Oxfam America

Humanitarian Field Studies

In the wake of the tsunami of Dec. 2004, Oxfam launched a research program to study a wide range of issues related to the disaster response. Listening carefully to voices from the communities strengthened our programs and pointed the way to improving aid effectiveness in future emergencies.

What Oxfam is Doing

Gender equity, HIV, shelter, mental health, and reducing disaster risks were some of the topics of the tsunami research. more »

Feature Stories

Forecasting a better future
Forecasting a better future
Tsunami research program in India helps villagers adapt to climate change.
With Goods Replaced, Tsunami Survivors Search for Well-Being
With Goods Replaced, Tsunami Survivors Search for Well-Being
Measuring disaster recovery through a community lens
The perfect knowledge for survival
The perfect knowledge for survival
Respecting traditional knowledge improves emergency planning
Sri Lanka Paddy Research to Improve Lives of Rice Farmers
Sri Lanka Paddy Research to Improve Lives of Rice Farmers
Improving, not just restoring incomes after disasters
More stories

Read more about Oxfam America's Humanitarian Field Studies program.

Disaster Preparedness Slideshow
Disaster Preparedness Slideshow
An Oxfam partner has helped prepare residents of this cyclone-affected community to be effective first responders in future emergencies. »
Research projects and partners

Research projects and partners »

View a listing of our projects and the partners that carried them out.
Building a Research Program for Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Response

Building a Research Program for Disaster Risk Reduction and Humanitarian Response »

Oxfam’s experience building this program could be useful for organizations interested in creating their own research program for humanitarian response.