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Recovery Assistance Programs

Natural disasters wreak havoc on communities, lives, buildings, and businesses. But the rebuilding process that follows offers an opportunity to implement technologies and practices which afford a stronger and more sustainable future. Several states and federal agencies are starting to put resources toward this type of assistance. Below are some examples of such programs.

Federal Programs

Rebuilding for a More Sustainable Future: An Operational Framework
This publication from FEMA offers detailed practical guidance for use during the post-disaster recovery process. This guidebook is intended to be used by staff from FEMA and state agencies who will be working directly with communities after a disaster. It is also intended to assist the local officials and citizens of affected communities to understand how the decisions they make and the actions they take as part of their recovery can ultimately result in a more sustainable community.

U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program: Mitigating Effects of Natural Disasters
DOE's Weatherization Assistance Program is working with other federal agencies to leverage services to low-income families. Working with PATH—the Partnership for Advanced Technologies in Housing, DOE has produced a comprehensive list of disaster mitigation measures, Hazard Identification and Mitigation Manual.

Energy-Efficient Mortgage Program Expanded
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development expanded its Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Energy-Efficient Mortgage (EEM) program effective April 1, 1997, to allow victims in presidentially-declared disaster areas to borrow more money to repair or rebuild their homes energy efficiently.

USDA Emergency Conservation Program
USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) provides emergency funding and technical assistance for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate farmland damaged by natural disasters and for carrying out emergency water conservation measures in periods of severe drought. EIIP is a partnership forum administered by several emergency management associations. Its purpose is to provide a means of communicating ways to improve emergency management capabilities through cooperating, sharing, and accommodating information needs and requirements across organizations and special interest boundaries. Information on additional Farm Service Agency programs is available on their Disaster Assistance website.

State Programs

California's Integrated Waste Management Board has developed an Integrated Waste Management Disaster Plan that includes chapters on debris management, curbside collection of waste, and building demolition, as well as a chapter on rebuilding using recycled-content products. CIWMB also offers a PDF fact sheet with resources and advice, titled "Rebuilding Green."

This Web site is a collaborative effort that supports sustainable building and design in Minnesota, originally developed to aid the rebuilding of communities along the Red River Valley following flooding. The site includes three categories of assistance: home building data, community building ideas, and helpful information references. 

Minnesota's Directory of Sustainable Development Programs is the state's first on-line resource for information on innovative efforts by state agencies to improve the economy while restoring the natural environment.

Blueprint for Safety is an educational program is designed to provide accurate, current and reliable information about disaster-safety building techniques and features to help families become better prepared for floods, hurricanes, wildfires and windstorms. Developed by the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, this program focuses on Florida building.

Please Help
Consider donating to the ongoing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The following two organizations are examples of nonprofits that are helping farmers in the South.

Federation of Southern Cooperatives: Land Assistance Fund

Southern Mutual Help Association - Rural Recovery Fund
Hurricane Assistance for Agricultural Producers
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