The Leopold  Institute Research Application ProgramThe Leopold  Institute Research Application Program

Research Application Projects - complete list

RAP Priorities

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The Leopold Institute is guided by two overarching goals:

  1. Develop the knowledge needed to protect and preserve wilderness and the ecological and social values derived from wilderness.
  1. Communicate and apply this knowledge to wilderness management agencies and other user groups.

The Research Application Program (RAP) works with all Leopold Institute staff members to meet the Institute's second goal. Specifically, we strive to ensure that research information is readily available and useful to managers, policymakers, educators, user groups, and other scientists. Effective research application efforts will result in wilderness management that is improved through increased knowledge, increased skills, and through wilderness management decisions that are based on sound knowledge of current and relevant science.

Research Application Program objectives are to:

  • Communicate scientific information through a variety of venues.
  • Identify and respond to management information needs.
  • Investigate researcher-manager communication methods and barriers to incorporating wilderness research into management.
  • Synthesize wilderness research information and/or data.

The primary audiences of the RAP are federal land managers and decision makers with wilderness responsibilities, including national and regional policy makers, as well as local decision makers, staff specialists and field implementers. The RAP also distributes information to other scientists, students, and members of the public who are interested in protecting and preserving wilderness and to international audiences that address similar management and research issues.

For more information about the Research Application Program, see our RAP Priorities, Strategic Plan or contact Vita Wright.

Rocky Mountain Research Station,  USDA Forest Service

The Leopold Institute is administered by the Rocky Mountain Research Station of the U.S. Forest Service
and operates under an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service,
U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management,
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

Us Forest ServiceBureau of Land ManagementUSGS Home PageNational Park ServiceUS Fish and Wildlife Service

Accessibility Information

Questions about the Leopold Institute or this website should be addressed to
This website is maintained in cooperation with the University of Montana Wilderness Institute.