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Make Sure the Dead Zone "Action Plan" Includes Decisive Action

The Dead Zone, an area in the Gulf of Mexico where sea life must flee or die, is a national problem and must be addressed before it causes a major crash to the Gulf's ecosystem and economically vital fisheries.  Currently the Dead Zone Task Force, a group of federal agencies charged with reducing the size of the Dead Zone, is taking public comments on their revised “Action Plan.”  This plan has the potential to guide state and federal agencies toward the goal of a reduced Dead Zone.  However, the current plan lacks a clear timeline and specific goals for agencies to accomplish that are vital for a reduction in the Dead Zone.  

Please take a moment to send the below message to the Dead Zone Task Force and tell them that the plan needs to include specific goals and actions.  Please write a sentence or two at the beginning of this letter stating why reducing the Dead Zone is important to you.

>>Learn More

January 17, 2009

Public Comment on draft 2008 Action Plan

Dear Mr. Colianni:

We will add your signature from the information you provide.

The GRN will not share your information beyond the target of this campaign

?? 2008 Gulf Restoration Network. All rights reserved.