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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Representative Heather Wilson Visits Sevilleta NWR
Region 2, August 7, 2007
New Mexico Congressional Representative Heather Wilson brought her children to Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in August.  Refuge Manager Terry Tadano and Wildlife Refuge Specialist Renee Robichaud met the group showing them the education laboratory.  The children enjoyed learning about the aquatic life of desert ponds, adaptations of reptiles and small mammals, and the refuge's different biomes from Outdoor Recreation Planner Kim King-Wrenn and WRS Dennis Prichard. Rep. Wilson toured the first phase of the University of New Mexico's Long Term Ecological Research laboratory.  She asked about the educational opportunities that will be available for students when the facility opens.  University representatives John DeWitt, Mike Friggens and Jack McGiver showed Ms. Wilson around.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599, martin_valdez@fws.gov