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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

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1chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-10 Age distribution for unintentional on-farm deaths of youths under age 20, 1982-1996. Youths aged 15-19 accounted for the most unintentional on-farm deaths (742) during 1982-1996, and youths under age 5 accounted for the next highest number of these deaths (527). (Sources: NCHS [2002]; Adekoya and Pratt [2001].)

2chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-11 Unintentional on-farm deaths of youths under age 20 by cause of death, 1982-1996. During 1982-1996, unintentional on-farm deaths of youths under age 20 most frequently involved machinery (773 fatalities), drowning (585 fatalities), or firearms (237 fatalities). (Sources: NCHS [2002]; Adekoya and Pratt [2001].)

3chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-12 Unintentional on-farm deaths of youths under age 20 by State, 1982-1996. During 1982-1996, the highest numbers of unintentional on-farm deaths of youths under age 20 were reported by Texas (204), Pennsylvania (109), Iowa (107), Missouri (106), and Wisconsin (105). (Sources: NCHS [2002]; Adekoya and Pratt [2001].)

4chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-15 Number of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by State, 1993-1995. During 1993-1995, the highest numbers of nonfatal occupational farming injuries occurred in California (12,695), Minnesota (11,847), Iowa (11,137), and Wisconsin (10,173). (Note: For reporting purposes, the following States were combined: Alaska and Washington; Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Delaware and Maryland; Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont; Montana and Wyoming; and Nevada and Utah.) (Sources: NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

5chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-16 Rates of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by State, 1993-1995. Mississippi had the highest rate of nonfatal occupational farming injury (14.5 per 100 full-time workers), followed by Alaska and Washington (combined injury rate of 14.3), Arizona (13.7), Ohio (13.1), and Colorado (11.3). (Note: For reporting purposes, the following States were combined: Alaska and Washington; Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Delaware and Maryland; Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont; Montana and Wyoming; and Nevada and Utah.) (Sources: BLS [2002b]; NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

6chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-20 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths accounted for 25,768 nonfatal on-farm injuries, both occupational and nonoccupational. Household farm youths had a higher overall nonfatal injury rate (1.87 per 100) than youths hired to work on the farm (0.32 per 100). (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

7chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-21 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths under age 20 accounted for 12,382 nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries. Youth visitors and hired youths accounted for similar numbers of occupational injuries (2,208 and 2,127 injuries, respectively). Household farm youths had a higher overall occupational injury rate than youths hired to work on the farm. (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

8chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-22 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. In 1998, the Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 (12,040 injuries), whereas the West had the highest rate of these injuries (1.38 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

9chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-23 Number and rate of occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. The Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of occupational on-farm injuries to youths in 1998 (6,107 injuries) as well as the highest occupational injury rate (0.95 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

10chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-24 Number of nonfatal injuries to all youths and working youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by race, 2000. On minority farm operations in 2000, the most nonfatal injuries to all youths under age 20 occurred among American Indian or Alaska Native youths (206 injuries), followed by other (105), white youths (92), black youths (78), and Asian or Pacific Islanders (50). Far fewer nonfatal injuries occurred among working youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

11chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-25 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by race, 2000. American Indian and Alaska Native youths had the highest number (177) and rate (24.0 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among household youths on minority farm operations. Youths of other races had the second highest number (96) and rate (12.3 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among household youths, followed by black youths and Asian or Pacific Islander youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

12chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-26 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (348) and rate (12.2 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among youths on racial minority farm operations in 2000. Hired workers had the second highest injury rate (2.7 per 1,000 hired working youths) but the lowest number of injuries (20). Visiting relatives accounted for the second highest number of nonfatal youth injuries (124), followed by hired workers (20). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

13chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-27 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (138) and rate (11.7 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths on racial minority farm operations in 2000. Visiting relatives had the next highest number of injuries (42) and the same rate of nonfatal occupational injuries as hired workers (2.7 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

14chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-28 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by known injury hazard, 2000. Of the four known injury hazards to household youths in 2000, work accounted for the highest number (138) and rate (11.7 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries to these youths on racial minority farm operations. Horses accounted for the second highest number (60) and rate (8.0 per 1,000 youths) of these nonfatal injuries, followed by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and tractors. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

15chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-29 Nonfatal injuries to Hispanic and non-Hispanic youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations, 2000. On Hispanic farm operations in 2000, Hispanic youths accounted for much higher numbers of nonfatal injuries (289) and occupational nonfatal injuries (124) than did non-Hispanic youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

16chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-30 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (256) and rate (14.2 per 1,000) of nonfatal injuries to youths on Hispanic farm operations in 2000. Visiting relatives accounted for an additional 58 injuries on these farms, followed by other visitors (33 injuries). Hired workers accounted for the lowest number of nonfatal injuries to youths (17), but they had the second highest injury rate (3.3 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

17chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-31 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. On Hispanic farm operations in 2000, household youths had a much higher number (114) of occupational injuries than nonhousehold youths, and their rate of injury (14.4 per 1,000 youths) was 8 times the rate for nonhousehold working youths (1.7 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

18chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-32 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by known injury hazard, 2000. Of the four recognized hazards to household youths in 2000, work accounted for the highest number (114) and rate (14.4 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries to these youths on Hispanic farm operations. Horses accounted for the second highest number (31) and rate (5.8 per 1,000 youths) of these nonfatal injuries, followed by ATVs and tractors. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)


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