Traveling Cooperative Institute
Northcountry Cooperative Developemnt Fun


About the FundAbout Co-opsNorthcountry Cooperative Foundation Publications Credit Union  

What is the Traveling Cooperative Institute for Natural Food Co-ops?

2007 marks the eleventh year of trainings sponsored by the Traveling Cooperative Institute (TCI).  The TCI engages a range of cooperative service organizations, experienced managers, and staff members to help develop and support local leadership and staff development in cooperative communities in rural and urban areas. Since its inception, the TCI has brought together hundreds of co-op leaders.  TCI participants share their experiences, and in the true spirit of cooperation, have continued supportive relationships with each other.

Kris Olsen was one of the original cooperators in the natural food co-op world.  He began his career in a retail co-op in 1970 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and was instrumental in creating and guiding an effective member owned wholesale delivery system.  Kris was the first co-op circuit rider, traveling throughout the Midwest, providing operational help, encouragement, and resources to natural food co-op start-ups.

Kris died in 1997, soon after the first TCI training sessions had begun.  We are honored that Kris lent his name to NCF/NCDF's Traveling Cooperative Institute, and look forward to sharing his spirit and dedication with Midwest cooperatives.

No TCI's have been scheduled for 2008


For more information about the TCI program, call (612) 331-9103 or email

Copyright © Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund
219 Main Street SE, Suite 500, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Office Phone: (612) 331-9103; fax: (612) 331-9145; general e-mail: