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Research partnerships for safer, healthier workplaces.

Activities of the NORA Construction Sector Council

Council activities are outlined below. Contact the Sector Coordinator with any questions or comments.

July 2008
At the fifth Council meeting, participants added a strategic goal relating to the media's role and finalized the other goals. Having accomplished the Council's Action Plan for the first two years, discussion focused on developing and implementing an Action plan for the next year.

February 2008
A NORA Construction Session was held on February 14, 2008, in conjunction with the 18th Annual Construction Safety Conference and Exposition in Rosemont, Illinois. About 100 participants attended the meeting. Ten breakout sessions provided opportunities for discussion and input on the goals in the draft National Construction Agenda.

November 2007
At the fourth meeting, participants discussed how research results are moved into widespread workplace practice and how to make these Research to Practice (R2P) activities and partnerships an integral part of the NORA sector council actitivities. Each of ten workgroups (see September 2006 meeting description for the ten workgroup topics) presented its proposed strategic and intermediate goals and entertained suggestions for refining their structure and content. The current plan is to incorporate changes and provide the revised draft goals on the NIOSH website for public comment sometime in December and to present the draft goals at the 18th Annual Construction Safety Conference and Expo in Rosemont, Illinois, on February 14, 2008.

June 2007
At the third meeting, co-chairs for each of the 10 topic workgroups reported on major issues discussed and presented draft preliminary strategic goals. Discussion by the full council provided feedback and considered overlap among topics. The workgroups will continue to hone the draft goals. The draft strategic plan will be consolidated for Council review at the November meeting in preparation for a subsequent public comment period.

September 2006
Second meeting to select "top ten" issues and plan future actions. The selected issues being considered for development into goals include: construction culture, safety management, organization of construction work and the construction industry, training issues, vulnerable workers, design, surveillance, major sources of injuries and fatalities, major health exposures/illnesses, and major sources of musculoskeletal disorders.

March 2006
First meeting to outline sector issues, identify key stakeholder organizations for possible participation, organize workgroups, and plan future actions.

NORA Construction Sector Council Resources:
Page last updated:January 8, 2009
Page last reviewed:May 4, 2007
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of the Director