About Co-ops
Northcountry Cooperative Developemnt Fun


About the FundAbout Co-opsNorthcountry Cooperative Foundation Publications Credit Union  

Because NCDF Is More Than Just a Lender

NCDF is a nationally recognized resource for cooperative development. NCDF's award winning education programs offer affordable training resources to cooperatives all across the Midwest. The "Toolbox" series of manuals address key cooperative management and governance issues in an accessible manner. Because every borrower of is also a member, consideration is given to the long-term growth and development of every co-op, with advice and resources at every stage of the lending cycle. And, because NCDF is a co-op of co-ops, it offers a unique way for cooperatives and their supporters to link across geographic and sector boundaries, building a more just and democratic economy... together.


Because Community Owned Enterprises Need Your Support

NCDF was started because traditional lenders did not understand the cooperative structure and were unwilling to take a chance on such a democratic model of ownership. While a number of NCDF member co-ops have grown into very successful businesses, most co-ops still have difficulty finding affordable sources of capital. When you support NCDF, you help make real the dream of ownership and self determination for consumers, workers, producers and housing co-op residents across the Midwest.

Because NCDF Leverages Your Dollars

By combining funds from various sources, NCDF is able to multiply the effect of an investment many times over. Though a deposit in NCDF at a below-market rate may yield a lower retrn, your investment will have a lasting impact on the businesses, emplyees, and communities of NCDF's borrowers. Your loan will also help NCDF's borrowers leverage funds from other sources, thus further multiplying the impact of your dollars.

Because NCDF Protects Your Investment

NCDF specializes in cooperative enterprises and knows its borrowers well. Every loan from the Fund is carefully screened and backed by collateral, and the Fund moves aggressively to liquidate collateral in the event of a default. The Fund also makes monthly allocations to a loan loss reserve, with the reserve allocation assessed periodically as the loan portfolio changes. Finally, NCDF maintains a healthy equity reserve to further protect investors and is audited annually by a professional accounting firm. No investor has ever lost any money through an investment in NCDF.

Click here to view a list of our Investors and Contributors

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Copyright © Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund
219 Main Street SE, Suite 500, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Office Phone: (612) 331-9103; fax: (612) 331-9145; general e-mail: info@ncdf.coop