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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

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1chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-155 Incidence rates of pesticide-related illness by age and industry, 1998-1999. Among industry sectors, agriculture accounted for the highest incidence rates of pesticide-related illness, ranging from 5 to 27 cases per 100,000 full-time workers. Rates were highest among younger workers, peaking among those aged 20-24, and decreasing with increasing age. (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)

2chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-156 Distribution and number of pesticide-related illnesses by sex of worker, 1998-1999. Sex of worker was known for 1,006 of the 1,009 pesticide-related occupational illness cases during 1998-1999. Male workers accounted for 63% (636) of all cases and female workers accounted for 36.7% (370 cases). (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)

3chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-157 Distribution and number of pesticide-related illnesses among agricultural workers by occupation, 1998-1999. Farm workers reported by far the most pesticide-related illnesses (71.8% or 336 cases) during 1998-1999. Other occupations with notable pesticide-related illnesses included graders and sorters (7.5% or 35 cases) and nursery workers (4.7% or 22 cases). (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)

4chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-158 Distribution and number of pesticide-related illnesses by industry, 1998-1999. Employer or industry data were available for 911 of the 1,009 pesticide-related illness cases during 1998-99. Most of these cases (51.5% or 469 cases) were from the agricultural sector. Services accounted for 19.4% (177 cases) and transportation, communication, and public utilities accounted for 9.3% (85) cases. (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)

5chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-159 Distribution and number of pesticide-related illnesses by pesticide functional class, 1998-1999. Insecticides were responsible for 49% (494 cases) of the 1,009 reported occupational illnesses related to pesticides. (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)

6chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-160 Distribution and number of pesticide-related illnesses by insecticide chemical class, 1998-1999. The following insecticide classes were most commonly responsible for pesticide-related illnesses during 1998-1999: organophosphorus (47.2% or 233 cases), N-methyl carbamate (15.4% or 76 cases), pyrethroid (11.1% or 55 cases), and pyrethrin (9.3% or 46 cases). (Sources: NIOSH [2002d]; Calvert [2002].)


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