DoDEA Launches Grant Program

A Air Force father and his two children reuniteDoDEA has launched the Promoting Student Achievement at Schools Impacted by Military Force Structure Changes FY 09 Competitive Grant Competition. Projects will enhance student learning opportunities, student achievement, and educator professional development at military-connected schools that are experiencing significant military growth between 2007 and 2009 due to force structure changes based on the Report to Congress (March 2008). This solicitation is open to school districts serving 22 military installations identified through that report.

Approximately $30 million is expected to be awarded. Awards will be based on military student enrollment and will range in size from $300,000 to $2,000,000, depending on the number of military students at the target schools. The Department's aim is to enhance the education of military students, but funds may be used to raise student achievement for all students at the target school.

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