Annotated List of FFRDC's cover graphic

Annotated List of
Federally Funded Research and
Development Centers (FFRDC)

March 1998

Descriptions of Individual Federally Funded Research and Development Centers

*Aerospace Federally Funded Research and Development Center
*Ames Laboratory
*Argonne National Laboratory
*Arroyo Center
*Brookhaven National Laboratory

*C3I Federally Funded Research & Development Center
*Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
*Center for Naval Analyses
*Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
*Critical Technologies Institute

*Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
*Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
*Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
*Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing FFRDC
*Institute for Defense Analyses Studies and Analyses FFRDC

*Jet Propulsion Laboratory
*Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
*Lincoln Laboratory
*Logistics Management Institute
*Los Alamos National Laboratory

*NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
*National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
*National Center for Atmospheric Research
*National Defense Research Institute
*National Optical Astronomy Observatories

*National Radio Astronomy Observatory
*National Renewable Energy Laboratory
*Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
*Oak Ridge National Laboratory
*Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

*Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
*Project Air Force
*Sandia National Laboratories
*Savannah River Technology Center
*Software Engineering Institute

*Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
*Tax Systems Modernization Institute
*Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Aerospace Federally Funded Research and Development Center
(The Aerospace Corporation), El Segundo, CA. Department of Defense, Air Force.

Its sponsoring agreement calls for advanced systems architecture, concept analysis and planning; research, experimentation, systems engineering and integration; recommendations of technical direction and general technical supervision in the complete field of U.S. Government national security space systems.

The mission of the Aerospace FFRDC is to aid the United States Air Force in applying the full resources of modern science and technology to achieve continuing advances in military space and space related systems which are basic to national security; to provide the Air Force's space efforts with an organization which is objective, possesses high technical competence, and is characterized by permanence and stability; to provide a vital link between the U.S. Government and the scientific and industrial organizations in the country with a capability and an interest in the space field; and, through its unique role, to help to ensure that the full technical resources of the nation are properly applied, and that the potential advances in the space field are realized in the shortest possible time.

Ames Laboratory
(Iowa State University of Science and Technology), Ames, IA. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for basic and applied physical, engineering, and environmental research in the disciplinary areas of chemistry, physics, metallurgy, mathematics, engineering, computer, ceramics, and related fields; development of advanced and innovative materials and chemical synthesis processing evaluation techniques and instrumentation; and developmental research on purification techniques for, and the actual production and characterization of, research quantities of such materials as: actinide metals, the rare earth metals and compounds, the alkaline earths, refractory metals, composite materials, single crystals, amorphous and thin films, ceramic powders, and others.

The contract also encourages the laboratory to be involved in technology transfer and to cooperate with industrial, academic and nonprofit organizations. The laboratory also may conduct R&D work for non-DOE sponsors provided it does not place the facilities in direct competition with the private sector.

Argonne National Laboratory
(University of Chicago), Argonne, IL. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

Basic research--experimental and theoretical research on fundamental problems in the physical, life, and environmental sciences to advance scientific understanding generally and to support development of energy technologies. Major research interests include advanced techniques using synchrotron radiation for research in the physical and life sciences, algorithms and tools for massively parallel computers, studies of the human genome, synthesis of advanced materials, and detector systems for use at other research centers.

Argonne shall contribute to U.S. technological competitiveness through research and development partnerships with industry that capitalize on the Laboratory's expertise and facilities. Principal mechanisms to effect such contributions are: cooperative research and development, access to user facilities, reimbursable work for non-DOE activities, personnel exchanges, and licenses.

Arroyo Center
(RAND Corp.), Santa Monica, CA. Department of Defense, Army.

The Arroyo Center's efforts are generally focused on mid- to far-term, policy-oriented issues and are designed to assist the Army in improving its efficiency and effectiveness. It maintains both a technical and non-technical capability in a broad range of matters of concern to the Army. This includes the ability to address, through formal studies and analyses, a variety of problems potentially affecting Army missions and organizations, including threats, strategy, tactics, operations, technology, and resource management.

Its sponsoring agreement precludes work with non-government entities.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
(Brookhaven Science Associates), Upton, Long Island, NY. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for performance of research in a multi-disciplinary context in the energy sciences, general sciences, biosciences and computational sciences, and other areas in a manner that ensures employee and public safety and protection of the environment.

The Laboratory may be authorized to pursue other DOE and non-DOE missions (most notably those of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the National Institutes of Health) that derive from the Laboratory's missions and utilize the Laboratory's core competencies.

Subject to the prior written permission of the DOE Contracting Officer, Brookhaven Science Associates may, through the Laboratory, perform non-DOE activities which are consistent with, and complementary to, the DOE's mission and the Laboratory's mission under the contract. Such proposed work may be for non-Federal entities or other Federal agencies. Primary consideration in approving such work is that the proposed work will not place the Laboratory in direct competition with domestic non-Federal entities.

C3I Federally Funded Research & Development Center
(MITRE Corp.), Bedford, MA and McLean, VA. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

C3I's sponsoring agreement states:

The primary objective and mission of the C3I FFRDC are to provide Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) general systems engineering, engineering support, and systems integration support for the Department of Defense (DOD) users (Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, the Joint Staff, the Defense Agencies, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense).

MITRE undertakes no work for or with a commercial, profit seeking customer, unless prior expressed consent is given by the Department of Defense (DOD) sponsor.

C3I may perform core work for U.S. Federal agencies, state or local governments, other non-profit organizations, and such other entities as the DOD sponsor approves in writing.

MITRE may conduct work for foreign governments and foreign users with prior approval of the DOD sponsor.

Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
(MITRE Corp.) McLean, VA. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Its contract lists the areas in which the Center will support the work of the FAA: airway facilities; air traffic; R&D; operations research; system engineering; facilities engineering; National Airspace System (NAS) development; systems capacity; and aviation safety oversight.

Center for Naval Analyses
(The CNA Corporation) Alexandria, VA. Department of Defense, Navy.

Its contract states that the Center for Naval Analyses is to provide an independent, authoritative source of research and analysis that is focused upon the major present and future issues affecting the Navy and Marine Corps. The Center for Naval Analyses helps the Department of the Navy and other Department of Defense decision makers make decisions about the use of current forces, about plans and policies that shape force readiness and sustainability, and about the allocation of resources among alternative future capabilities.

The Center for Naval Analyses shall not compete with any non-FFRDC concern in response to a Federal agency request for proposal for work other than the operation of an FFRDC.

Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
(Southwest Research Institute), San Antonio, TX. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The Charter within its contract states that the Center will perform, under Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC ) direction, technical assistance and research which will support the licensing reviews and other NRC activities related to geologic repositories, monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facilities, transportation, environmental, and other activities involved in the storage and disposal of high-level nuclear waste under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. The primary areas of technical assistance and research will include: waste systems engineering and integration and overall program activities; geologic setting; engineered barrier system; transportation, special projects and analytical evaluations; and MRS and repository design, construction and operation.

Critical Technologies Institute
(RAND Corp.), Washington, D.C. National Science Foundation.

Its contract states:

The Critical Technologies Institute (CTI) was formed to assist the Executive Branch as it formulates Federal policy involving science and technology by providing objective, high quality analytic support to inform policymakers. Such analysis includes identifying "critical technologies" important to the nation's security, economic competitiveness, and general welfare, but must also include a regard for such government policies, programs, and activities as: scientific and technical education and training; direct government support of R&D; tax, legal and regulatory policies that influence investments in and uses of science and technology; policies that encourage basic and applied research, technology transfer and the incorporation of scientific and technical know-how into manufactured goods and services; patent, copyright and other intellectual property policies; coordination of Federal, state, and local government roles and activities that affect science and technology; and international policies that affect international cooperation in science, investments in science and technology, trade patterns of technology dependent products, and intellectual property rights.

Proposals from organizations, including Federal agencies, for non-NSF funding of activities involving the use of the FFRDC, shall be subject to the prior written approval of NSF. Organizations will submit to NSF funding documents for interagency tasks. Projects shall not begin until NSF has approved the Task Order.

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(University of California), Berkeley, CA. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for multi-disciplinary research in the energy sciences, general sciences, biosciences and computational sciences.

(Its Website gives more details, including that it pursues basic and applied research that provides the foundation for advances in health, technology, economic competitiveness, and quality of life. The dedication of the Gammasphere detector and groundbreaking for the Human Genome Laboratory underscore the broad scope of Berkeley Lab's scientific endeavors.)

The Laboratory may perform work for other Federal and non-federal entities provided the work is consistent with, or complementary to, the missions of the facility, and provided the work does not place the facility in direct competition with the domestic private sector.

Note: The complete Contract is available on the Web.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
(Universities Research Association, Inc.), Batavia, IL. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

The conduct of basic research in the field of high energy physics and related disciplines involving fundamental studies and theoretical and experimental investigations which are of interest to the Department of Energy's programs.

Operation, maintenance, and upgrade of existing Laboratory facilities (including the accelerator complex, ancillary support facilities, and experimental areas) for basic research. This may also include the development of new experimental techniques, and the design, development, and fabrication of instruments, equipment, and facilities for carrying out such studies and investigations.

The contract also encourages the Laboratory to cooperate with academic and nonprofit research institutions. The contractor shall seek out opportunities to enhance technology transfer applications to support the nation's technological competitiveness. The contractor shall develop and implement initiatives, in concert with private industry, universities and other Federal agencies and laboratories, that apply the Laboratory's scientific and technical capabilities towards meeting national needs.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
(Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.), Idaho Falls, ID. Department of Energy.

INEEL's contract states:

The contractor shall be responsible for management of a broad spectrum of energy research and technology development programs. This shall be accomplished with special emphasis on collaboration with, and technology transfer to, the private sector through the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980.The focus of research, development, and demonstration programs conducted under this contract is applied engineering. A limited amount of basic research, particularly in fields which support the engineering sciences will also be accomplished.

Although non-nuclear research is the primary focus, the work scope also includes technology development in support of several nuclear areas in addition to the mainline nuclear power and materials production areas.

The Contractor will perform research and development activities for organizations outside the Department of Energy, including both private sector companies and other government agencies. The primary purpose of the Work for Others program is to make available the unique INEEL technologies, expertise, and facilities in which Federal funds have been invested. As approved by the Department of Energy, the contractor shall provide technology, materials, and services to other public agencies and the private sector to benefit programs of national significance.

Institute for Defense Analyses Communications and Computing FFRDC
(Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria, VA. Department of Defense, National Security Agency.

Its sponsoring agreement states:

The primary mission of IDA-C3I is the performance of applied research and development in the highly specialized fields of cryptomathematics, cryptocomputing, and related fields such as speech research and special signals processing techniques.

IDA will perform no work for private industry.

Institute for Defense Analyses Studies and Analyses FFRDC
(Institute for Defense Analyses), Alexandria, VA. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Its sponsoring agreement calls for IDA to promote the national security, the public welfare, and the advancement of scientific learning by making analyses, evaluations and reports, and to include examination of the relative effectiveness of alternative measures, on matters of interest to the United States Government with primary orientation toward matters of national security. The agreement also states that IDA will provide studies, analyses, computer software prototypes, simulations, analytical models, and other technical and analytical support useful for policy and program planning and management by its sponsors.

IDA will perform no work for private industry.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(California Institute of Technology), Pasadena, CA. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Its contract states:

JPL will serve as the principal NASA center for solar system exploration, and will have major responsibilities as well in support of NASA's applications, astrophysics, earth sciences, and such other high science value programs as may be established. Instrument observations from space vehicles will be a primary tool for such explorations, investigations and science programs, supported by ground-based research and laboratory experiments for such work.

JPL will undertake mission assignments that may involve: automatic deep-space and earth-orbiting spacecraft or major subsystems; experiments, instruments, or other devices which may be carried as payload on the space shuttle, in other spacecraft or in such missions managed by others; or ground-based systems. Implicit in mission assignments is a broad range of hardware and software engineering, scientific analysis, and management effort.

Work for non-NASA sponsors at JPL will be confined to work which can apply technology or abilities which were developed, used or acquired in the conduct of work by JPL for NASA or for others, or which are needed for future work for NASA.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(University of California), Livermore, CA. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

Assuring the safety, reliability, and performance of the national nuclear weapons stockpile pursuant to national security policy;

Providing stockpile support capabilities ranging from dismantling to remanufacturing of the enduring stockpile;

Assisting in the remediation and reduction of wastes from the nuclear weapons complex;

Helping to deter, detect, and respond to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

Contributing to civilian and industrial needs and other defense activities by using the scientific and technical expertise that derives from carrying out the Laboratory mission;

The advancement of science, mathematics, and engineering education;

Performance of technology transfer and work for others including programs designed to enhance national competitiveness in the global economy.

The Laboratory may perform work for other Federal and non-federal entities provided the work is consistent with, or complementary to, the missions of the facility, and provided the work does not place the facility in direct competition with the domestic private sector.

Its Website states:

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is committed to promoting partnerships with U.S. industry for at least two reasons. First, forming partnerships with industry and also universities is at times the most cost-effective way to fulfill the Laboratory's mission goals. Second, Lawrence Livermore has a responsibility to move appropriate technologies developed in the course of our mission work into the marketplace where the advances can have the maximum positive impact on the U.S. economy.

Note: The complete Contract is available on the Web.

Lincoln Laboratory
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lexington, MA. Department of Defense, Air Force.

Its contract states:

The mission of Lincoln Laboratory is to carry out a program of research and development pertinent to national defense with particular emphasis on advanced electronics.

The laboratory research and development programs extend from fundamental investigations in science through the development of new advanced technologies to the integration of these technologies into new or existing systems. Technology areas include solid state electronics; radar and optical sensors; signaling processing; surveillance; communications; spacecraft; analog and digital integrated circuit technology; air traffic control; signal intercept technology; high energy laser-beam control; laser devices; optics; antennas; electromagnetic propagation; and strategic and tactical systems and countermeasures.

The laboratory may work for non-DOD Federal agencies. The work is usually performed under the Air Force contract. Work for state and local government agencies, educational institutions, U.S. allies/foreign governments, and non-profit organizations may be performed under separate contract, grant, or agreement. Cooperative Research and Development Agreements may be made with the private sector.

Logistics Management Institute
(Logistics Management Institute), McLean, VA. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

LMI's primary function is to conduct objective and independent research, studies and analyses. LMI's focus will be on logistics, acquisition and related manpower policy and management issues; and national security matters in which logistics, acquisition and manpower elements are prominently involved.

LMI shall not compete with any non-FFRDC concern in response to any request for proposal issued by any Federal agency. However, LMI may compete for the formation and operation of an FFRDC, and LMI may compete with other FFRDCs for government work. Under certain conditions, LMI may perform work for non-DoD Federal agencies, foreign governments, and quasi-government organizations.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
(University of California), Los Alamos, NM. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

Assuring the safety, reliability, and performance of the national weapons stockpile pursuant to national security policy and Presidential and Congressional directives;

Providing stockpile support capabilities ranging from dismantling to remanufacturing of the enduring stockpile;

Ensuring the availability and safe disposition of plutonium, highly enriched uranium, and tritium;

Assisting in the remediation and reduction of wastes from the nuclear weapons complex;

Helping to deter, detect, and respond to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

Contributing to civilian and industrial needs and other defense activities by using the scientific and technical expertise that derives from carrying out the Laboratory mission;

The advancement of science, math and engineering education;

Performance of technology transfer and work for others including programs designed to enhance national competitiveness in the global economy; and

Management and operation of the Laboratory facilities and site.

The Laboratory may perform work for other Federal and non-federal entities provided the work is consistent with, or complementary to, the missions of the facility, and provided the work does not place the facility in direct competition with the domestic private sector.

Note: The complete Contract is available on the Web.

NCI Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
(Science Applications International Corp.; Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc.; Charles River Laboratories, Inc.; Data Management Services, Inc.), Frederick, MD. Department of Health and Human Services.

Its contract calls for scientific and technical support of NIH intramural programs and specific research support programs such as AIDS vaccine technology, clinical services, animal sciences, pathology/histotechnology, and the biomedical supercomputing center.

National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
(Cornell University), Arecibo, PR. National Science Foundation.

Its cooperative agreement calls for NAIC to conduct a broad program of research in astronomy, the atmospheric sciences, and related fields for its value and for the purpose of maintaining a staff that is scientifically productive and technically current, and to develop new techniques and instruments for astronomical and atmospheric observations and data processing, utilizing as appropriate the expertise in other institutions. NAIC will provide facilities, services and support to individual scientific investigators and research institutions.

The NAIC as an FFRDC shall not compete with any non-FFRDC concern in response to a Federal agency Request for Proposal (RFP) that would use NAIC personnel and facilities.

National Center for Atmospheric Research
(University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Boulder, CO. National Science Foundation.

Its cooperative agreement calls for NCAR to conduct, support, and stimulate research in the atmospheric sciences and related fields. NCAR will provide facilities to the research community, and develop educational and training programs in the atmospheric sciences in collaboration with academic institutions. NCAR will transfer developed technology to the U.S. Government and the private sector as appropriate.

National Defense Research Institute
(RAND Corp.), Santa Monica, CA. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

The agreement calls for NDRI to broadly support the analytical requirements of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, and the other Defense agencies. NDRI provides independent, objective findings and policy advice derived from research and analysis of national security problems. A wide range of research, studies and analysis are expected to be conducted in such areas as international security; acquisition and technology policy; and forces and resources policy.

Its sponsoring agreement precludes work with non-government entities.

National Optical Astronomy Observatories
(Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.), Tucson, AZ. National Science Foundation.

Its cooperative agreement calls for NOAO to provide facilities, services and support to individual scientific investigators and research institutions; conduct research in astronomy and related fields; provide scientific, technical and managerial leadership in the conduct of research and technical development programs in astronomy and related fields; and engage in educational and training programs as may be appropriate in strengthening of basic research and education in astronomy throughout the U.S. and its possessions.

National Radio Astronomy Observatory
(Associated Universities, Inc.), Green Bank, WV. National Science Foundation.

Its cooperative agreement calls for Associated Universities, Inc. to provide, scientific, managerial, and logistic support in the conduct of research programs in radio astronomy and related fields. The research shall be carried out by visiting scientific investigators and the staff of the Observatory. Associated Universities, Inc. will also maintain a broad base research program at the Observatory in order to promote advances in, and the utilization of, knowledge in astronomy.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(Midwest Research Institute), Golden, CO. Department of Energy.

Its contract states that NREL shall plan, analyze, conduct and manage research and development on technologies relating to the use of renewable energy resources, energy conservation, and energy storage, and areas of basic and applied science which support these technologies, which private industry cannot reasonably be expected to undertake. This work advances scientific understanding and establishes a sound technological base, enabling the private sector to make well-informed choices among technology options.

NREL shall conduct an active technology transfer effort to make the results of the Laboratory's research known and available to the private sector, and to encourage utilization by the private sector of research results.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
(Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Inc.), Oak Ridge, TN. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for ORISE to:

Encourage the development of programs of research and instruction in the energy and related fields by educational institutions in the United States, particularly by those in the southeastern region thereof.

Arrange and conduct health protection studies and biomedical and environmental research programs in such areas as radiation accident management and training, biochemistry, and immunology, radiation biology, toxicology, human reliability, industrial medicine, and other research as may be approved by the Department of Energy (DOE). Such programs may include but not be limited to:

Radiation accident management and training and operation of the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site (REAC/TS). Also the performance of autopsies, experimental pathology, and maintenance of radiation exposure registries.

Research on the biochemical, immunological and cytogenetic effects of energy related pollutants.

Comprehensive epidemiologic studies of DOE and DOE contractor employees whose occupations involve potential exposure to radiation or other toxic materials or other populations.

Other therapeutic and health studies related to energy systems and energy technologies.

Arrange, coordinate, and manage cooperative research programs jointly funded by the Department of Energy and universities or industry to provide opportunities for university faculty, students, and industrial researchers to conduct research at and with the unique scientific facilities of the Department of Energy or others.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.), Oak Ridge, TN. Department of Energy.

Its contract states that ORNL's activities are largely directed toward the following:

R&D in the physical and life sciences, energy and engineering technologies, computational sciences, and energy-related socio-economics;

production and/or distribution of radioisotopes, stable isotopes, transuranics, special nuclear and source materials, irradiation services, and other materials or products as the Department of Energy may authorize and direct;

development and operation of special research facilities, R&D partnerships, and certain educational functions related to the above-mentioned activities.

Technology transfer activities, shall be in support of the mission of ORNL and may include mechanisms such as Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, Direct Assistance Programs, User Agreements, User Facilities, and license agreements in which research and development resources are leveraged with private sector partners.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(Battelle Memorial Institute), Richland, WA. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

The conduct of basic research in the fields of energy and basic science involving fundamental studies and theoretical, computational, and experimental investigations which are of interest to Department of Energy (DOE)'s program(s). These studies will generally lie within, but not be limited to, the areas of physics, chemistry, meteorology, mathematics, metallurgy, materials, life sciences, health and safety, energy sciences, radiological sciences, the fundamentals of engineering science, and environmental science. They may also include the development of new experimental techniques and the design, development, and fabrication of instruments, equipment, and facilities for carrying out such studies and investigations.

The conduct of applied research, development, engineering, production support, and field program/project management which is of programmatic interest to DOE, including services to DOE, as requested, in the planning, evaluation, and execution of energy development programs, nuclear weapons, materials and related defense, and other activities considered to be within the mission to be carried out by the Contractor.

The conduct of demographic, environmental, institutional, legal, policy and socioeconomic research and studies to carry out this work.

At the direction or with the approval of DOE, the Contractor shall cooperate with industrial organizations to assist in increasing industrial competence in and contributions to applications of science and technology. Such cooperation may include an early transfer of information to industry.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
(Princeton University), Princeton, NJ. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for the contractor to manage and operate the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in a cost effective manner and perform research, development, demonstration, training, technology transfer, and education. The programs include: basic plasma physics and engineering research work; magnetic fusion energy research; energy and environmental technology; environmental management; protection of the worker, the public and the environment; technical evaluation; and science and mathematics education.

The basic objectives of the magnetic fusion energy research are the attainment and investigation of the properties of plasmas under conditions typical of fusion reactors, and the study of the physics of burning plasmas. Inherent in the pursuit of these objectives are both experimental and theoretical efforts aimed at scientific understanding of the underlying principles as well as engineering and technology development work required for solving design problems of experimental devices, including factors relating to safety and environmental acceptance of both near term experimental devices and future power plants.

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is to engage in technology transfer and cooperation with industrial organizations, and international collaboration.

Project Air Force
(RAND Corp.), Santa Monica, CA. Department of Defense, Air Force.

It shall perform a program of study and research on the broad subject of Aerospace Power with he object of recommending to the U.S. Air Force preferred methods, techniques, and instrumentalities for the development and employment of Aerospace Power. The mission of Project Air Force is to conduct a continuous interrelated program of objective analysis on major cross-cutting policy and management issues of concern to the Air Force.

Project Air Force should have the ability to address, through formal studies and analyses, a variety of potential problems affecting Air Force missions and organization, including threats, strategy, tactics, operations, technology, and resource management. Project Air Force conducts research in three broad interrelated research areas: Strategy, Doctrine, and Force Structure; Force Modernization and Employment; and Resource Management and Systems Acquisition.

Its sponsoring agreement precludes work with non-government entities.

Sandia National Laboratories
(Sandia Corporation which is a subsidiary of Martin Marietta, Inc.) Albuquerque, NM. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for Sandia to manage, operate, protect, sustain and enhance the Laboratory's ability to function as a U.S. Department of Energy Multi-Program Laboratory, while assuring accomplishment of its primary assignment as a nuclear weapons research, development and engineering laboratory.

The Contractor shall facilitate the Laboratory's ability to project its efforts and participate with the scientific, engineering, and technical communities on both the national and international levels with the highest degree of vision, quality, integrity and technical excellence.

Sandia lists on its Website a variety of partnership arrangements.

Savannah River Technology Center
(Westinghouse Savannah River Co.), Aiken, SC. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for:

Nuclear materials production. Management of defense nuclear materials production programs and operation, maintenance and upgrade of Savannah River Plant (SRP) facilities supporting such programs; management of programs and projects intended to expand, alter, enhance, or improve the production of defense nuclear materials and resulting facility needs.

Radioactive and nonradioactive waste management. Management of waste control and disposal programs and operation, maintenance and upgrade of SRP facilities supporting such programs; management of programs intended to reduce, control, store, treat, or dispose of waste, and closure of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act/Comprehensive Environmental Response, Conservation and Liability Act sites.

Naval fuel materials production. Production of fuel materials for U.S. Navy nuclear powered ships, using existing and new primary and supporting facilities. Process development and technical support for fuel materials production.

In order to ensure the full use of results of research and development efforts of, and the capabilities of, the Laboratory, technology transfer, including Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), is established as a mission of the Laboratory consistent with the policy, principles and purposes of Sections 11(a) (1) and 12 (g) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980.

Software Engineering Institute
(Carnegie Mellon University), Pittsburgh, PA. Department of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI's) Charter states that SEI shall provide the means and leadership to bring the ablest professional minds and the most effective technology to bear on rapid improvement of the quality of operational software in software intensive systems. The SEI shall accelerate the reduction to practice of modern software engineering technology and shall promulgate the use of this technology throughout the software community. The SEI shall foster standards of excellence for improving software engineering practice.

Its sponsoring agreement states that SEI may accept work from and agree to work with industry. The SEI will not engage in activities that do not support the mission and should not engage in activities that do not support its approved strategy without DOD's consent. Technical direction for work with other organizations will be accomplished by Technical Objectives & Plans which have been approved by the SEI Joint Program Office Site Director. The Director of the SEI may enter into CRADAs on behalf of the U.S. Government.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
(Leland Stanford, Jr., University), Stanford, CA. Department of Energy.

Its contract calls for the contractor to operate and maintain the National Facility and to program the research, development, engineering and tests in high energy physics and related disciplines.

The contractor may perform non-Department of Energy funded work for Federal agencies, Department of Energy (DOE) cost-type contractors and others, involving the use of DOE facilities and resource and use of SLAC staff, provided that the work is related to the mission of the contract.

Tax Systems Modernization Institute
(IIT Research Institute), Lanham, MD. Department of the Treasury.

Its mission is the elimination of, to the maximum extent possible, the paper intensive tax return processing system in the Service Centers particularly as it relates to the entry, storage, and retrieval of returns and return information. This will be accomplished through the use of image processing, storage, and retrieval technology and the expansion of electronic filing. The intended result will be an essentially paperless environment. Data will be captured and perfected either electronically or from return images which will also be stored indefinitely for retrieval by employees.

Its contract states that this FFRDC shall only perform work assigned by the IRS, and is prohibited from performing work for another Federal agency.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc.), Newport News, VA. Department of Energy.

The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator became operational and began collecting data in May 1996. At this time the name was changed from "Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility."

Its contract states that the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator is a laboratory for unclassified research established by the Department of Energy (DOE) as a User Facility providing a unique resource for the DOE Office of Energy Research’s scientific program and its related user community. In this regard, the primary research mission will be in nuclear physics.

The Contractor may, through the Laboratory, perform non-DOE activities which are consistent with and complementary to the DOE’s mission and the Laboratory’s mission under the contract, involving the use of Laboratory equipment, facilities or personnel.

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