smiling older couple
Living Long & Well in the 21st Century Strategic Directions for Research on Aging
Research Goals
A. Improve our understanding of healthy aging and disease and disability among older adults.
B. Continue to develop and disseminate information about interventions to reduce disease and disability and improve the health and quality of life of older adults.
C. Improve our understanding of and develop interventions to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias of aging, and the aging brain.
D. Improve our understanding of the consequences of an aging society and provide that information to inform intervention development and policy decisions.
E. Improve our ability to reduce health disparities and eliminate health inequities among older adults.
Infrastructure and Resource Goal
» F. Support the infrastructure and resources needed to promote high-quality research and communicate its results.
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grandfather and grandson outdoorsThe content of this document was developed under the guidance of staff in the NIA Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation who worked closely with the leadership of the Institute to identify and carefully articulate the present and future priorities and strategic directions of NIA. NIA staff in turn looked to members of the National Advisory Council on Aging, the NIA Board of Scientific Counselors, research and advocacy organizations, and the general public for input on the draft document. In response to a request for input to our draft strategic directions issued in June of 2007, we received suggestions from 47 individuals and groups. Each provided an important perspective, and several led us to further revise the document to make it more comprehensive. We recognize below those who contributed in various ways to the content, writing, design, and production of this document.

NIA Staff Contributors

  • Richard Hodes, Judy Salerno, and Kathie Reed provided leadership for development of the document.
  • Felipe Sierra, Richard Suzman, Marcelle Morrison-Bogorad, Evan Hadley, Michele Evans, Neil Buckholtz, Vicky Cahan, John Haaga, Taylor Harden, Ron Kohanski, Dan Longo, Andy Monjan, Winnie Rossi, and Molly Wagster provided scientific and technical review in consultation with their program staff members.
  • Kathie Reed, Jeannie Borger, Kate Nagy, Sam Speciale, Zita Givens, Loan Ta, Tamara Jones, and Ellen Silva did most of the writing and synthesis of the information along with editorial assistance from Kathy Sorrow of KLS Writing.
  • Karen Pocinki and Jeannie Borger coordinated the design and final production of the printed document.

National Advisory Council on Aging – 2007
Kenneth Brummel-Smith, John Cacioppo, Peggye Dilworth-Anderson, Carl Eisdorfer, Larry Friedman, Mary Ganguli, Alan Garber, Paul Greengard, Michal Jazwinski, Sundeep Khosla, Virginia Lee, Terry Mills, John Morris, Orien Reid, Gary Ruvkun, Gerald Schatten, Albert Siu, Mary Tinetti.

NIA Board of Scientific Counselors – 2007
Lisa Berkman, Karen Ashe, Avery August, Barbara Bierer, Rafael Lantigua, Gordon Lithgow, Ron Petersen, Arlan Richardson, David Siscovick, Rudolph Tanzi, Keith Whitfield, Ellen Wijsman.

older woman playing bocceMembers of Our Research and Advocacy Communities
Individuals with the following organizations responded to our invitation to provide input to the NIA Strategic Directions during May and June of 2007: Alliance for Aging Research. Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias Registry, New York State Department of Health. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. American Heart Association. American Psychological Association. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs. Colorado State University. Directors of the NIA P30 Demography of Aging Centers. Harvard Medical School. Institute for Health Research - Kaiser Permanente. Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research. Johns Hopkins University. National Association of Social Workers. National Sleep Foundation. Oregon Health and Science University. Orthopaedic Research Society. Population Association of America and the Association of Population Centers. Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Saginaw Valley State University. School of Medicine - Virginia Commonwealth University. Sleep Research Society. Society of Clinical Geropsychology. Stanford University. The American Geriatrics Society. The American Society of Hematology. University of California. University of California - Davis. University of California - San Francisco. University of Illinois at Chicago. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. University of Massachusetts. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. University of Pittsburgh. University of Rochester Medical Center. University of Southern California. University of Washington. Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System. West Virginia University. Western Suffolk/Eastern Nassau Counties, Long Island, New York, Assisted Living Communities. Yale University.

Kim Pollock, Jeffrey Dever, Dever Designs

Project Coordinator
David M. Burton, JBS International, Inc.

scientist adjusting lab equipmentPhotography
Cover, top, photographs 1 and 3; page 4, bottom; inside front cover; inside back cover; page 22; page 24, top – courtesy of Stacy Jannis
Cover, top, photograph 2; page 14, bottom – courtesy of J. Bone Miner. Res., 1986; 1:16-21 with permission from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, from the National Institute on Aging: Aging Under the Microscope, A Biological Quest
Cover, top, photograph 4; page i, left; page 4, top; inside back cover, bottom; page 30, top – DigitalVision
Cover, top, photograph 5; page i, right; page 7, right; pages 8-9, page 14, top; page 33; page 36, top – courtesy of Marty Katz
Cover, middle; page 19 – ThinkStock
Cover, lower right; page 44 – Dynamic Graphics, with scans on screen courtesy of William Jagust, M.D., University of California, Berkeley, from the National Institute on Aging: Progress Report on Alzheimer’s Disease 2005-2006
Cover, background; page ii; page iii; back cover – courtesy of Dr. David Teplow, Harvard Medical School, from the National Institute on Aging: Progress Report on Alzheimer’s Disease 2003
Inside front cover, left; page iv, top; page iv, bottom; inside back cover, center right – Blue Moon
Inside front cover, top; inside back cover, top left – Photo Researchers Inc.
Inside front cover, center right; pages 2-3; page 22, top; page 26; page 47; inside back cover, center left – PhotoDisc
Inside front cover, bottom; page 40 – Getty Images
Page 7, left; page 24, bottom – courtesy of Christy Krames
Page 10 –
Page 12; page 46 – courtesy of David M. Burton
Page 28; back cover, left – courtesy of National Institutes of Health
Page 29 – courtesy of Rick Brady
Page 30, bottom; page 34 – courtesy of Levine and Associates, from the National Institute on Aging: Why Population Aging Matters, A Global Perspective
Page 36, bottom – courtesy of Levine and Associates, from the National Institute on Aging: Aging Hearts and Arteries, A Scientific Quest
Page 44, bottom – courtesy of Dr. Minoru Ko, Laboratory of Genetics, National Institute on Aging, from: Aging Under the Microscope, A Biological Quest

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Page last updated Apr 30, 2008