
Our Equitable Development Updates, a monthly e-newsletter, highlights new research, upcoming events, advocacy campaigns, policy strategies, and promising practices from communities across the country.

Our New Publications email announces recent research, reports, and policy briefs. Sign Up to stay informed.

New PolicyLink Tool:
Asthma and the Environment

This new tool describes how environmental conditions aggravate asthma, and highlights the efforts of groups that are working to improve these conditions.

Based on the experiences and perspectives of local advocates, this tool makes policy recommendations and suggests various strategies and resources for improving air quality in homes, in schools, and outdoors.

To learn more about all PolicyLink Equitable Development tools, please visit the toolkit page.

New PolicyLink Publications

Grocery Store Attraction Strategies: A Resource Guide for Community Activists and Local Governments provides a wealth of resources to help underserved neighborhoods organize a coordinated strategy to attract or develop grocery stores.

Promoting Healthy Public Policy through Community-Based Participatory Research: Ten Case Studies presents examples of community leaders, health departments, and academic partnerships working together to change policy to improve community health and foster equity.

To learn more about all PolicyLink reports, please visit the publications page.

Solidarity for America's Future

The Black and Latino Summit, a historic planning meeting that took place in Los Angeles in October, highlighted successful cross-cultural initiatives to deepen and strengthen the ties in both Black and Latino communities.

The discussion was informed by commissioned working briefs on eight policy issues of great importance to both communities and the nation as a whole.

Save the Date!

8th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference

January 22-24, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The three-day program includes a dynamic mix of plenaries, breakouts, implementation workshops, specialized trainings, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and coordinated networking activities.






























PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by Lifting Up What Works.®

What is equity?

Equity means just and fair inclusion. An equitable society is one in which all can participate and prosper. The goals of equity must be to create conditions that allow all to reach their full potential. In short, equity creates a path from hope to change.

A Recovery Package for All Americans

Equity must guide the proposed $700-plus billion federal recovery package. In a series of recent op-eds and commentaries, PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell lays out the case for investing in the people and communities that need help the most.

What Happens Now?

The Next Chapter of America’s Story

As Washington prepares to tackle the nation’s economic crisis, PolicyLink offers a framework for federal decision-making: "Achieving Equity and Inclusion in America: Policy Principles for the Obama Administration and New Congress." Visit EquityBlog to share your ideas and comments.

PolicyLink has been pushing for equity in all corners of America.

  • Read the New York Times piece outlining recommendations for rebuilding America’s infrastructure as well as stimulating both short- and long-term economic growth.
  • Learn about PolicyLink CEO Angela Glover Blackwell’s contribution to a Progressive Blueprint for Change in The Nation and The Huffington Post.Play Video
  • PolicyLink VP Joe Brooks talks about the need for a White House Office of Civic Engagement in the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
  • Poverty and Equity take center stage in Angela Glover Blackwell’s recent commentaries in Sojourners, The Tavis Smiley Show, and on a recent panel at Brookings Institution covered by C-SPAN.

Our Work:

Center for Health and Place

People who live in neighborhoods with polluted air, unsafe parks, grocery stores with few food options, unreliable transportation, and poor housing, suffer disproportionately from illnesses such as asthma and obesity. The PolicyLink Center for Health and Place incorporates research and action into policy initiatives to ensure that everyone—especially those in low-income and communities of color—can live and work in healthy environments.

Center for Infrastructure Equity

The quality of schools, parks, mass transit, utilities, and other public investments largely determine the quality of life in a neighborhood, city, or region. The PolicyLink Center for Infrastructure Equity advocates for fair policies and provides community leaders, advocates, and public officials with the tools needed to ensure that public investments in infrastructure create economic opportunity and health for all communities.


A Long Way Home: The State of Housing Recovery in Louisiana 2008, examines how renters and homeowners have fared since Katrina, Rita, and floods destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes. With extensive data on where rental housing units are coming back -- outlining the gaps that remain for many homeowners, along with snapshots of heavily damaged neighborhoods -- this report puts hard numbers on the experiences of residents on the ground.


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