Minnesota or Illinois, you may call 877-860-4349.

We will not share your name outside of FLAG for any purpose other than attorney referrals for farmers. FLAG does not sell lists for any reason.

Thank you for taking the time to help us maintain a high level of service for family farmers. And please, if you know of other attorneys who may be interested in participating as a referral, please forward this message to them.

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Thank you for visiting FLAG's web site. Please note that the information located on this site is not intended to provide specific legal advice. You should consult an attorney and not rely on any information contained herein regarding your specific situation.
(See Disclaimer.)

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Farmers' Legal Action Group, Inc.
360 Robert Street North, Suite 500
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1589
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