Hay-Growing in Minnesota

Upper Midwest Haylist

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Proximity Search Parameters
The proximity portion of the search is only availiable for entries with U.S. zipcodes. Enter your zipcode, or the zipcode where the hay is needed, and the radius in miles or kilometers to search. Then procede to the General Search Parameters section below.
Zip Code  Distance  Distance Units  
General Search Parameters
Select zero or more items from the lists below to construct your search. You can select multiple items from any of the drop down menus by holding down the CTRL key while selecting additional items.
Forage Type
Minimum RFV

Sellers assume all responsibility for accurately listing their haylots. Haylot information is not verified by the sponsoring organizations.

Haylist is a cooperative effort of the Extension Services of Minnesota, Illinois, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

The University of Minnesota Extension Service is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
 © Regents of the University of Minnesota.