Cooperative Grocers' Information Network

To strengthen all retail food cooperatives by creating community and facilitating the sharing and development of resources among members.

The latest news:

Let Obama know: hey, what about co-ops?

Co-ops for Change!
It’s time for change! As cooperative supporters we know how to effect change – more member owned cooperatives! Our friends at the National Co-op Business Alliance (NCBA) have partnered with fellow cooperators to develop a question and post it on

We’re not sure when but President-elect Obama and his team will respond to the questions that receive the most votes so place your vote today. With your vote, you can help draw attention to the benefits of the cooperative enterprise.

Visit Open for questions and type in “Co-operative Development” (include the hyphen) in the “Search
Questions” toolbar. Click “Sign-in” and create an account (if you don’t already have one). After you create your account, go back to the
question and click on the check mark to cast your vote.

Cooperatives know the importance of voting! Cast your vote today – before the polls close!


Join CGIN!
The beginning of the year is a great time to join CGIN! Click on the following sections to learn more about membership benefits, the various membership levels, and answers to FAQs.

Co-op Websites
Learn more about co-ops by visiting website.

Visit the new – a website about the cooperative movement and why you should care

Co-op Jobs
Interested in finding a job with food co-ops? Check out CGIN’s online job listings

Special Topics
Visit CGIN’s Special Topic section to view current political issues affecting retail food co-ops.

For organizations interested in sponsoring the CGIN pages, please contact the CGIN office. Inquire about our discounted sponsor rate for organizations that are associate members.