Hispanic Archive


El Niño Forecasting Model Could Save Millions In Energy Costs

GAINESVILLE — A computerized forecasting model designed to predict more accurately the financial impact of El Niño weather patterns could save millions of dollars in energy costs in affected countries, including the United States, says a University of Florida professor who helped create the model.

Filed under Environment, Hispanic, Research, Sciences on Tuesday, November 18, 1997.

UF Researcher: Race Has No Place As An Official Category In Census

GAINESVILLE — Racial categories have no scientific validity, despite their political importance, says a University of Florida anthropologist whose group is asking that census takers ax such references altogether.

Filed under Black, Hispanic, Race, Research on Monday, September 8, 1997.

Recent Cuban Immigrants Not As Entrepreneurial, Says UF Professor

GAINESVILLE — Recent Cuban immigrants are less likely than their predecessors of the 1950s and 60s to start businesses and become a boon to the local economy, said a University of Florida professor.

Filed under Business, Hispanic, Research on Friday, February 14, 1997.