
In December of 1994, representatives from various conservation organizations across the Gulf of Mexico held a meeting at Four Mile Village, Florida, to discuss the need for, and interest in, forming a Gulf-wide coalition.  On June 2-3, 1995, these representatives met in St. Petersburg, Florida to plan the GRN. 

At this meeting, members determined the seven priority issues of the network:

  • Stopping pollutant discharges;

  • Reducing polluted runoff;

  • Reducing Corps of Engineers' permitting and projects destructive of the environment;

  • Requiring sustainable management of Gulf fisheries;

  • Limiting coastal development, beach armoring, and resulting habitat destruction;

  • Protection of threatened and endangered species; and

  • Limiting development of offshore mineral resources.

Then, on August 29, 1995, the existence of the Gulf Restoration Network was formally announced through simultaneous press events in New Orleans and Tampa.

In the beginning, the GRN operated as a project of the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund (formally the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund), receiving financial and staff assistance from that organization. Our first Campaign Director, Cynthia Sarthou, was hired in October of 1995. Then in 1998, having become more firmly established and having grown to over 40 members, the GRN became an independent corporation and obtained 501(c)(3) status.

Since 1998, the GRN has grown in staff to our current size of 8 staff and 2 consultants.  We have evolved from a network of member organizations held together by one staff person, to a unique independent organization that strategically partners with member and non-member groups to advance issues of Gulf-wide importance. 

We have engaged citizens around the country in our efforts through individual membership and our e-alert action network.  Please see our Victories page for information on our recent strategic partnerships that have resulted in improved protections for the Gulf.  Click here to join our e-alert action network and be part of the solution of protecting and restoring the resources of the Gulf Coast.




Take Action - Online - Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Take Action on Global Warming in the Gulf of Mexico
Corporate Low-Down Depot Mart Cartoon