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Superfund Basic Research Program

Dr. Robert H. Tukey

University of California-San Diego
Department of Pharmacology
9500 Gilman Drive #0722
La Jolla, CA 92093-0722
Phone: 858-822-0288
Fax: 858-822-0363



  • Nguyen, Nghia, Jessica A. Bonzo, Shujuan Chen, Sarah Chouinard, Michael J. Kelner, Gary Hardiman, Alain Belanger, and Robert H. Tukey. 2008. Disruption of the ugt1 locus in mice resembles human Crigler-Najjar type I disease. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website doi:10.1074/jbc.M709244200 ( Exit NIEHS Website283(12):7901-11.
  • Bonzo, Jessica A., Alain Belanger, and Robert H. Tukey. 2007. The role of chrysin and the Ah receptor in induction of the human UGT1A1 gene in vitro and in transgenic UGT1 mice. Hepatology. ( 6570044/home) Exit NIEHS Website 45(2):349-360.
  • Operana, Theresa, Nghia Nguyen, Shujuan Chen, Deirdre Beaton, and Robert H. Tukey. 2007. Human CYP1A1GFP expression in transgenic mice serves as a biomarker for environmental toxicant exposure. Toxicological Sciences. ( Exit NIEHS Website 95(1):98-107.
  • Pezzoli, Keith, Robert H. Tukey, Hiram Sarabia, Ilya Zaslavsky, Marie Lynn Miranda, William A. Suk, Abel Lin, and Mark H. Ellisman. 2007. The NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Data Resource Portal: Placing advanced technologies in service to vulnerable communities. Environmental Health Perspectives. 115(4):564-571.
  • Senekeo-Effenberger, Kathy, Shujuan Chen, Erin Brace-Sinnokrak, Jessica A. Bonzo, Mei-Fei F. Yueh, U. Argikar, J. Kaeding, J. Trottier, R.P. Remmel, J.K. Ritter, O. Barbier, and Robert H. Tukey. 2007. Expression of the human UGT1 locus in transgenic mice by 4-chloro-6-(2,3-xylidino)-2-pyrimidinylthioacetic acid (WY-14643) and implications on drug metabolism through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha activation. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. ( Exit NIEHS Website 35(3):419-27.
  • Yueh, Mei-Fei F. and Robert H. Tukey. 2007. Nrf2-Keap1 signaling pathway regulates human UGT1A1 expression in vitro and in transgenic UGT1 mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 282(12):8749-58.
  • Zaslavsky, Ilya, Keith Pezzoli, D. Valentine, Abel Lin, Hiram Sarabia, Mark H. Ellisman, Robert H. Tukey, A. Hull, Marie Lynn Miranda, and Maureen D. Avakian. 2006. Intgrating GIS and portal Technologies for assessing environmental health impacts of Hurricane Katrina. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Vol II, August 19-22. American Science Press, Houston, TX. pp.385-390.
  • Bonzo, Jessica A., Shujuan Chen, Alema Galijatovic, and Robert H. Tukey. 2005. Arsenite Inhibition of CYP1A1 Induction by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Is Independent of Cell Cycle Arrest. Molecular Pharmacology. ( Exit NIEHS Website 67(4):1247-1256.
  • Chen, Shujuan, Deirdre Beaton, Nghia Nguyen, Kathy Senekeo-Effenberger, Erin Brace-Sinnokrak, Upendra Argikar, Rory P. Remmel, Jocelyn Trottier, Olivier Barbier, Joseph K. Ritter, and Robert H. Tukey. 2005. Tissue-specific, inducible, and hormonal control of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase-1 (UGT1) locus. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 280(45):37547-37557.
  • Chen, Shujuan, Theresa Operana, Jessica A. Bonzo, Nghia Nguyen, and Robert H. Tukey. 2005. ERK Kinase Inhibition Stabilizes the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 280(6):4350-4359.
  • Machemer, Daniel E. and Robert H. Tukey. 2005. The role of protein kinase C in regulation of TCDD-mediated CYP1A1 gene expression. Toxicological Sciences. ( Exit NIEHS Website 87(1):27-37.
  • Galijatovic, Alema, Deirdre Beaton, Nghia Nguyen, Shujuan Chen, Jessica A. Bonzo, Randall S. Johnson, Shin Maeda, Michael Karin, F. Peter Guengerich, and Robert H. Tukey. 2004. The human CYP1A1 gene is regulated in a developmental and tissue-specific fashion in transgenic mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 279(23):23969-23976.
  • Chen, Shujuan, Nghia Nguyen, Kumiko Tamura, Michael Karin, and Robert H. Tukey. 2003. The role of the Ah receptor and p38 in benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol and benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide-induced apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 278(21):19526-19533.
  • Yueh, Mei-Fei F., Yue-Hua Huang, Anita Hiller, Shujuan Chen, Nghia Nguyen, and Robert H. Tukey. 2003. Involvement of the xenobiotic response element (XRE) in ah receptor-mediated induction of human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 278(17):15001-15006.
  • Huang, Yue-Hua, Alema Galijatovic, Nghia Nguyen, Donald Geske, Deirdre Beaton, Judith Green, Mark Green, Wilbert H. Peters, and Robert H. Tukey. 2002. Identification and functional characterization of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases UGT1A8*1, UGT1A8*2 and UGT1A8*3. Pharmacogenetics. ( Exit NIEHS Website 12(4):287-297.
  • Yueh, Mei-Fei F., Nghia Nguyen, Maryam Famourzadeh, Christian P. Strassburg, Yoshimitsu Oda, F. Peter Guengerich, and Robert H. Tukey. 2001. The contribution of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 on CYP1A2-mediated genotoxicity by aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Carcinogenesis. ( Exit NIEHS Website 22(6):943-950.
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