
The GRN has had many significant victories in its past few years - click on the years to see what we've been up to.

This year has certainly been a cause for celebration. Below are just a few successes Gulf Restoration Network accomplished this year:

•    Won a great victory in protecting our cypress forests. Starting January 1, 2008, Wal-Mart will no longer accept cypress mulch that is harvested, bagged, or manufactured in the state of Louisiana.

•    Stopped Louisiana from removing clean water protections from all wetlands in the state

•    With the help of our conservation partners, obtained a final Congressional approval of permanent closure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) – the hurricane highway that funneled Katrina’s waters into New Orleans.

•    After 3 years of opposition from GRN and the Gumbo Alliance for safe LNG, Shell announced on March 28th 2007, that they would finally suspend the development of the Gulf Landing liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. The terminal would have processed 136 million gallons of Gulf seawater daily, destroying all life in that water. To read more, click here.

•    With the help of our conservation partners, persuaded the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny a permit for the proposed Magnolia Bay Resort and Marina in the Nature Coast of Florida – the last great undeveloped stretch of Florida’s coast. The development would have destroyed over a hundred acres of high quality wetlands and dredged a two-mile channel right through the middle of the Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve. 

•    Stopped a proposed development project in Mississippi that would have placed three dams on streams that flow into Black Creek, Mississippi’s only National Scenic Stream.

•    Succeeded our lawsuit against National Marine Fisheries Service over the rebuilding/management plan for red snapper. The court found that the rebuilding plan was not consistent with the law.  In response, NOAA issued an Interim rule that cuts total allowable catch and imposes other management measures needed to end overfishing of this valuable species.


Take Action - Online - Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Take Action on Global Warming in the Gulf of Mexico
Corporate Low-Down Depot Mart Cartoon