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Person Details

Superfund Basic Research Program

Martyn T. Smith

University of California-Berkeley
Environmental Health Sciences Division
School of Public Health
50 University Hall # 7356
Berkeley, CA 94720-7356
Phone: 510-642-8770
Fax: 510-642-0427


Research Briefs


  • Galvan, N., S. Lim, S. Zmugg, Martyn T. Smith, and Luoping Zhang. 2008. Depletion of WRN enhances DNA damage in HeLa cells exposed to the benzene metabolite, hydroquinone. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 649:54-61.
  • Escobar, P.A., Martyn T. Smith, A. Vasishta, Alan E. Hubbard, and L. Zhang. 2007. Leukaemia-specific chromosome damage detected by comet with fluorescence in situ hybridization (comet-FISH). Mutagenesis. 22(5):321-327.
  • Hegedus, Christine M., Chistine F. Skibola, P.M. Bracci, E.A. Holly, and Martyn T. Smith. 2007. Screening the human serum proteome for genotype-phenotype associations: Analysis of the IL6 -174G>C polymorphism. Proteomics. 7(4):548-557.
  • Kim, Sungkyoon, Qing Lan, Suramya Waidyanatha, Stephen Chanock, Brent A. Johnson, Roel Vermeulen, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Guilan Li, Min Shen, Songnian Yin, Nathaniel Rothman, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2007. Genetic polymorphisms and benzene metabolism in humans exposed to a wide range of air concentrations. Pharmacogenetics And Genomics. 17(10):789-801.
  • Lin, Yu-Sheng, Roel Vermeulen, Chin H. Tsai, Suramya Waidyanatha, Qing Lan, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Min Shen, Guilan Li, Songnian Yin, Sungkyoon Kim, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2007. Albumin adducts of electrophilic benzene metabolites in benzene-exposed and control workers. Environmental Health Perspectives. 115(1):28-34.
  • McHale, Cliona M., Luoping Zhang, Alan E. Hubbard, Xin Zhao, Andrea Baccarelli, Angela C. Pesatori, Martyn T. Smith, and Maria Teresa Landi. 2007. Microarray analysis of gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from dioxin-exposed human subjects. Toxicology. ( 0300483X) Exit NIEHS Website 229:101-113.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and P. Hartge. 2007. Environmental and behavioral factors and the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 16(3):367-8.
  • Smith, Martyn T., R.M. Jones, and Allan H. Smith. 2007. Benzene exposure and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 16:385-91.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Guilan Li, Weihong Guo, Wei Yang, Alan E. Hubbard, Richard B. Hayes, Songnian Yin, Wei Lu, and Martyn T. Smith. 2007. Aberrations in chromosomes associated with lymphoma and therapy-related leukemia in benzene-exposed workers. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 48(6):467-74.
  • Aldrich, Melinda C., Luoping Zhang, Joseph L. Wiemels, Xiaomei Ma, Mignon L. Loh, Catherine Metayer, Steve Selvin, James Feusner, Martyn T. Smith, and Patricia A. Buffler. 2006. Cytogenetics of hispanic and white children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in california. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 15(3):578-581.
  • Birkner, Merrill D., Alan E. Hubbard, Mark J. van der Laan, Chistine F. Skibola, Christine M. Hegedus, and Martyn T. Smith. 2006. Issues of processing and multiple testing of SELDI-TOF MS proteomic data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 5(1):Article11.
  • Kim, Sungkyoon, Roel Vermeulen, Suramya Waidyanatha, Brent A. Johnson, Qing Lan, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Guilan Li, Min Shen, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2006. Using urinary biomarkers to elucidate dose-related patterns of human benzene metabolism. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 27(4):772-81.
  • Kim, Sungkyoon, Roel Vermeulen, Suramya Waidyanatha, Brent A. Johnson, Qing Lan, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Guilan Li, Min Shen, Songnian Yin, Nathaniel Rothman, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2006. Modeling human metabolism of benzene following occupational and environmental exposures. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 15(11):2246-52.
  • Paynter, Randi A., Danica R. Skibola, Chistine F. Skibola, Patricia A. Buffler, Joseph L. Wiemels, and Martyn T. Smith. 2006. Accuracy of Multiplexed Illumina Platform-Based Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Genotyping Compared between genomic and whole genome amplified DNA collected from multiple sources. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 15(12):2533-2536.
  • Shen, Min, Qing Lan, Luoping Zhang, Stephen Chanock, Guilan Li, Roel Vermeulen, Stephen M. Rappaport, Weihong Guo, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Songnian Yin, Meredith Yeager, Robert Welch, Matthew S. Forrest, Nathaniel Rothman, and Martyn T. Smith. 2006. Polymorphisms in genes involved in DNA double-strand break repair pathway and susceptibility to benzene-induced hematotoxicity. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 27(10):2083-9.
  • Vermeulen, Roel, Qing Lan, Guilan Li, Stephen M. Rappaport, Sungkyoon Kim, Berna van Wendel de Joode, Min Shen, Xu Bohong, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, and G. Rothman. 2006. Assessment of dermal exposure to benzene and toluene in shoe manufacturing by activated carbon cloth patches. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. ( ex.asp) Exit NIEHS Website 8(11):1143-8.
  • Lan, Qing, Luoping Zhang, Fran Hakim, Min Shen, Sarfraz Memon, Guilan Li, Roel Vermeulen, Martyn T. Smith, Stephen M. Rappaport, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Songnian Yin, Nathaniel Rothman, and Charles S. Rabkin. 2005. Lymphocyte toxicity and T cell receptor excision circles in workers exposed to benzene. Chemico-Biological Interactions. ( 00092797) Exit NIEHS Website 153-154:111-115.
  • Lan, Qing, Luoping Zhang, Min Shen, Martyn T. Smith, Guilan Li, Roel Vermeulen, Stephen M. Rappaport, Matthew S. Forrest, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Mustafa Dosemeci, Blanche P. Alter, Rona S. Weinberg, Songnian Yin, Meredith Yeager, Robert Welch, Suramya Waidyanatha, Sungkyoon Kim, Stephen Chanock, and Nathaniel Rothman. 2005. Polymorphisms in Cytokine and Cellular Adhesion Molecule Genes and Susceptibility to Hematotoxicity among Workers Exposed to Benzene. Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 65(20):9574-9581.
  • Rappaport, Stephen M., Suramya Waidyanatha, Karen Yeowell-O'Connell, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Qingshan Qu, Roy Shore, Gui-Lan Li, and Songnian Yin. 2005. Protein adducts as biomarkers of human benzene metabolism. Chemico-Biological Interactions. ( 00092797) Exit NIEHS Website 153-154:103-109.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Cliona M. McHale, Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, John K. Wiencke, Shichun Zheng, Laura Gunn, Chistine F. Skibola, Xiaomei Ma, and Patricia A. Buffler. 2005. Molecular biomarkers for the study of childhood leukemia. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 206(2):237-245.
  • Wiemels, Joseph L., Youbo Zhang, Jian Chang, Shichun Zheng, Catherine Metayer, Luoping Zhang, Martyn T. Smith, Xiaomei Ma, Steve Selvin, Patricia A. Buffler, and John K. Wiencke. 2005. RAS mutation is associated with hyperdiploidy and parental characteristics in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 19(3):415-419.
  • Lan, Qing, Luoping Zhang, Gui-Lan Li, Roel Vermeulen, Rona S. Weinberg, Mustafa Dosemeci, Stephen M. Rappaport, Min Shen, Blanche P. Alter, Yongji Wu, William Kopp, Suramya Waidyanatha, Charles S. Rabkin, Weihong Guo, Stephen Chanock, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Sungkyoon Kim, Songnian Yin, Nathaniel Rothman, and Martyn T. Smith. 2004. Hematotoxicity in Workers Exposed to Low Levels of Benzene. Science. ( Exit NIEHS Website 306(5702):1774-1776.
  • McHale, Cliona M. and Martyn T. Smith. 2004. Prenatal origin of chromosomal translocations in acute childhood leukemia: Implications and future directions. American Journal of Hematology. 75(4):254-257.
  • Toraason, Mark, Richard Albertini, Steven Baynard, William Bigbee, Aaron Blair, Paolo Boffetta, Stefano Bonassi, Stephen Chanock, David C. Christiani, David A. Eastmond, Samuel Hanash, Carol Henry, Fred F. Kadlubar, Frank Mirer, Daniel W. Nebert, Stephen M. Rappaport, Kathleen Rest, Nathaniel Rothman, Avima Ruder, Russell Savage, Paul Schulte, Jack Siemiatycki, Peter Shields, Martyn T. Smith, Paige E. Tolbert, Roel Vermeulen, Paolo Vineis, Sholom Wacholder, Elizabeth Ward, and Michael Waters. 2004. Applying new biotechnologies to the study of occupational cancer - A workshop summary. Environmental Health Perspectives. 112(4):413-416.
  • Vermeulen, Roel, Guilan Li, Qing Lan, Mustafa Dosemeci, Stephen M. Rappaport, Xu Bohong, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Ruidong Mu, Lan Wang, Jianing Xu, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 2004. Detailed Exposure Assessment for a Molecular Epidemiology Study of Benzene in Two Shoe Factories in China. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. ( 00034878) Exit NIEHS Website 48(2):105-116.
  • Vermeulen, Roel, Guilan Li, Qing Lan, Mustafa Dosemeci, Stephen M. Rappaport, Xu Bohong, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Richard B. Hayes, Martha S. Linet, Ruidong Mu, Lan Wang, Jianing Xu, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 2004. Detailed exposure assessment for a molecular epidemiology study of benzene in two shoe factories in China. Annals of Occupational Hygiene. ( 00034878) Exit NIEHS Website 48(2):105-116.
  • Waidyanatha, Suramya, Nathaniel Rothman, Gui-Lan Li, Martyn T. Smith, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2004. Rapid determination of six urinary benzene metabolites in occupationally exposed and unexposed subjects. Analytical Biochemistry. ( 00032697) Exit NIEHS Website 327(2):184-199.
  • Waidyanatha, Suramya, Nathaniel Rothman, Guilan Li, Martyn T. Smith, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2004. Rapid determination of six urinary benzene metabolites in occupationally exposed and unexposed subjects. Analytical Biochemistry. ( 00032697) Exit NIEHS Website 327(2):184-199.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Richard B. Hayes, Weihong Guo, Cliona M. McHale, Songnian Yin, John K. Wiencke, J. Patrick O'Neill, Nathaniel Rothman, Gui-Lan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 2004. Lack of increased genetic damage in 1,3-butadiene-exposed Chinese workers studied in relation to EPHX1 and GST genotypes. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 558(1-2):63-74.
  • Zheng, Shichun, Xiaomei Ma, Luoping Zhang, Laura Gunn, Martyn T. Smith, Joseph L. Wiemels, Kenneth Leung, Patricia A. Buffler, and John K. Wiencke. 2004. Hypermethylation of the 5 ' CpG island of the FHIT gene is associated with hyperdiploid and translocation-negative subtypes of pediatric leukemia. Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 64(6):2000-2006.
  • Albertini, Richard, Harvey Clewell, Matthew W. Himmelstein, Eric J. Morinello, Stephen Olin, Julian Preston, Louis Scarano, Martyn T. Smith, James A. Swenberg, Raymond R. Tice, and Curtis Travis. 2003. The use of non-tumor data in cancer risk assessment: reflections on butadiene, vinyl chloride, and benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 37(1):105-132.
  • Albertini, Richard, Harvey Clewell, Matthew W. Himmelstein, Eric J. Morinello, Stephen Olin, Julian Preston, Louis Scarano, Martyn T. Smith, James A. Swenberg, Raymond R. Tice, and Curtis Travis. 2003. The use of non-tumor data in cancer risk assessment: reflections on butadiene, vinyl chloride, and benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 37(1):105-132.
  • Curry, John D. and Martyn T. Smith. 2003. Measurement of SIL-TAL1 fusion gene transcripts associated with human T-cell lymphocytic leukemia by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR. Leukemia Research. ( 01452126) Exit NIEHS Website 27(7):575-582.
  • Escobar, P.A., Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 2003. Chemically induced damage to specific regions of DNA detected by cometfish. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 41(3):174.
  • Holland, Nina T., Martyn T. Smith, Brenda Eskenazi, and B. Bastaki. 2003. Challenges of biological sample collection and processing for large epidemiological projects. Mutation Research Reviews. 7702:1-18.
  • Holland, Nina T., Martyn T. Smith, Brenda Eskenazi, and Maria Bastaki. 2003. Biological sample collection and processing for molecular epidemiological studies. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 543(3):217-234.
  • McHale, Cliona M., Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, Xiaomei Ma, Patricia A. Buffler, James Feusner, Katherine K. Matthay, Gary Dahl, and Martyn T. Smith. 2003. Prenatal origin of childhood acute myeloid leukemias harboring chromosomal rearrangements t(15;17) and inv(16). Blood. ( Exit NIEHS Website 101(11):4640-4641.
  • McHale, Cliona M., Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, Xiaomei Ma, Patricia A. Buffler, Weihong Guo, Mignon L. Loh, and Martyn T. Smith. 2003. Prenatal origin of TEL-AML1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children born in California. Genes Chromosomes and Cancer. ( ome/38250) Exit NIEHS Website 37(1):36-43.
  • Smith, Martyn T., John K. Wiencke, Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, Xiaomei Ma, Cliona M. McHale, and Patricia A. Buffler. 2003. Molecular epidemiology of childhood leukemia. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 41(3):206.
  • Wiencke, John K., Shichun Zheng, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, Xiaomei Ma, Joseph L. Wiemels, C. Marsit, Karl T. Kelsey, and Patricia A. Buffler. 2003. Methylation of transcribed PTEN pseudogene in pediatric leukemia is associated with subtypes of common ALL containing t(12;21) translocation. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Fourth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, July 11-14, 2003, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Shichun Zheng, Xiaomei Ma, Joseph L. Wiemels, Patricia A. Buffler, Martyn T. Smith, and John K. Wiencke. 2003. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and its relation to FHIT gene methylation. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 41(3):215.
  • Zheng, Shichun, Xiaomei Ma, Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, Laura Gunn, Martyn T. Smith, Patricia A. Buffler, and John K. Wiencke. 2003. Hypermethylation of the 5'CpG island of the FHIT gene is associated with hyperdiploid and translocation negative subtypes of pediatric leukemia. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Fourth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, July 11-14, 2003, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA.
  • Allan, J.M., C.P. Wild, Sara Rollinson, P.L. Roddam, A.M. Dring, R. Dasgupta, K. Sibley, L. Worrilow, E.V. Willet, Graham R. Law, Eve Roman, G.J. Dovey, Raymond A. Cartwright, E. Holowaty, B. Kohler, Wiklund, E. Pukkala, Martyn T. Smith, Lois B. Travis, and Gareth J. Morgan. 2002. Genetic polymophisms in DNA repair and cell cycle regulatory genes are associated with susceptibility to therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.4213.
  • Curry, John D., Cliona M. McHale, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Low Efficiency of the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase During Reverse Transcription of Rare t(8;21) Fusion Gene Transcripts. Biotechniques. ( Exit NIEHS Website 32(4):768-775.
  • Gunn, Laura, Matthew S. Forrest, Luoping Zhang, Nina T. Holland, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Biomarkers of early effect in the study of cancer risk. Chapter 22 in: Biomarkers of Environmentally Associated Disease: Technologies, Concepts, and Perspectives ( /1566705967/qid=1125592445/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/ 102-5267823-2464935?v=glance&s=books) Exit NIEHS Website. CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, FL. pp.319.
  • Guo, Weihong, Luoping Zhang, Wei Yang, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Chromosomal aneuploidy detected at different stages of cervical cancer using interphase cytongenetics. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.3698.
  • Holland, Nina T., Paurene Duramad, Nathaniel Rothman, Larry W. Figgs, Aaron Blair, Alan E. Hubbard, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Micronucleus frequency and proliferation in human lymphocytes after exposure to herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in vitro and in vivo. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 521(1-2):165-78.
  • Ma, Xiaomei, Patricia A. Buffler, Robert B. Gunier, Gary Dahl, Martyn T. Smith, Kyndaron Reinier, and Peggy Reynolds. 2002. Critical windows of exposure to household pesticides and risk of childhood leukemia. Environmental Health Perspectives. 110(9):955-960.
  • McHale, Cliona M., Joseph L. Wiemels, Luoping Zhang, Xiaomei Ma, Patricia A. Buffler, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Prenatal origin of TEL-AML positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children born in California. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.4566.
  • Morgan, Gareth J. and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Metabolic Enzyme Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Acute Leukemia in Adults. American Journal of PharmacoGenomics. (;jse ssionid=H8mH1v2XJhzJvXJCS5nkxvw0hhqfBVGdPkvHJ h3stm5y7psmL74B!-809317659!181195629!8091!-1) Exit NIEHS Website 2(2):79-92.
  • Rappaport, Stephen M., Karen Yeowell-O'Connell, Martyn T. Smith, Mustafa Dosemeci, Richard B. Hayes, Luoping Zhang, Gui-Lan Li, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 2002. Non-linear production of benzene oxide-albumin adducts with human exposure to benzene. Journal of Chromatography A. ( 00219673) Exit NIEHS Website 778:367-374.
  • Rollinson, Sara, J.M. Allan, Graham R. Law, P.L. Roddam, A.G. Smith, R. Higuchi, S. Germer, Eve Roman, Martyn T. Smith, and Gareth J. Morgan. 2002. Polymorphic variants of DNA repair and cell cycle genes associated with acute myeloid leukemia identified by genotyping DNA pools. In: COMPSTAT 2002, Proceedings in Computational Staistics. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. pp.5048.
  • Skibola, Chistine F., Martyn T. Smith, Alan E. Hubbard, Barry Shane, Abby C. Roberts, Graham R. Law, Sara Rollinson, Eve Roman, Raymond A. Cartwright, and Gareth J. Morgan. 2002. Polymorphisms in the thymidylate synthase and serine hydroxymethyltransferase genes and risk of adult acute lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. ( Exit NIEHS Website 99(10):3786-3791.
  • Skibola, Chistine F., Martyn T. Smith, Alan E. Hubbard, Barry Shane, Abby C. Roberts, Graham R. Law, Sara Rollinson, Eve Roman, Raymond A. Cartwright, and Gareth J. Morgan. 2002. Polymorphisms in the thymidylate synthase and serine hydroxymethyltransferase genes increase the risk of adult acute leukemia. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.3807.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Martha S. Linet, and Gareth J. Morgan. 2002. Causative agents in the etiology of myelodysplastic syndromes and the acute myeloid leukemias. Chapter 3 in: The Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Pathobiology and Clinical Management. Dekker Press, New York, NY. pp.29.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Yunxia Wang, Chistine F. Skibola, Diana J. Slater, Luca Lo Nigro, Peter C. Nowell, Beverly J. Lange, and Carolyn A. Felix. 2002. Low NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) activity is associated with increased risk of leukemia with MLL translocations in infants and children. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.3805.
  • Wiemels, Joseph L., Brian C. Leonard, Yunxia Wang, Mark R. Segal, Stephen P. Hunger, Martyn T. Smith, Vonda Crouse, Xiaomei Ma, Patricia A. Buffler, and Sharon R. Pine. 2002. Site-specific translocation and evidence of postnatal origin of the t(1;19) E2A-PBX1 fusion in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). ( Exit NIEHS Website 99(23):15101-15106.
  • Wiemels, Joseph L., Zhijian Xiao, Patricia A. Buffler, Ana T. Maia, Xiaomei Ma, Brian M. Dicks, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, James Feusner, John K. Wiencke, Kathy Pritchard-Jones, Helena Kempski, and Mel F. Greaves. 2002. In utero origin of t(8;21) AML1-ETO translocations in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.4567.
  • Wiemels, Joseph L., Zhijian Xiao, Patricia A. Buffler, Ana T. Maia, Xiaomei Ma, Brian M. Dicks, Martyn T. Smith, Luoping Zhang, James Feusner, John K. Wiencke, Kathy Pritchard-Jones, Helena Kempski, and Mel F. Greaves. 2002. In utero origin of t(8;21)AML1-ETO translocations in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Blood. ( Exit NIEHS Website 99(10):3801-3805.
  • Yang, Wei, Luoping Zhang, Alan E. Hubbard, Yunxia Wang, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Non-random chromosome damage may be important in chemical carinogenesis. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.3451.
  • Zhang, Luoping, David A. Eastmond, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. The nature of chromosomal aberrations detected in humans exposed to benzene. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. ( 10408444) Exit NIEHS Website 32(1):1-42.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Weihong Guo, Nathaniel Rothman, Qing Lan, Wei Yang, C. Lo, Gui-Lan Li, R.I. Turakulov, Songnian Yin, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Application of OctoChrome FISH device to detect leukemia and lymphoma specific chromosome aberrations in molecular epidemiology and toxicology. In: Proceedings of the Ninety Third (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, April 6-10, 2002, San Francisco. San Franciso, CA. pp.3810.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Wei Yang, Alan E. Hubbard, Yunxia Wang, and Martyn T. Smith. 2002. Is chromosomal aneuploidy induced by benzene metabolites random or selective?. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 39(Suppl33):230.
  • Curry, John D., Mathew C. Glaser, and Martyn T. Smith. 2001. Real-Time RT-PCR Detection and Quantification of t(1;19)(E2A-PBX1) Fusion Genes Associated with Leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology. ( p?ref=0007-1048) Exit NIEHS Website 115(4):826-830.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 2001. Chromosome damage from biological reactive intermediates of benzene and 1,3-butadiene in leukemia. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 500:279-287.
  • Waidyanatha, Suramya, Nathaniel Rothman, Silvia Fustinoni, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, William E. Bechtold, Mustafa Dosemeci, Gui-Lan Li, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2001. Urinary benzene as a biomarker of exposure among occupationally exposed and unexposed subjects. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 22:279-286.
  • Xiao, Zhijian, Mel F. Greaves, Patricia A. Buffler, Martyn T. Smith, Mark R. Segal, Brian M. Dicks, John K. Wiencke, and Joseph L. Wiemels. 2001. Molecular characterization of genomic AML1-ETO fusions in childhood leukemia. Leukemia. 15:1906-1913.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Suramya Waidyanatha, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Gui-Lan Li, William E. Bechtold, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 2001. Protein adducts of 1,4-benzoquinone and benzene oxide among smokers and nonsmokers exposed to benzene in China. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 10:831-838.
  • Zheng, Shichun, Xiaomei Ma, Patricia A. Buffler, Martyn T. Smith, and John K. Wiencke. 2001. Whole genome amplification increases the efficiency and validity of buccal cell genotyping in pediatric populations. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 10:697-700.
  • Hayes, Richard B., Songnian Yin, Nathaniel Rothman, Mustafa Dosemeci, Gui-Lan Li, Lois B. Travis, Martyn T. Smith, and Martha S. Linet. 2000. Benzene and lymphohematopoietic malignancies in China. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. ( 94.html) Exit NIEHS Website 61(5-6):419-432.
  • Hayes, Richard B., Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, James A. Swenberg, Li-qiang Xi, John K. Wiencke, William E. Bechtold, M. Yao, Nathaniel Rothman, Robert Haas, J. Patrick O'Neill, D. Zhang, Joseph L. Wiemels, Mustafa Dosemeci, Gui-Lan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 2000. Genotoxic markers among butadiene-polymer workers in China. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 21(1):55-62.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Nathaniel Rothman. 2000. Biomarkers in the molecular epidemiology of benzene-exposed workers. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. ( 94.html) Exit NIEHS Website 61(5-6):439-445.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Michael Jeng, Yunxia Wang, Weihong Guo, Paurene Duramad, Alan E. Hubbard, Guenther Hofstadler, and Nina T. Holland. 2000. Hydroquinone, a benzene metabolite, increases the level of aneusomy of chromosomes 7 and 8 in human CD34-positive blood progenitor cells. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 41:Abstract621.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Michael Jeng, Yunxia Wang, Weihong Guo, Paurene Duramad, Alan E. Hubbard, Guenther Hofstadler, and Nina T. Holland. 2000. Hydroquinone, a benzene metabolite, increases the level of aneusomy of chromosomes 7 and 8 in human CD34-positive blood progenitor cells. Cancer Biology. 21(8):1485-1490.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Weihong Guo, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Songnian Yin, and Martyn T. Smith. 2000. Spectrum of chromosomal changes detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in workers exposed to benzene. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 41:Abstract2777.
  • Holland, Nina T., Thomas Ahlborn, Kenneth W. Turteltaub, C. Markee, Dan H. Moore, Andrew J. Wyrobek, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Acrylamide causes preimplantation abnormalities in embryos and induces chromatin-adducts in male germ cells of mice. Reproductive Toxicology. ( 08906238) Exit NIEHS Website 13(3):167-178.
  • Holland, Nina T., Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Cytogenetic biomarkers and air pollution. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Inhalation Symposium, 1999. Hanover, Germany.
  • Liu, Youchin, Michael Jeng, B. Lubin, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Large quantitative variation in V(D)J recombination error among children. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.477.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Sharan Campleman, Richard B. Hayes, Betty-Anne Hoener, Songnian Yin, Mustafa Dosemeci, Kathleen B. Meyer, Gui-Lan Li, Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. High CYP2E1 activity is a risk factor for benzene poisoning. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.282.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Robert D. Traver, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Sharan Campleman, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Martha S. Linet, Sholom Wacholder, Songnian Yin, and David Ross. 1999. Lack of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase activity (NQ01) is associated with increased risk of benzene hematotoxicity. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.258.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 1999. Benzene, NQO1, and genetic susceptibility to cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). ( Exit NIEHS Website 96(14):7624-7626.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Yunxia Wang, Guilan Li, Richard B. Hayes, Prema Kolachana, Mustafa Dosemeci, Nina T. Holland, Li-qiang Xi, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 1999. Translocations between chromosome 8 and 21 in workers exposed to benzene. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999.
  • Traver, Robert D., Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Songnian Yin, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, W.F. Franklin, and David Ross. 1999. Incidence of a polymorphism in NAD(P)H: Quinone Oxidoreductase (NQO1). In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.278.
  • Wiemels, Joseph L., John K. Wiencke, Andrea Varkonyi, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Modulation of toxicity and macromolecular binding of benzene metabolites by NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase in transfected HL-60 cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology. ( l) Exit NIEHS Website 12:467-475.
  • Xi, Li-qiang, Luoping Zhang, Yunxia Wang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Induction of chromosome-specific aneusomy and micronuclei in human lymphocytes by metabolites of 1, 3-butadiene. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, William E. Bechtold, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 1999. Hemoglobin adducts of benzene oxide in workers exposed to high levels of benzene in China. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.251.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Suramya Waidyanatha, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, William E. Bechtold, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 1999. Albumin adducts of benzene oxide, 1, 2- and 1, 4 benzoquinones in benzene exposed workers. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.477.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Guilan Li, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Weihong Guo, Wei Lu, D. Zhang, Songnian Yin, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Molecular cytogenetics of humans exposed to benzene and 1,3-butadiene. In: Proceedings of the 1999 HEI (The Health Effects Institute ) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Mustafa Dosemeci, Songnian Yin, Prema Kolachana, Nina Titenko-Holland, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Benzene exposure is associated with increased aneusomy and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in Chinese workers. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.628.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Songnian Yin, Guilan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Aneuploidy of chromosomes 7, 8 and 9 detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in workers exposed to benzene. In: Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1999. pp.112.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Songnian Yin, Nina Titenko-Holland, Mustafa Dosemeci, Yao-Zhu Wang, Prema Kolachana, Wei Lu, Li-qiang Xi, Gui-Lan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Benzene increases aneuploidy in the lymphocytes of exposed workers: A comparison of data obtained by fluorescence in situ hybridization in interphase and metaphase cells. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 34:260-268.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Yunxia Wang, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1999. Differential chromosome sensitivity to aneuploidy induced by benzene and its metabolites. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website Abstract3365.
  • Holland, Nina T., Robert A. Jacob, Nong Shang, A. Balaraman, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Micronuclei in lymphocytes and exfoliated buccal cells of postmenopausal women with dietary changes in folate. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 417(2-3):101-114.
  • Jeng, Michael, Nina T. Holland, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. A comparison of cytogenetic damage in human hematopoietic CD34+ progenitor cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Blood. ( Exit NIEHS Website 92(10,supp.1):
  • Liu, Youchin, Michael Jeng, B. Lubin, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Large quantitative variation in V(D)J recombination error among children. Chapter 39in: Proceedings of the Eighty Nineth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, March 28th-April 1st, 1998. New Oreleans, LA. pp.477Abstract.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, William E. Bechtold, Songnian Yin, Mustafa Dosemeci, Guilan Li, Yao-Zhu Wang, W.C. Griffith, Martyn T. Smith, and Richard B. Hayes. 1998. Urinary excretion of phenol, catechol, hydroquinone, and muconic acid by workers occupationally exposed to benzene. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 55(10):705-711.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 1998. Genetic Susceptibility and Risk Factors for Leukemia. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. ( Exit NIEHS Website 16:149-187.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Nathaniel Rothman. 1998. Biomarkers of leukemia risk from benzene. In: Biomarkers: Medical and Workplace Applications ( /0309064228/qid=1125592753/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/ 102-5267823-2464935?v=glance&s=books) Exit NIEHS Website. Joseph Henry Press, Washington, DC. pp.355-374.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Luoping Zhang. 1998. Biomarkers of Leukemia Risk: Benzene as a Model. Environmental Health Perspectives. 106(4):937-946.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Nathaniel Rothman, and Songnian Yin. 1998. Biomarkers in the molecular epidemiology of benzene exposed workers. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 31(29):24.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Joseph L. Wiemels, Mustafa Dosemeci, Nina T. Holland, Li-qiang Xi, Prema Kolachana, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 1998. Increased translocations and aneusomy in Chromosomes 8 and 21 Among Workers Exposed to Benzene. Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 58(10):2176-2181.
  • Titenko-Holland, Nina, Thomas Ahlborn, Xiu Lowe, Nong Shang, Martyn T. Smith, and Andrew J. Wyrobek. 1998. Micronucleal and developmental abnormalities in 4-day mouse embryos after paternal treatment with acrylamide. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 31(3):206-217.
  • Titenko-Holland, Nina, Jianhua Shao, Luoping Zhang, Li-qiang Xi, Hailong Ngo, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Studies on the genotoxicity of molybdenum salts in human cells in vitro and in mice in vivo. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 32(3):251-259.
  • Titenko-Holland, Nina, Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Biomarkers of genetic damage in humans. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-24 April, 1998. Honolulu, HI. pp.141-143.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Gui-Lan Li, Suramya Waidyanatha, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, Nina Titenko-Holland, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 1998. Hemoglobin and albumin adducts of benzene oxide among workers exposed to high levels of benzene. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 19(9):1565-1571.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Suramya Waidyanatha, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, Nina Titenko-Holland, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 1998. Hemoglobin and albumin adducts of benzene oxide among workers exposed to high levels of benzene. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 19(9):1565-1571.
  • Yeowell-O'Connell, Karen, Nathaniel Rothman, Suramya Waidyanatha, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, William E. Bechtold, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Songnian Yin, and Stephen M. Rappaport. 1998. Albumin adducts of benzene oxide, 1, 2-and 1, 4 benzoquinones in benzene exposed workers. Chapter 39in: Proceedings of the Eighty Nineth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, March 28th-April 1st, 1998. New Oreleans, LA. pp.477.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Mustafa Dosemeci, Songnian Yin, Prema Kolachana, Nina Titenko-Holland, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Increased aneusomy and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in the lymphocytes of Chinese workers exposed to benzene. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 19(11):1955-1961.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Nina Titenko-Holland, Songnian Yin, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. The loss and long arm deletions of chromosomes 5 and 7 in human lymphocytes treated with benzene metabolites and in workers exposed to benzene. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 31(29):72.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Songnian Yin, Nina Titenko-Holland, Mustafa Dosemeci, Prema Kolachana, Li-qiang Xi, Guilan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. A comparison of interphase and metaphase FISH analysis of aneusomy in benzene-exposed workers. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 31(29):72.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Lan Wang, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1998. Benzene metabolites induce the loss and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in human lymphocytes. Leukemia Research. ( 01452126) Exit NIEHS Website 22(2):105-113.
  • Biggs, Mary Lou, David A. Kalman, Lee E. Moore, Claudia Hopenhayn-Rich, Martyn T. Smith, and Allan H. Smith. 1997. Relationship of urinary arsenic to intake estimates and a biomarker of effect, bladder cell micronuclei. Mutation Research. ( iption.cws_home/522820/description#descriptio n) Exit NIEHS Website 386:185-195.
  • Fanning, Elinor W., Frédéric Yves Bois, Nathaniel Rothman, William E. Bechtold, Guilan Li, Richard B. Hayes, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Population toxicokinetics of benzene and its metabolites. In: Proceedings of the 36th Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, March 9-13, 1997. Cincinnati, OH.
  • Holland, Nina T., Jianhua Shao, Luoping Zhang, Hailong Ngo, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Molybdenum salts are genotoxic. In: Proceedings of Environmental Mutagen Society Meeting, 1997. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Moore, Lee E., Allan H. Smith, Claudia Hopenhayn-Rich, Mary Lou Biggs, David A. Kalman, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Decrease in Bladder Cell Micronucleus Prevalance After Intervention to Lower the Concentration of Arsenic in Drinking Water. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 6(12):1051-1056.
  • Moore, Lee E., Allan H. Smith, Claudia Hopenhayn-Rich, Mary Lou Biggs, David A. Kalman, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Micronuclei in exfoliated bladder cells among individuals chronically exposed to arsenic in drinking water. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. ( Exit NIEHS Website 6(1):31-36.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Robert D. Traver, Betty-Anne Hoener, Sharan Campleman, Guilan Li, Mustafa Dosemeci, Martha S. Linet, Luoping Zhang, Li-qiang Xi, Sholom Wacholder, Wei Lu, Kathleen B. Meyer, Nina Titenko-Holland, James T. Stewart, Songnian Yin, and David Ross. 1997. Benzene poisoning, a risk factor for hematologic malignancy, is associated with the NQ01 609C->T mutation and rapid fractional excretion of chlorzoxazone. Cancer Research. ( Exit NIEHS Website 57(14):2839-2842.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Elinor W. Fanning. 1997. Mechanism Based Risk Assessment for Benzene-induced Leukemia. In: Proceedings of the 36th Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting, March 9-13, 1997. Cincinnati, OH.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Elinor W. Fanning. 1997. Report on the Workshop entitled: Modeling Chemically-Induced Leukemia - Implications for Benzene Risk Assessment. Leukemia Research. ( 01452126) Exit NIEHS Website 21(5):361-374.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Nathaniel Rothman, Songnian Yin, Luoping Zhang, Mustafa Dosemeci, Yunxia Wang, Guilan Li, and Richard B. Hayes. 1997. Benzene exposure and risk of MDS/AML. Leukemia Research. ( 01452126) Exit NIEHS Website Supp.1:S3.
  • Subrahmanyam, Vangala V. and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Free radical mediated hematopoietic toxicity by drugs, environmental pollutants and ionizing radiation. In: Free Radical Toxicology. Taylor and Francis, pp.249-278.
  • Xi, Li-qiang, Luoping Zhang, Yunxia Wang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Induction of chromosome-specific aneuploidy and micronuclei in human lymphocytes by metabolites of 1,3-butadiene. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 18(9):1687-1693.
  • Xi, Li-qiang, Luoping Zhang, Yunxia Wang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Induction of chromosome-specific aneusomy and micronuclei in human lymphocytes by metabolites of 1, 3-butadiene. Chapter 38in: Proceedings of the Eighty Eightieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, 1997.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Mustafa Dosemeci, Songnian Yin, Prema Kolachana, Nina Titenko-Holland, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Benzene exposure is associated with increased aneusomy and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in Chinese workers. Chapter 38in: Proceedings of the Eighty Eightieth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association for Cancer Research, 1997. pp.628.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Lan Wang, Nong Shang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1997. Benzene metabolites induce the loss and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in human blood cells. The Toxicologist. ( #toxicologist) Exit NIEHS Website
  • Bois, Frédéric Yves, Elise T. Jackson, Kaija Pekari, and Martyn T. Smith. 1996. Population toxicokinetics of benzene. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104(Suppl.6):1405-1411.
  • Buffler, Patricia A., Peggy Reynolds, Martyn T. Smith, C. Suzanne Lea, and Susan Wood. 1996. The molecular epidemiology of childhood leukemia with emphasis on chemical exposures. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste, November 4-8, 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. East-West Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Moore, Lee E., Allan H. Smith, Claudia Hopenhayn-Rich, Mary Lou Biggs, Marcella Warner, David A. Kalman, and Martyn T. Smith. 1996. Increased micronuclei found in two populations environmentally exposed to arsenic. Clinical Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 41(12):1915-1917.
  • Moore, Lee E., Marcella Warner, Allan H. Smith, David A. Kalman, and Martyn T. Smith. 1996. Use of the fluorescent micronucleus assay to detect the clastogenic effects of radiation and arsenic in human exfoliated epithelial cells. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. ( oc?ID=10009058) Exit NIEHS Website 27:176-184.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Guilan Li, Mustafa Dosemeci, William E. Bechtold, Gerald E. Marti, Yao-Zhu Wang, Martha S. Linet, Li-qiang Xi, Wei Lu, Martyn T. Smith, Nina Titenko-Holland, Luoping Zhang, William Blot, Songnian Yin, and Richard B. Hayes. 1996. Hematotoxicity among Chinese workers heavily exposed to benzene. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. ( oc?ID=34471) Exit NIEHS Website 29:236-246.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Richard D. Irons, Mustafa Dosemeci, Robert Haas, Wayne S. Stillman, Martha S. Linet, Li-qiang Xi, William E. Bechtold, Joseph L. Wiemels, Sharan Campleman, Luoping Zhang, Penelope JE Quintana, Nina Titenko-Holland, Yao-Zhu Wang, Wei Lu, Prema Kolachana, Kathleen B. Meyer, and Songnian Yin. 1996. An epidemiologic study of early biologic effects of benzene in Chinese workers. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104(6):1365-1370.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Robert D. Traver, Martyn T. Smith, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Sharan Campleman, Mustafa Dosemeci, Luoping Zhang, Martha S. Linet, Sholom Wacholder, Songnian Yin, and David Ross. 1996. Lack of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase activity (NQ01) is associated with increased risk of benzene hematotoxicity. Chapter 37in: Proceedings of the Eighty Seventh Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1996. pp.258.
  • Shao, Jianhua, Luoping Zhang, Jan C. Semenza, Barbara Beach, and Martyn T. Smith. 1996. Tetrasomy 8 detected by interphase cytogenetics in a child with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. ( 01654608) Exit NIEHS Website 92:135-140.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 1996. Mechanistic studies of benzene toxicity: implications for risk assessment. In: Biological Reactive Intermediates V: Basic Mechanistic Research in Toxicology and Human Risk Assessment. Plenum Publishing, New York, NY. pp.259-266.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 1996. Overview of benzene-induced aplastic anaemia. European Journal of Hematology. ( jh?mode=direct) Exit NIEHS Website 60:107-110.
  • Smith, Martyn T. 1996. The Mechanism of Benzene-induced Leukemia: A Hypothesis and Speculations on the Causes of Leukemia. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104(6):1219-1225.
  • Smith, Martyn T. and Nathaniel Rothman. 1996. Diet and risk of human leukemia. In: Proceedings of the Meeting on Modulation of Chemical Toxicity and Risk Assessment. Tucson, AZ.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Nathaniel Rothman, Luoping Zhang, Yao-Zhu Wang, Richard B. Hayes, and Songnian Yin. 1996. Molecular cytogenetics of humans exposed to benzene. The Toxicologist. ( #toxicologist) Exit NIEHS Website 30(1,part2):911.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Yao-Zhu Wang, Guilan Li, Richard B. Hayes, Prema Kolachana, Mustafa Dosemeci, Nina Titenko-Holland, Li-qiang Xi, Songnian Yin, and Nathaniel Rothman. 1996. Translocations between chromosome 8 and 21 in workers exposed to benzene. In: Proceedings of the Eighty Seventh Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1996.
  • Traver, Robert D., Nathaniel Rothman, Martyn T. Smith, Songnian Yin, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, W.F. Franklin, and David Ross. 1996. Incidence of a polymorphism in HAD(P)H: Quinone Oxidoreductase (NQO1). Chapter 37in: Proceedings of the Eighty Seventh Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, 1996. pp.278.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, William E. Bechtold, Pravina Venkatesh, Songnian Yin, Yao-Zhu Wang, Mustafa Dosemeci, Guilan Li, Wei Lu, and Martyn T. Smith. 1996. Interphase cytogenetics of workers exposed to benzene. Environmental Health Perspectives. 104(Suppl.6):1325-1329.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Sharan Campleman, Richard B. Hayes, Betty-Anne Hoener, Songnian Yin, Mustafa Dosemeci, Kathleen B. Meyer, Gui-Lan Li, Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. High CYP2E1 activity is a risk factor for benzene poisoning. Chapter 36in: Proceedings of the Eighty Sixth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, March, 1995. Ontario, pp.282.
  • Rothman, Nathaniel, Robert Haas, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, Joseph L. Wiemels, Sharan Campleman, Penelope JE Quintana, Li-qiang Xi, Mustafa Dosemeci, Nina Titenko-Holland, Kathleen B. Meyer, Wei Lu, Luoping Zhang, William E. Bechtold, Yunxia Wang, Prema Kolachana, Songnian Yin, William Blot, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. Benzene induces gene-duplicating but not gene-inactivating mutations at the glycophorin A locus in exposed humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). ( Exit NIEHS Website 92(9):4069-4073.
  • Salmon, Andrew G., Kenneth W. Kizer, Lauren Zeise, Richard J. Jackson, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. Potential carcinogenicity of chloral hydrate - a review. Journal of Toxicology and Clinical Toxicology. 33(2):115-121.
  • Smith, Martyn T., C. Suzanne Lea, and Patricia A. Buffler. 1995. Human population changes caused by hazardous waste. European Journal of Public Health. ( Exit NIEHS Website 2(3):77-79.
  • Smith, Martyn T., Luoping Zhang, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Guilan Li, and Songnian Yin. 1995. Interphase cytogenetics of workers exposed to benzene. The Toxicologist. ( #toxicologist) Exit NIEHS Website 15(1):87.
  • Titenko-Holland, Nina, Kenneth W. Turteltaub, Andrew J. Wyrobek, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. Acrylamide induces DNA adducts in male germ cells and causes preimplantation abnormalities and dominant lethal mutations in mice. The Toxicologist. ( #toxicologist) Exit NIEHS Website 15(1):167.
  • Xi, Li-qiang, Luoping Zhang, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. Butadiene metabolites induce micronuclei and aneuploidy in human lymphocytes. In: Proceedings of the International symposium on evaluation of butadiene & isoprene health risks. Blaine, WA.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Nathaniel Rothman, Yunxia Wang, Richard B. Hayes, Songnian Yin, Guilan Li, and Martyn T. Smith. 1995. Aneuploidy of chromosomes 7, 8 and 9 detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in workers exposed to benzene. Chapter 36in: Proceedings of the Eighty Sixth Annual Meeting of the (AACR) American Association of Cancer Research, March, 1995. Ontario, pp.112.
  • Zhang, Luoping, Martyn T. Smith, B. Bandy, S.J. Tamaki, and A.J. Davison. 1995. Role of quinones, active oxygen species and metals in the genotoxicity of 1,2,4-benzenetriol, a metabolite of benzene. In: Free radicals in the Environment, and Toxicology. Richelieu Press, London, United Kingdom. pp.521-562.
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