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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

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1chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-9 Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries, 1992-2002. The fatal occupational injury rate has varied from 5.3 per 100,000 workers in 1994 (6,632 fatal injuries) to 4.0 in 2002 (5,524 fatal injuries). Since 1993, the trend in rates reflects a steady decline. (Note: Charts using data for calendar year from the CFOI exclude deaths from the September 11 terrorist attacks.) (Source: BLS [2003a].)

2chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-10 Fatal occupational injury rates by State, 2002. Fatal occupational injury rates varied by State from 1.4 to 14.1 per 100,000 employed workers. (The U.S. rate was 4.0 per 100,000 employed workers in 2002.) Fatal occupational injuries exceeded 10 per 100,000 employed workers in Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana. (Sources: BLS [2003a]; BLS [2003b].)

3chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-11 Incidence rates of occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry by case type, 1973-2001. The private-industry sector reported 5.2 million nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses during 2001, corresponding with an overall rate of 5.7 cases per 100 full-time workers. Approximately 2.6 million were lost-workday cases requiring recuperation away from work or restricted duties at work. The total occupational injury and illness incidence rate continues to decline. This trend is reflected in the private-sector data reported to BLS since 1973. (Note: Lost-workday cases include cases with days away from work and cases with restricted work activity only-that is, cases in which workers report to their jobs for limited duty. See Appendix B for details about case types.) (Source: BLS [2002b].)

4chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-12 Number of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The number of injuries and illnesses resulting in time away from work continues to decline. The 1.54 million cases in 2001 represent a decrease of 34% since 1992. Over the same period, the goods-producing segment of private industry experienced a 38.7% decrease, which is notably greater than the 31.1% decrease recorded for the service-producing segment of the private sector. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

5chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-13 Incidence rates for lost-workday cases of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry, 1973-2001. Since 1973, the incidence rate for lost-workday cases has varied from 4.3 per 100 full-time workers in 1979 to 2.8 cases per 100 full-time workers in 2001. Lost-workday case rates have been declining since 1990, with a strong contribution from decreases in cases with days away from work. The decline is offset by increases in restricted work activity cases, which have increased steadily since 1987. These cases include those with shortened workdays, temporary job changes, or temporary restrictions of job duties. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

6chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-14 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry by industry, 2001. Durable goods manufacturing accounted for the highest rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses (8.8 per 100 workers) reported in 2001, followed by construction (7.9) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (7.3). Services reported approximately 1.3 million cases, or 25% of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in 2001. (Note: Numbers of nonfatal injuries and illnesses are inside the bars.) (Source: BLS [2002b].)

7chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-15 Number and rate of total nonfatal occupational injuries in private-industry sectors with at least 100,000 cases, 2001. Each of these eight industry sectors (ranked by occupational injury rate) reported more than 100,000 injuries in 2001. Air transportation reported the highest rate in the group (13.6 per 100 workers), followed by nursing and personal care facilities (13.0). Together, these eight industry sectors accounted for about 1.4 million nonfatal injuries, or 29% of the 4.9 million total. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

8chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-16 Incidence rates for nonfatal occupational injuries in private industry by establishment size, 2001. By establishment size, nonfatal occupational injury rates varied from 7.1 to 2.0 per 100 full-time workers. Incidence rates were higher for establishments employing 50-249 workers than for smaller or larger establishments. This pattern did not hold for all industries. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

9chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-17 Incidence rates of injuries and illnesses in six major industry sectors, 1992-2001. Overall, incidence rates declined for each of the selected industry sectors during 1992-2001. The highest rates occurred within durable goods manufacturing, construction, and nondurable goods manufacturing. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

10chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-18 Incidence rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry by State, 2001. Nonfatal occupational injury and illness rates varied by State from 2.3 to 8.7 per 100 full-time workers. (The U.S. rate was 5.7 per 100 full-time workers.) Lower rates were reported for States in the South, southern coastal States, and the Southwest. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

11chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-19 Incidence rates for lost-workday cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness in private industry by State, 2001. Rates of lost-workday cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness varied among the States from 1.9 to 5.0 per 100 full-time workers, with an overall U.S. rate of 2.8. Lower rates were reported for the South, southern coastal States, and the Southwest. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

12chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-20 Incidence rates for nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by State, 2001. Rates of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work varied among the States from 1.2 to 3.5 per 100 full-time workers. (The U.S. rate was 1.7 per 100 full-time workers.) Lower rates were reported for the South, southern coastal States, Mississippi Delta, and western mountain States. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

13chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-21 Injuries and illnesses in private industry, 2001. Of the 5.2 million nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses reported in 2001, 4.9 million or 93.6% were injuries. The remainder (333,800 cases or 6.4%) were work-related illnesses. Sixty-five percent (216,400 cases) of the nonfatal occupational illnesses were disorders associated with repeated trauma. (Source: BLS [2002b].)

14chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-27 Distribution of hours worked and occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by age of worker, 2001. For workers aged 20-44, the percentage of total injuries and illnesses was greater than the percentage of total hours worked. Together, these workers accounted for the majority of injured or ill workers. (Source: BLS [2001]; BLS [2003c].)

15chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-28 Median days away from work due to occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry by age of worker, 2001. The median number of days away from work due to nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses increased as the age of the worker increased. The median number of days away from work was 6 for all cases in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

16chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-29 Distribution of hours worked and occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Nearly two-thirds (66.1%) of the injured or ill workers were male. (Sources: BLS [2001]; BLS [2003c].)

17chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-30 Distribution of employed U.S. workers in 2000 and nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry in 2001 by race/ethnicity. Hispanic workers accounted for 10.2% of employed U.S. workers in 2000 but 17.1% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 74.1% of employed U.S. workers in 2000 but 68.2% of nonfatal injury and illness cases with days away from work in 2001. (Sources: Census [2003]; BLS [2003c].)

18chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-31 Distribution of employed workers and injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Operators, fabricators, and laborers accounted for nearly 40% of all occupational injuries and illnesses, well above the percentage of employed workers they represent (15.4%). (Sources: BLS [2001]; BLS [2003c].)

19chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-32 Number of occupational injuries and illnesses with days away from work in private industry for selected occupations, 1992-2001. In 1992, nonconstruction laborers suffered more injuries than any other occupational group. From 1993 to 2001, truck drivers suffered the most injuries involving time away from work. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

20chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-33 Distribution of nonfatal injury cases with days away from work and nonfatal injury plus illness cases by private industry sector, 2001. For most private industry sectors in 2001, distribution of the 1.47 million nonfatal injury cases was comparable with that of the 1.54 million nonfatal injury plus illness cases. Services accounted for 24% of the cases in each case category. Manufacturing accounted for 19.6% of injury cases and 20.7% of injury plus illness cases. The difference was greatest for durable manufacturing, which accounted for 12.7% of injury cases and 13.5% of injury plus illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

21chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-34 Occupations with the highest median days away from work due to occupational injuries or illnesses in private industry, 2001. Among the occupations with at least 0.5% of the total cases involving days away from work, bus drivers had a median of 11 days. Truck drivers; plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters; and industrial machinery repairers each had a median of 10 days. The median number of days away from work was 6 for all cases in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

22chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-35 Distribution of occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by length of service, 2001. Most injuries and illnesses (63.6%) occurred within the first 5 years of service with an employer. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

23chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-36 Distribution of occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by nature of injury or illness, 2001. Sprains and strains accounted for more than 669,889-or nearly 43.6% of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

24chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-37 Median days away from work due to occupational injuries or illnesses in private industry by nature of injury or illness, 2001. Among major disabling injuries and illnesses, median days away from work were highest for carpal tunnel syndrome (25 days), fractures (21 days), and amputations (18 days). The median number of days away from work was 6 for all cases in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

25chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-38 Distribution of occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by body part affected, 2001. The back was involved in nearly a fourth of all occupational injuries and illnesses. Conditions involving the upper and lower extremities each accounted for more than one-fifth of the cases. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

26chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-39 Median days away from work due to occupational injuries or illnesses in private industry by body part affected, 2001. Workers with injuries and illnesses to the abdomen and to the wrist had the highest median number of days away from work-17 and 13 days, respectively. The median number of days away from work was 6 for all cases in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

27chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-40 Distribution of occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by source of injury or illness, 2001. Together, four sources accounted for more than half of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses with days away from work: floors, walkways, ground surfaces (17.2%); worker motion or position (16%); containers (13.6%); and parts and materials (10.6%). (Source: BLS [2003c].)

28chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-41 Distribution of occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in private industry by event or exposure, 2001. Bodily reaction and exertion, contact with objects and equipment, and falls accounted for nearly 90% of nonfatal injuries and illnesses that resulted in days away from work in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

29chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 1-42 Median days away from work due to occupational injuries or illnesses in private industry by event or exposure, 2001. Repetitive motion injuries (with a median of 18 days away from work) resulted in the longest absences from work among the leading events and exposures in 2001. Falls to a lower level and transportation accidents both resulted in median days away that were well above the overall median of 6 days. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

30chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-1 Number of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, the annual number of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work ranged from a high of 7,603 cases in 1993 to a low of 4,409 in 1998. Numbers declined 8.6% between 1992 and 2001-from 6,189 to 5,659 cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

31chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-2 Annual rates of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work declined 25% between 1992 and 2001-from 0.8 to 0.6 per 10,000 full-time workers. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

32chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-3 Distribution and number of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 5,589 of the 5,659 BLS-estimated anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in 2001. Younger age groups accounted for the majority of cases. Workers aged 25-34 accounted for 1,426 or 25.5% of cases, and workers aged 35-44 accounted for 1,576 or 28.2% of cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003a].)

33chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-4 Distribution of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 1992-2001. Female workers accounted for the majority of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases during 1992-2001-from a low of 58.4% in 1992 to a high of 71.2% in 1995. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003a].)

34chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-5 Distribution and number of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 3,930 of the 5,659 BLS-estimated anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for the majority of cases (64.8%). Black, non-Hispanic and Hispanic workers accounted for 9.6% and 20.7% of the cases, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003a].)

35chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-6 Distribution of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001, anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases tended to involve higher percentages of long-term work loss (11-20, 21-30, and 31 or more days away from work). In 2001, 42.1% of these cases involved 31 or more days away from work. The median number of days away from work was 25 for anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorders-substantially greater than the median of 6 for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003a].)

36chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-7 Distribution and number of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Technical, sales, and administrative support along with managerial and professional specialty occupations constituted 63.5% of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003a].)

37chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-8 Incidence rate of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases by private industry sector, 2001. For anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorders, private industry reported an overall incidence rate of 0.6 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. Higher rates were reported for transportation and public utilities (1.1), finance, insurance, and real estate (1.1), and services (0.7) (Note: A dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

38chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-9 Annual rates of anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorder cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate for these disorders declined 25% in the private sector during 1992-2001, and rates declined for each industry sector except retail trade. Finance, insurance, and real estate had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors during the 10-year period and experienced a 42.1% rate reduction. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

39chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-13 Distribution of 10,378 reported percutaneous injuries among hospital workers by medical device associated with the injury, 1995-2000. The devices most associated with percutaneous injuries among hospital workers during 1995-2000 were hypodermic needles (29% of injuries), suture needles (17%), winged steel needles (12%), and scalpels (7%). Other hollow-bore needles together accounted for 19% of injuries, glass items for 2%, and other items for 14%. (Source: CDC [2002b].)

40chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-15 Numbers and rates of traumatic occupational fatalities, 1980-2000. (All data for 1980-2000 exclude New York City.) The numbers of traumatic occupational fatalities decreased 33% during 1980-2000, from 7,343 fatalities in 1980 to 4,956 in 2000. During this period, the average annual rate for traumatic occupational fatalities decreased 50%-from 7.4 per 100,000 civilian workers in 1980 to 3.7 in 2000. (Source: NIOSH [2003].)

41chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-16 Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries, 1992-2002. A total of 5,524 fatal occupational injuries were recorded in 2002. During 1992-2002, fatality rates declined from 5.2 per 100,000 workers to 4.0. (Source: BLS [2003].)

42chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-17 Average annual rate of fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 workers by State of death, 1980-2000. (All data for 1980-2000 exclude New York City.) The States with the highest fatality rates for occupational injury during 1980-2000 include Alaska (20.9 per 100,000 workers), Wyoming (14.9), Montana (11.1), Idaho (9.7), Mississippi (9.6), and West Virginia (9.6). The greatest numbers of fatal occupational injuries occurred in California (12,221), Texas (11,635), Florida (7,252), Illinois (5,145), and Pennsylvania (4,420). (Source: NIOSH [2003].)

43chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-18 Number of fatal occupational injuries by State, 2002. BLS reported a low of 8 fatal occupational injuries in Rhode Island and a high of 478 in California for 2002. High fatality counts were also reported for Texas (417), Florida (354), New York (238), and Ohio (202). (Source: BLS [2003].)

44chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-19 Distribution of fatal occupational injuries by age of worker, 2002. In 2002, two-thirds of all fatally injured workers were aged 25-54. The highest percentage and number of fatalities (25.4% or 1,402 cases) were reported for workers aged 35-44. (Source: BLS [2003].)

45chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-20 Employment and fatality profiles by sex, 2002. Male workers held 53.7% of the estimated 137.7 million jobs for employed workers in 2002, and they incurred 92.0% of the 5,524 fatal occupational injuries. (Source: BLS [2003].)

46chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-21 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries by race, 2002. The 3,917 fatal injuries among white, non-Hispanic workers represented 71.0% of all fatal occupational injuries in 2002. Hispanic workers accounted for 840 cases or 15.2% of fatal occupational injuries in 2002. (Source: BLS [2003].)

47chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-22 Annual rates of fatal occupational injuries by race, 1980-2000. (All data for 1980-2000 exclude New York City.) In general, fatal occupational injury rates decreased for all races during 1980-2000. From 1991 through 1994, the rates for other races increased because of changes in methods for coding race information. Before 1998, black workers had slightly higher fatal occupational injury rates than white workers. But after 1998, the rates for white workers were slightly higher than those for black workers and for workers of all other races. (Source: NIOSH [2003].)

48chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-23 Annual rates of fatal occupational injuries by leading cause, 1980-1998. (All data for 1998 exclude New York State.) During 1980-1998, fatal occupational injury rates declined for the six leading causes of death, though not always consistently. During this period, deaths due to motor vehicle incidents had the highest rates. Deaths due to machines had the second highest rate until 1990, when they were surpassed by deaths due to homicides. For 1998, the rates of death for homicides and falls were second highest, followed closely by the rate for machine-related deaths. (Source: NIOSH [2001].)

49chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-24 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries by occupation, 2002. In 2002, the majority of fatal injuries (55.2% or 2,999 cases) occurred among two occupational groups: operators, fabricators, and laborers (34.9% or 1,895 cases) and precision production, craft, and repair workers (20.3% or 1,104 cases). (Source: BLS [2003].)

50chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-25 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries by private industry sector, 2002. In 2002, two industry sectors accounted for more than 40% of fatal occupational injuries: construction (22.6% or 1,121 cases) and transportation and public utilities (18.3% or 910 cases). (Source: BLS [2003].)

51chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-26 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries by event or exposure, 2002. Transportation-related incidents caused 43.1% of the fatal occupational injuries in 2002, including 1,372 highway fatalities (which accounted for 24.9% of all occupational fatalities). (Source: BLS [2003].)

52chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-27 Distribution of fatal occupational injuries by sex of worker and event or exposure, 2002. Fatal injuries to male and female workers were not distributed consistently by type of event or exposure in 2002 because of differences in the types of jobs held by men and women. Fatal injuries in female workers were most frequently associated with transportation incidents (46.7%) and assaults and violent acts (33.8%). Transportation incidents also accounted for the most fatalities in male workers (42.8%), and contact with objects and equipment accounted for an additional 16.7% of male fatalities. (Note: A dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria.) (Source: BLS [2003].)

53chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-28 Numbers of fatal occupational injuries associated with the three most frequent fatal occupational events, 1992-2002. In 2002, fatal occupational highway injuries declined slightly from 2001 (2.6% or 37 cases), accounting for 1,372 fatal injuries. Falls showed the greatest decline from 2001 (11.9% or 96 cases). Fatal occupational highway injuries and fatal falls increased 19% during 1992-2002. Job-related homicides decreased 42% during the same period. (Source: BLS [2003].)

54chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-35 Number of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The number of MSD cases declined from 784,145 in 1992 to 522,528 in 2001. As a percentage of all nonfatal injury and illness cases, MSD cases remained relatively stable between 1992 and 2001, ranging from a low of 33.6% in 1992 to a high of 34.0% in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003c].)

55chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-36 Distribution and number of MSD cases involving days away from work in private industry by nature of injury or illness, 2001. Sprains and strains accounted for 399,772 cases or 76.5% of the 522,528 musculoskeletal disorders involving days away from work in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

56chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-37 Number of MSD cases involving days away from work in private industry by State, 2001. The number of new MSD cases within reporting States ranged from 1,589 to 52,136 in 2001. The States with the highest numbers of cases included California (52,136), New York (33,773), and Texas (32,838). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

57chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-38 Rates of MSD cases involving days away from work in private industry by State, 2001. The rate of new MSD cases within reporting States ranged from 35.0 to 141.5 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. The States with the highest rates include West Virginia (141.5), Alaska (123.5), and Washington (112.1). BLS reported an overall rate of 57.5 per 10,000 full-time workers for the United States in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

58chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-39 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 518,397 of the 522,528 BLS-estimated MSD cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 78.9% of cases, slightly greater than the 75.2% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

59chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-40 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for a lower percentage of MSD cases in 2001 than nonfatal injury and illness cases (62.5% versus 66.1%). However, female workers accounted for a higher percentage of MSD cases (37.5% versus 33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

60chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-41 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 373,710 of the 522,528 BLS-estimated MSD cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 71.6% of MSD cases and 68.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Black, non-Hispanic workers and Hispanic workers accounted for 12.1% and 13.7% of MSD cases, respectively. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

61chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-42 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injuries and illnesses in 2001, MSD cases tended to involve higher percentages of long-term work loss (6-10, 11-20, 21-30, and 31 or more days away from work). Thirty-one or more days away from work were reported for 23.9% of MSD cases. A median of 8 days away from work was reported for MSD cases in 2001-slightly greater than the median of 6 days for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

62chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-43 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Operators, fabricators, and laborers accounted for 40.8% of all MSD cases involving days away from work in 2001. Comparisons between MSD cases and nonfatal injuries and illnesses by occupational groups indicate only small differences. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

63chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-44 Distribution of MSD cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by industry, 2001. Manufacturing (22.9%) and services (25.8%) accounted for about half of all MSD cases in 2001. Distributions of MSD cases are notably different from distributions of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses by industry sector, with the greatest differences in services, construction, manufacturing, and retail trade. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

64chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-45 Number of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of CTS cases involving days away from work declined 18.9% during this period-from 33,042 cases in 1992 to 26,794 cases in 2001. CTS cases reached a high of 41,019 cases in 1993. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

65chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-46 Annual rates of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of CTS cases involving days away from work declined 30.2% during this period-from 4.3 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 3.0 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

66chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-47 Distribution and number of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 26,581 of the 26,794 BLS-estimated CTS cases involving days away from work in 2001. Workers aged 25-54 accounted for 22,213 cases or 83.6%. Workers aged 35-44 accounted for 34.0% and those aged 45-54 accounted for 30.4%. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

67chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-48 Distribution of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 1992-2001. Female workers accounted for nearly 70% of CTS cases during 1992-2001, ranging from 67.0% to 71.6%, with a slightly decreasing trend. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

68chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-49 Distribution and number of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 20,327 of the 26,794 BLS-estimated CTS cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for the majority of cases (15,335 or 75.4%). Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 2,704 cases or 13.3%, and Hispanic workers accounted for 1,794 cases or 8.8%. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

69chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-50 Distribution of CTS cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injury and illness cases, CTS cases tended to involve higher percentages of long-term work loss (11-20, 21-30, and 31 or more days away from work) in 2001. Cases involving 31 or more days away from work accounted for 44.5% of CTS cases and 22% of all fatal injuries and illnesses. CTS cases involved a median of 25 days away from work in 2001-substantially greater than the median of 6 days for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].

70chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-51 Distribution and number of CTS cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. In 2001, the majority of CTS cases requiring days away from work (18,952 cases or 70.9%) occurred among two occupational groups: operators, fabricators, and laborers and technical, sales, and administrative support workers. Precision production, craft, and repair workers constituted 15.6% (4,172) of the overall CTS cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

71chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-52 Incidence rate of CTS cases by private industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported a CTS incidence rate of 3.0 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. The rates for manufacturing (6.5 or 11,240 cases) and for finance, insurance, and real estate (3.2 or 2,204 cases) both exceeded the private-sector rate. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

72chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-53 Annual rates of CTS cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The private-sector annual rate declined 30.2% during 1992-2001. Rates declined for each industry sector except wholesale trade. During this 10-year period, manufacturing had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors and experienced a 33% rate reduction. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003b].)

73chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-54 Number of CTS cases in California by occupation, 1998-2000. For each year during this period, technical, sales, and administrative support occupations consistently accounted for a disproportionately large number of CTS cases in California-nearly three times the number accounted for by other occupations. The number of CTS cases decreased during this period for four of the seven occupational groups. (Source: Harrison and Flattery [2002a].)

74chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-60 Number of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of tendonitis cases involving days away from work declined 44.3% during this period, from 25,353 cases in 1992 to 14,124 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

75chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-61 Annual rate of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of private-sector tendonitis cases involving days away from work declined 51.5% during this period-from 3.3 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 1.6 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

76chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-62 Distribution and number of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 13,990 of the 14,124 BLS-estimated tendonitis cases involving days away from work in 2001. Workers aged 35-44 accounted for 4,686 or 33.5% of cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003c].)

77chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-63 Distribution of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 1992-2001. Female workers accounted for the majority of tendonitis cases during 1992-2001. Over the decade, women represented 54.8% to 62.3% of the cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003c].)

78chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-64 Distribution and number of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 10,268 of the 14,124 BLS-estimated tendonitis cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for the majority of cases (71.3% or 7,325 cases) in 2001. Hispanic workers accounted for 13.6% or 1,400 cases of tendonitis, and black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 12.7% or 1,302 cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003c].)

79chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-65 Distribution of tendonitis cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Tendonitis cases in 2001 tended to involve higher percentages of long-term work loss (6-10, 11-20, 21-30, and 31 or more days away from work). For example, 29.7% of tendonitis cases involved 31 or more days away from work compared with only 22.0% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. Tendonitis cases required a median of 10 days away from work in 2001, whereas all nonfatal injuries and illnesses required 6. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003c].)

80chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-66 Distribution and number of tendonitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Operators, fabricators, and laborers represented 47.1% of tendonitis cases in 2001. Two other occupations accounted for nearly 39% of the cases: technical, sales, and administrative support (20.8%); and precision production, craft, and repair (18.0%). (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003c].)

81chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-67 Incidence rate of tendonitis cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported a tendonitis incidence rate of 1.6 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. Three sectors reported rates exceeding the private-sector rate: manufacturing (3.2 per 10,000 full-time workers or 5,567 cases), construction (2.0 per 10,000 full-time workers or 1,230 cases), and transportation and public utilities (1.7 per 10,000 full-time workers or 1,128 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

82chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-68 Annual rates of tendonitis cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate of tendonitis cases declined 51.5% in the private sector during 1992-2001. Rates declined among most industry sectors except for mining and transportation and public utilities. Manufacturing had consistently higher rates of tendonitis than other industry sectors and experienced a 59% rate reduction during this 10-year period. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

83chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-69 Number of occupational injury cases by type of case in private industry, 1976-2001. The number of total recordable occupational injuries reached a high of 6.4 million cases in 1990 then declined to a low of 4.9 million in 2001. Injury cases with restricted work activity only increased steadily after 1976, reaching a high of 944,100 cases in 2001. (Note: Data before 1992 include fatalities.) (Source: BLS [2002].)

84chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-70 Incidence rates of injury cases by type of case in private industry, 1976-2001. The incidence rate for total recordable occupational injuries reached a high of 9.2 cases per 100 full-time workers in 1979 then declined to a low of 5.4 per 100 full-time workers in 2001. Injury rates for cases with restricted work activity only increased steadily from a rate of 0.2 per 100 full-time workers in 1976 to 1.0 in 2001. (Note: Data before 1992 include fatalities.) (Source: BLS [2002].)

85chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-71 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses treated in hospital emergency departments, by age of worker, 1999. An estimated 3.9 million occupational injuries and illnesses were treated in hospital emergency departments among all industry and occupation groups for workers aged 15 and older. The highest numbers of these injuries and illnesses occurred among workers aged 25-44, and the highest rates were among workers aged 15-24. The overall rate was 3.0 per 100 full-time workers. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

86chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-72 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments, by sex of worker, 1999. Two-thirds (or 2.7 million) of all occupational injuries and illnesses treated in hospital emergency departments occurred among male workers aged 15 and older. However, the disparity between male and female workers was not as great when comparing incidence rates (2.2 versus 3.5 per 100 full-time workers). (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

87chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-73 Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses treated in hospital emergency departments, by race/ethnicity, 1999. Among workers of known race/ethnicity treated in hospital emergency departments, 2,464,000 or 78.3% were white, non-Hispanic; 459,000 or 14.6% were black, non-Hispanic; and 225,000 or 7.1% were Hispanic. Race/ethnicity was unknown for a large portion of the workers treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

88chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-74 Incidence rate of total nonfatal occupational injury cases by private industry sector, 2001. The private sector reported a total injury incidence rate of 5.4 per 100 full-time workers in 2001. Rates exceeding the private-sector rate were reported for construction (7.8 per 100 full-time workers or 474,500 cases), manufacturing (7.0 per 100 full-time workers or 1.2 million cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (7.0 per 100 full-time workers or 104,400 cases), transportation and public utilities (6.6 per 100 full-time workers or 436,900 cases), and retail trade (5.5 per 100 full-time workers or 964,200 cases). (Source: BLS [2002].)

89chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-75 Incidence rates of total occupational injury cases by private industry sector, 1976-2001. Incidence rates of total occupational injury cases declined for each major industry sector during 1976-2001. With the general decline in rates, the high-to-low rate ratio narrowed from 7.9 in 1976 to 5.2 in 2001. Two industry sectors (construction and manufacturing) had consistently higher rates than most other sectors during the 25-year period. (Note: Data before 1992 include fatalities.) (Source: BLS [2002].)

90chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-76 Incidence rates of lost-workday injury cases by private industry sector, 1976-2001. The incidence rates for recordable lost-workday injuries varied among industry sectors, with the high-to-low rate ratio narrowing from 8.1 in 1976 to 6.0 in 2001. Three industry sectors (construction, manufacturing, and transportation and public utilities) had consistently higher rates than other sectors during 1976-2001. (Source: BLS [2002].)

91chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-77 Incidence rates of injury cases with restricted work activity only by private industry sector, 1992-2001. During this 10-year period, the incidence rate for cases of restricted work activity only increased for each major industry sector. The highest rates were reported for manufacturing, ranging from a low of 1.5 per 100 full-time workers in 1992 to a high of 2.1 in 1998 and 2000. The lowest rates (0.1 to 0.2 per 100 full-time workers) were reported for finance, insurance, and real estate. (Source: BLS [2002].)

92chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-78 Number of amputation cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of amputation cases involving days away from work declined 30.3% during this period, from a high of 12,352 cases in 1992 to 8,612 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

93chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-79 Annual rates of amputation cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of amputation cases involving days away from work declined 37.5% in the private sector-from a high of 1.6 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 1.0 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

94chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-80 Numbers and rates of nonfatal occupational amputations treated in hospital emergency departments, by age of worker, 1999. An estimated 19,700 occupational amputations were treated in hospital emergency departments-about 0.5% of all injuries and illnesses treated in hospital emergency departments among workers aged 15 and older. The number of cases corresponded to a rate of 1.5 amputations per 10,000 full-time workers. The highest rate of occupational amputations treated in hospital emergency departments occurred among workers under age 25; however, the greatest number occurred among workers aged 35-44. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

95chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-81 Distribution of amputation cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 8,475 of the 8,612 BLS-estimated amputation cases involving days away from work in 2001. Three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 73.7% of cases, slightly less than the 75.2% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. The largest difference is noted for workers under age 25, who accounted for 17.1% of amputation cases compared with 14.3% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

96chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-82 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational amputations treated in hospital emergency departments, by sex of worker, 1999. Men suffered an estimated 17,200 amputations, 6 to 7 times more amputations at work than women. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

97chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-83 Distribution of amputation cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for many more amputation cases (80.6%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (66.1%) in 2001. However, female workers accounted for fewer amputation cases (19.4%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

98chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-84 Distribution of amputation cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 7,208 of the 8,612 BLS-estimated amputation cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for slightly fewer amputation cases (64.8%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (68.2%), as did black, non-Hispanic workers (10.3% versus 11.9%). But Hispanic workers accounted for more amputation cases (23%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (17.1%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

99chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-85 Distribution of amputation cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Higher percentages of long-term work loss (6-10, 11-20, 21-30, and 31 or more days away from work) were reported for amputation cases in 2001. Thirty-one or more days away from work were reported for 34.6% of amputation cases compared with 22.0% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. For amputation cases, workers experienced a median of 18 days away from work in 2001-much higher than the median of 6 days for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

100chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-86 Distribution of amputation cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups accounted for more than 75% of all amputations in 2001: operators, fabricators, and laborers (55.1%) and precision production, craft, and repair (23%). The same two occupational groups accounted for more than half (57.8%) of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

101chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-87 Incidence rate of amputation cases involving days away from work in private industry by industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported an amputation incidence rate of 1.0 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. Higher rates were reported for agriculture, forestry, and fishing (2.7 per 10,000 full-time workers or 401 cases), manufacturing (2.5 per 10,000 full-time workers or 4,239 cases), construction (1.6 per 10,000 full-time workers or 949 cases), and mining (1.1 per 10,000 full-time workers or 64 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

102chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-88 Annual rates of amputation cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate of amputations declined 37.5% in the private sector during 1992-2001. During this period, rates declined for each of the major industry sectors. Manufacturing had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors during the 10-year period and experienced a 26.5% reduction. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

103chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-89 Number of back injury cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of back injury cases involving days away from work declined 43% during this 10-year period-from 653,385 cases in 1992 to 372,683 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

104chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-90 Annual rates of back injury cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of back injury cases involving days away from work declined 52% during this 10-year period-from 85.4 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 41.0 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

105chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-91 Distribution of back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 369,351 of the 372,683 BLS-estimated back injury cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 78.5% of back injury cases, slightly more than the 75.2% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

106chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-92 Distribution of back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for 64.3% of back injury cases in 2001, slightly less than the 66.1% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Female workers accounted for a slightly greater percentage of back injury cases (35.7%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

107chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-93 Distribution of back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 269,108 of the 372,683 BLS-estimated back injury cases involving days away from work in 2001. Relatively small race/ethnicity differences existed between back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 69.5% of back injury cases and 68.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 12.1% of back injury cases, and Hispanic workers accounted for 15.7%. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

108chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-94 Distribution of back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Back injury cases tended to involve higher percentages of short-term disability than all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001: 22.4% of workers with back injuries reported 3-5 days away from work, and 13.7% reported 6-10 days away from work. Workers with back injuries had a median of 6 days away from work in 2001-as did workers with all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

109chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-95 Distribution of back injury cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups (operators, fabricators, and laborers and service workers) accounted for 58.0% of all back injury cases in 2001 and 56.9% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

110chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-96 Incidence rate of back injury cases involving days away from work in private industry by industry sector, 2001. In 2001, back injury incidence rates exceeding the private-sector rate (41.0 per 10,000 full-time workers) were reported for transportation and public utilities (77.1 per 10,000 full-time workers or 50,765 cases), construction (63.9 per 10,000 full-time workers or 38,973 cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (58.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 8,830 cases), and wholesale trade (47.3 per 10,000 full-time workers or 30,421 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

111chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-97 Annual rates of back injury cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate for back injuries involving days away from work declined 52% during 1992-2001, and similar reductions occurred in each of the major industry sectors. Two industry sectors (transportation and public utilities and construction) had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors during this 10-year period and experienced 36.1% and 52.7% rate reductions, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

112chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-98 Number of bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work declined 38.8% during 1992-2001, from 222,650 cases in 1992 to 136,361 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

113chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-99 Annual rates of bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work declined 48.5% during 1992-2001, from 29.1 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 15.0 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

114chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-100 Distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 134,783 of the 136,361 BLS-estimated bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 70.5% of bruise and contusion cases compared with 75.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. More workers were under age 25 among bruise and contusion cases (18.1%) than among all nonfatal injury and illness cases (14.3%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

115chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-101 Distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for fewer bruise and contusion cases in 2001 (61.0%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (66.1%). However, female workers accounted for more bruise and contusion cases (39.0%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

116chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-102 Distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 96,014 of the 136,361 BLS-estimated bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work in 2001. For Hispanic workers and other workers, relatively small differences existed between the distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 64.3% of bruise and contusion cases and 68.2% of nonfatal injury and illness cases. Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 15.0% of bruise and contusion cases and 11.9% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

117chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-103 Distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001, bruise and contusion cases tended to involve higher percentages of short-term disability, with 64.6% of cases requiring 5 or fewer days away from work. A median of 3 days away from work was reported for bruise and contusion cases in 2001-half the median of 6 days for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

118chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-104 Distribution of bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups accounted for the majority (60.5%) of all bruise and contusion cases in 2001: operators, fabricators, and laborers (42% of bruise and contusion cases versus 39.5% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses) and service (18.5% of bruise and contusion cases versus 17.4% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses). Overall, the distributions by occupational group were comparable for bruise and contusion cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

119chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-105 Incidence rate of bruise and contusion cases by private industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported an incidence rate of 15.0 per 10,000 full-time workers for bruise and contusion cases in 2001. Higher rates were reported for transportation and public utilities (28.5 per 10,000 full-time workers or 18,742 cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (26.4 per 10,000 full-time workers or 3,964 cases), construction (20.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 12,689 cases), mining (19.0 per 10,000 full-time workers or 1,127 cases), wholesale trade (17.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 11,461 cases), and retail trade (15.9 per 10,000 full-time workers or 27,689 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

120chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-106 Annual rate of bruise and contusion cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The private-sector annual rate of bruise and contusion cases declined 48% during 1992-2001, and rate reductions were reported for each of the major industry sectors. Four industry sectors (transportation and public utilities, construction, mining, and agriculture, forestry, and fishing) had consistently higher rates than other sectors during this 10-year period and experienced rate reductions of 35%, 49%, 50%, and 31%, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

121chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-107 Number of heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work declined 38.9% during this 10-year period, from a high of 41,032 cases in 1992 to 25,078 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

122chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-108 Annual rates of heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work declined 48.1% during 1992-2001, from a high of 5.4 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 2.8 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

123chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-109 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational burns treated in an emergency department, by age of worker, 1999. In 1999, more than 142,000 occupational burns of all types (thermal, chemical, and radiation) were treated in emergency departments for workers aged 15 and older. The rate of these burns was about 11 per 10,000 full-time workers. Workers under age 25 had an incidence rate that was 2 to 5 times the rates for older age groups. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

124chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-110 Distribution of heat burn and scald cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 24,244 of the 25,078 BLS-estimated heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 67.4% of heat burn and scald cases compared with 75.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. More workers were under age 35 in heat burn and scald cases (54.3%) than in all nonfatal injury and illness cases (39.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

125chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-111 Numbers and rates of nonfatal occupational burns treated in an emergency department, by sex of worker, 1999. The number of burns among male workers was twice the number among female workers in 1999. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

126chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-112 Distribution of heat burn and scald cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for 68.2% of heat burn and scald cases in 2001 and 66.1% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Female workers accounted for a lower percentage of heat burn and scald cases (31.8%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

127chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-113 Distribution of heat burn and scald cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 18,617 of the 25,078 BLS-estimated heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 66.6% of heat burn and scald cases and 68.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 12.7% of heat burn and scald cases (slightly more than for all nonfatal injury and illness cases), and Hispanic workers accounted for 15.6% of heat burn and scald cases (slightly less than for all nonfatal injury and illness cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

128chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-114 Distribution of heat burn and scald cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. In 2001, more heat burn and scald cases (85.6%) involved short-term periods of disability (1-20 days) than did nonfatal injury and illness cases (71.6%). The median number of days away from work was 5 for heat burn and scald cases and 6 for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

129chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-115 Distribution of heat burn and scald cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Service occupations accounted for nearly half (47.6%) of all heat burn and scald cases compared with 17.4% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001. Operators, fabricators, and laborers accounted for another 25.1% of heat, burn, and scald cases and for 39.5% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

130chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-116 Incidence rate of heat burn and scald cases in private industry by industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported an incidence rate of 2.8 per 10,000 full-time workers for heat burn and scald cases in 2001. Incidence rates exceeding the private-sector rate were reported for retail trade (5.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 10,082 cases) and construction (4.0 per 10,000 full-time workers or 2,453 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

131chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-117 Annual rates of heat burn and scald cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate of heat burn and scald cases declined by nearly half (48.1%) during 1992-2001, and rate reductions occurred among each of the major industry sectors. Three sectors (retail trade, construction, and manufacturing) had higher rates than the other sectors and experienced rate reductions of 50%, 37.5%, and 50%, respectively, during this 10-year period. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

132chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-118 Number of cut and laceration cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of cut and laceration cases involving days away from work declined 33.9% during 1992-2001, from 173,573 cases in 1992 to 114,791 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

133chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-119 Annual rates of cut and laceration cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of cut and laceration cases involving days away from work declined 44.5% during 1992-2001, from 22.7 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 12.6 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

134chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-120 Distribution of cut and laceration cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 113,072 of the 114,791 BLS-estimated cut and laceration cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 69.4% of cases compared with 75.2% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. More workers were under age 35 in cut and laceration cases (51.1%) than in all nonfatal injury and illness cases (39.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

135chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-121 Distribution of cut and laceration cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for more cut and laceration cases than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (81.9% versus 66.1%). Female workers accounted for fewer cut and laceration cases than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (18.1% versus 33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

136chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-122 Distribution of cut and laceration cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 87,995 of the 114,791 BLS-estimated cut and laceration cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for fewer cut and laceration cases (60.7%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (68.2%). Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 11.3% of cut and laceration cases, and Hispanic workers accounted for 24.5%- a much greater percentage than the 17.1% reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

137chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-123 Distribution of cut and laceration cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injury and illness cases in 2001, cut and laceration cases involved more short-term disability (periods of 1-10 days away from work). The median number of days away from work was 3 for cut and laceration cases and 6 for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

138chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-124 Distribution of cut and laceration cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups accounted for the majority (67.2%) of cut and laceration cases in 2001: operators, fabricators, and laborers (40% versus 39.5% for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses) and precision production, craft, and repair (27.2%, versus 18.3% for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

139chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-125 Incidence rate of cut and laceration cases in private industry by industry sector, 2001. For 2001, incidence rates exceeding the private-sector rate of 12.6 per 10,000 full-time workers were reported for construction (35.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 21,849 cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (26.5 per 10,000 full-time workers or 3,984 cases), manufacturing (16.1 per 10,000 full-time workers or 27,881 cases), and retail trade (15.4 per 10,000 full-time workers or 26,739 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

140chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-126 Annual rates of cut and laceration cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate of cut and laceration cases declined 44.5% during 1992-2001, and rates declined for each major industry sector. Two sectors (construction and agriculture, forestry, and fishing) had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors during this 10-year period and experienced rate reductions of 26.3% and 41.2%, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

141chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-127 Number of fracture cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of fracture cases involving days away from work in 2001 declined 24.7% during 1992-2001, from 143,627 cases in 1992 to 108,127 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

142chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-128 Annual rates of fracture cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of fracture cases involving days away from work declined 36.7% during 1992-2001, from 18.8 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 11.9 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

143chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-129 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational fractures treated in emergency departments, by age of worker, 1999. In 1999, an estimated 210,000 occupational fractures were treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. This number corresponded to a rate of 15.9 fractures per 10,000 full-time workers. Although workers aged 35-44 experienced the highest number of fractures, workers aged 15-24 had the highest rate of fractures. Workers aged 55 and older had the smallest number of fractures, but they experienced a slightly higher rate of fractures than workers aged 25-54. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

144chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-130 Distribution of fracture cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 107,001 of the 108,127 BLS-estimated fracture cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 71% of fracture cases and 75.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. More workers were aged 45 or older in fracture cases (40.8%) than in all nonfatal injury and illness cases (31.3%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

145chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-131 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational fractures treated in emergency departments, by sex of worker, 1999. Men experienced 2 to 3 times more fractures at work than women. (Sources: NEISS [2003]; Jackson [2003].)

146chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-132 Distribution of fracture cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for a larger proportion of fracture cases (73.8%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (66.1%). However, female workers accounted for a smaller proportion of fracture cases (26.2%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

147chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-133 Distribution of fracture cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 84,480 of the 108,127 BLS-estimated fracture cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for a greater proportion of fracture cases (73.9%) than for all nonfatal injury and illness cases (68.2%). Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 8% of fracture cases and Hispanic workers accounted for 15.9%-both smaller proportions than reported for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

148chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-134 Distribution of fracture cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. In 2001, fracture cases involved more long-term work loss (11-20 or more days away from work) than all nonfatal injuries and illnesses (63.9% versus 39.4%). Fracture cases involved a median of 21 days away from work-3.5 times the median of 6 days for all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

149chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-135 Distribution of fracture cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups accounted for the majority (63.9%) of all fracture cases in 2001: operators, fabricators, and laborers and precision production, craft, and repair. These two groups accounted for 57.8% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

150chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-136 Incidence rate of fracture cases by private industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported an incidence rate of 11.9 per 10,000 full-time workers for fracture cases in 2001. Incidence rates exceeding the private-sector rate were reported for construction (32.5 per 10,000 full-time workers or 19,786 cases), mining (25.4 per 10,000 full-time workers or 1,505 cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (21.7 per 10,000 full-time workers or 3,260 cases), transportation and public utilities (20.9 per 10,000 full-time workers or 13,758 cases), and manufacturing (13.0 per 10,000 full-time workers or 22,493 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

151chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-137 Annual rates of fracture cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate of fracture cases in the private sector declined 36.7% during 1992-2001. Rate reductions occurred among each of the major industry sectors. Three sectors (construction, mining, and agriculture, forestry, and fishing) had higher rates than other industry sectors during this 10-year period. They experienced rate reductions of 38.9%, 35.5%, and 33.6%, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

152chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-138 Number of sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work declined 34.5% during 1992-2001, from 1,022,746 cases in 1992 to 669,889 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

153chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-139 Annual rates of sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work declined 44.9% during 1992-2001, from 133.7 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 73.7 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

154chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-140 Distribution of sprain, strain, and tear cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 663,779 of the 669,889 BLS-estimated sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work in 2001. Overall, three age groups (25-34, 35-44, and 45-54) accounted for 77.8% of sprain, strain, and tear cases compared with 75.2% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

155chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-141 Distribution of sprain, strain, and tear cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 2001. Male workers accounted for 64.1% of sprain, strain, and tear cases compared with 66.1% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. Female workers accounted for 35.9% of sprain, strain, and tear cases compared with 33.9% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases (33.9%). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

156chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-142 Distribution of sprain, strain, and tear cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 481,012 of the 669,889 BLS-estimated sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for more sprain, strain, and tear cases (69.9%) than all nonfatal injury and illness cases (68.2%). Black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 12.4% of sprain, strain, and tear cases, and Hispanic workers accounted for 15.2%. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

157chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-143 Distribution of sprain, strain, and tear cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Compared with all nonfatal injuries and illnesses in 2001, sprains, strains, and tears involved a higher percentage of cases with 3-5 days away from work (21.2% compared with 19.8%). But overall, the distributions of work losses were similar. This similarity was reflected by the median of 6 days away from work for both types of cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

158chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-144 Distribution of sprain, strain, and tear cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Two occupational groups accounted for the majority (57.6%) of all sprain, strain, and tear cases: operators, fabricators, and laborers and service workers. These two groups accounted for 56.9% of all nonfatal injury and illness cases. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

159chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-145 Incidence rate of sprain, strain, and tear cases by private industry sector, 2001. Private industry reported an incidence rate of 73.7 per 10,000 full-time workers for sprain, strain, and tear cases in 2001. Incidence rates exceeding the private-sector rate were reported for transportation and public utilities (147.0 per 10,000 full-time workers or 96,700 cases), construction (116.8 per 10,000 full-time workers or 71,225 cases), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (91.6 per 10,000 full-time workers or 13,758 cases), and wholesale trade (81.2 per 10,000 full-time workers or 52,261 cases). (Source: BLS [2003a].)

160chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-146 Annual rates of sprain, strain, and tear cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate for sprain, strain, and tear cases declined 44.9% during 1992-2001. Rate reductions occurred for each major industry sector. Two sectors (transportation and public utilities and construction) had consistently higher rates than other industry sectors during this 10-year period. They experienced rate reductions of 41.5% and 30.4%, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

161chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-208 Number of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual number of dermatitis cases involving days away from work declined significantly (50.1%) during 1992-2001, from 9,452 cases in 1992 to 4,714 cases in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

162chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-209 Annual rates of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. The annual rate of private-sector dermatitis cases involving days away from work declined 58.3% during 1992-2001, from 1.2 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 0.5 in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

163chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-210 Distribution and number of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by age, 2001. Age data are available for 4,658 of the 4,714 BLS-estimated dermatitis cases involving days away from work. Workers aged 25-34 accounted for 1,267 cases or 27.2%, and workers aged 35-44 accounted for 1,189 cases or 25.5%. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003d].)

164chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-211 Distribution of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by sex, 1992-2001. Male workers accounted for the greatest proportions of dermatitis cases, ranging from 53.4% to 60.3% during 1992-2001. In 2001, male workers accounted for 55.5% of dermatitis cases. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003d].

165chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-212 Distribution and number of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Race/ethnicity data are available for 3,464 of the 4,714 BLS-estimated dermatitis cases involving days away from work in 2001. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 64.5% of the cases, and Hispanic workers accounted for 20.1%. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003d].)

166chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-213 Distribution of dermatitis cases and all nonfatal injury and illness cases involving days away from work in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Higher percentages of short-term work loss (1, 2, and 3-5 days) were reported for dermatitis cases in 2001. The median number of days away from work was 3 for dermatitis cases, whereas it was 6 days for all nonfatal injuries and illnesses. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003d].

167chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-214 Distribution and number of dermatitis cases involving days away from work in private industry by occupation, 2001. Operators, fabricators, and laborers along with service workers constituted more than half (56.0%) of the 4,701 dermatitis cases reported in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b]; Booth-Jones et al. [2003d].)

168chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-215 Incidence rate of dermatitis cases by private industry sector, 2001. For dermatitis cases, private industry reported an incidence rate of 0.5 per 10,000 full-time workers in 2001. Higher rates were reported for agriculture, forestry, and fishing (1.3), manufacturing (0.7), transportation and public utilities (0.7), and services (0.6). (Note: A dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria.) (Source: BLS [2003a].)

169chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 2-216 Annual rates of dermatitis cases involving days away from work by private industry sector, 1992-2001. The annual rate for dermatitis cases in the private sector declined 58.3% during 1992-2001, and rates declined for each industry sector. Agriculture had consistently higher rates of dermatitis cases than other industry sectors and experienced a 78% rate reduction during this 10-year period. (Sources: BLS [2003a,b].)

170chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-6 Leading sources of fatal occupational injuries in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry, 1992-2001. (Fatality data exclude New York City.) Farm tractors accounted for 2,165 fatal occupational injuries during 1992-2001 and were the leading source of these deaths in agriculture, forestry, and fishing. Trucks and fishing boats were also major sources of death in this industry and accounted for 795 and 434 fatal occupational injuries, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2002a]; Myers [2003].)

171chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-7 Leading causes of fatal occupational injuries in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry, 1992-1997. During 1992-1997, machinery caused 1,021 fatal occupational injuries and was the leading cause of these deaths in agriculture, forestry, and fishing as reported on death certificates. The next leading causes of these deaths were motor vehicles (624 fatalities) and falls (235 fatalities). (Sources: NIOSH [2001a]; Myers [2001a].)

172chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-13 Number of occupational injuries in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry (excluding farms with fewer than 11 employees), 1981-2001. The number of occupational injuries in agriculture, forestry, and fishing slowly increased from 83,300 injuries in 1982 to 115,400 in 1995. An estimated 104,400 nonfatal occupational injuries occurred in this industry in 2001. (Note: Data before 1992 include fatalities.) (Sources: BLS [2002c]; Myers [2002].)

173chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-14 Occupational injury rates in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry (excluding farms with fewer than 11 employees) and the private sector, 1981-2001. Occupational injury rates in agriculture, forestry, and fishing declined from 11.7 per 100 full-time workers in 1981 to 6.8 in 2000. The rate increased slightly in 2001 to 7.0 per 100 full-time workers. Injury rates for agriculture consistently exceeded comparable rates in the private sector. (Note: Data before 1992 include fatalities.) (Sources: BLS [2002c]; Myers [2002].)

174chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-15 Number of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by State, 1993-1995. During 1993-1995, the highest numbers of nonfatal occupational farming injuries occurred in California (12,695), Minnesota (11,847), Iowa (11,137), and Wisconsin (10,173). (Note: For reporting purposes, the following States were combined: Alaska and Washington; Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Delaware and Maryland; Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont; Montana and Wyoming; and Nevada and Utah.) (Sources: NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

175chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-16 Rates of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by State, 1993-1995. Mississippi had the highest rate of nonfatal occupational farming injury (14.5 per 100 full-time workers), followed by Alaska and Washington (combined injury rate of 14.3), Arizona (13.7), Ohio (13.1), and Colorado (11.3). (Note: For reporting purposes, the following States were combined: Alaska and Washington; Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; Delaware and Maryland; Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont; Montana and Wyoming; and Nevada and Utah.) (Sources: BLS [2002b]; NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

176chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-17 Number of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by type of farm operation, 1993-1995. During 1993-1995, most nonfatal occupational injuries occurred on cattle, hog, or sheep operations, followed by cash grain and dairy operations. (Sources: NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

177chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-18 Rates of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by type of farm operation, 1993-1995. Nonfatal occupational injury rates were similar for crop and livestock farms during 1993-1995, but rates were slightly higher for crop farms. (Sources: NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

178chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-19 Number of nonfatal occupational farming injuries by leading sources of injury, 1993-1995. Nonfatal occupational farming injuries were primarily caused by machinery and livestock during 1993-1995. Other major sources of injury included working surfaces and hand tools. (Sources: NIOSH [2001b]; Myers [2001c].)

179chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-20 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths accounted for 25,768 nonfatal on-farm injuries, both occupational and nonoccupational. Household farm youths had a higher overall nonfatal injury rate (1.87 per 100) than youths hired to work on the farm (0.32 per 100). (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

180chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-21 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths under age 20 accounted for 12,382 nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries. Youth visitors and hired youths accounted for similar numbers of occupational injuries (2,208 and 2,127 injuries, respectively). Household farm youths had a higher overall occupational injury rate than youths hired to work on the farm. (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

181chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-22 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. In 1998, the Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 (12,040 injuries), whereas the West had the highest rate of these injuries (1.38 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

182chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-23 Number and rate of occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. The Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of occupational on-farm injuries to youths in 1998 (6,107 injuries) as well as the highest occupational injury rate (0.95 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

183chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-24 Number of nonfatal injuries to all youths and working youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by race, 2000. On minority farm operations in 2000, the most nonfatal injuries to all youths under age 20 occurred among American Indian or Alaska Native youths (206 injuries), followed by other (105), white youths (92), black youths (78), and Asian or Pacific Islanders (50). Far fewer nonfatal injuries occurred among working youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

184chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-25 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by race, 2000. American Indian and Alaska Native youths had the highest number (177) and rate (24.0 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among household youths on minority farm operations. Youths of other races had the second highest number (96) and rate (12.3 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among household youths, followed by black youths and Asian or Pacific Islander youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

185chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-26 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (348) and rate (12.2 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries among youths on racial minority farm operations in 2000. Hired workers had the second highest injury rate (2.7 per 1,000 hired working youths) but the lowest number of injuries (20). Visiting relatives accounted for the second highest number of nonfatal youth injuries (124), followed by hired workers (20). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

186chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-27 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (138) and rate (11.7 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths on racial minority farm operations in 2000. Visiting relatives had the next highest number of injuries (42) and the same rate of nonfatal occupational injuries as hired workers (2.7 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

187chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-28 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on racial minority farm operations by known injury hazard, 2000. Of the four known injury hazards to household youths in 2000, work accounted for the highest number (138) and rate (11.7 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries to these youths on racial minority farm operations. Horses accounted for the second highest number (60) and rate (8.0 per 1,000 youths) of these nonfatal injuries, followed by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and tractors. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

188chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-29 Nonfatal injuries to Hispanic and non-Hispanic youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations, 2000. On Hispanic farm operations in 2000, Hispanic youths accounted for much higher numbers of nonfatal injuries (289) and occupational nonfatal injuries (124) than did non-Hispanic youths. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

189chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-30 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. Household youths had the highest number (256) and rate (14.2 per 1,000) of nonfatal injuries to youths on Hispanic farm operations in 2000. Visiting relatives accounted for an additional 58 injuries on these farms, followed by other visitors (33 injuries). Hired workers accounted for the lowest number of nonfatal injuries to youths (17), but they had the second highest injury rate (3.3 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

190chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-31 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational injuries to youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by relationship to the farm, 2000. On Hispanic farm operations in 2000, household youths had a much higher number (114) of occupational injuries than nonhousehold youths, and their rate of injury (14.4 per 1,000 youths) was 8 times the rate for nonhousehold working youths (1.7 per 1,000 youths). (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

191chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-32 Number and rate of nonfatal injuries to household youths under age 20 on Hispanic farm operations by known injury hazard, 2000. Of the four recognized hazards to household youths in 2000, work accounted for the highest number (114) and rate (14.4 per 1,000 youths) of nonfatal injuries to these youths on Hispanic farm operations. Horses accounted for the second highest number (31) and rate (5.8 per 1,000 youths) of these nonfatal injuries, followed by ATVs and tractors. (Source: Myers et al. [2003].)

192chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-37 Nonfatal occupational injuries to farm workers by age, 1999. In 1999, the highest number of nonfatal occupational injuries (12,543) occurred among farm workers aged 30-34. However, workers aged 35-39 and 45-49 accounted for similar numbers of injuries (12,130 and 12,211). (Note: A dash in parentheses indicates that no injury data were reported or estimated from the survey for this age group.) (Sources: DOL [2001]; Myers [2001d].)

193chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-38 Occupational injury rates for farm workers by age, 1999. In 1999, nonfatal occupational injury rates for farm workers increased with age, peaking at 11.2 per 100 workers aged 45-54 and declining steeply for workers aged 55-64. (Note: A dash in parentheses indicates that no injury data were reported or estimated from the survey for this age group; thus no rate estimates were made.) (Sources: DOL [2001]; Myers [2001d].)

194chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-1 Fatal occupational injury rates by industry division, 2002. Fatal occupational injury rates in 2002 were highest in mining (23.5 per 100,000 workers), agriculture, forestry, and fishing (22.7), construction (12.2), and transportation and public utilities (11.3). The rate for all private industry was 4.2 per 100,000 workers. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

195chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-2 Incidence rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses in private industry and in high-risk industrial sectors, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, the rates of total recordable injuries and illnesses in construction and agriculture exceeded those for all private industry by an average of 37% and 22%, respectively. However, the rates all decreased by similar percentages during this period-36% for all private industry, 40% for construction, and 37% for agriculture, forestry, and fishing. (Source: BLS [2002a].)

196chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-5 Number and average annual rate of fatal occupational injuries in coal and metal/nonmetal mining for each 5-year period during 1966-2000, including factors affecting reductions in these injuries. The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 was passed soon after 78 coal miners died in 1968 during an underground explosion in the Consol No. 9 Mine at Farmington, West Virginia. Numbers and rates of fatal injuries in coal mining declined steadily after passage of the 1969 Act. During the most recent 5-year period (1996-2000), the fatal injury rate for coal mining was at its lowest-33 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers.

The Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (which included metal/nonmetal mining) was passed a few years after 91 miners lost their lives in a 1972 underground mine fire at the Sunshine Silver Mine. The fatal occupational injury rate for metal/nonmetal mining declined to its lowest rate (25.3 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers) in 1991-1995. During 1996-2000, this rate increased to 27.1 fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers.

Safety and health legislation has been an important factor in reducing fatal occupational injury rates over the past three decades. However, other critical factors include improvements in mining technology such as roof bolting to prevent roof cave-ins, dust suppression and ventilation techniques, and use of noncombustible materials to prevent explosions and fires. Despite large declines in the numbers and rates of fatal injuries to miners, mining continues to be one of the most hazardous occupations. (Sources: MSHA [2002]; NIOSH [2003a].)

197chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-6 Rates of fatal mining injuries by type of employer and commodity, 1993-1997 and 1998-2002. For these two periods, the 5-year average rate of fatal mining injuries declined from 30.2 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers (1993-1997) to 27.7 (1998-2002). Most of this decline was due to decreases in the rates of fatal mining injuries among independent contractor workers, stone operator workers, and nonmetal operator workers. Increased rates occurred among sand and gravel operator workers and metal operator workers. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

198chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-9 Rate of lost-workday injuries for surface mining operations by type of employer and commodity, 1993-2002. From 1993 to 2002, the rate of lost-workday injuries declined overall for operator workers in all commodities and for metal/nonmetal-independent contractor workers. Throughout this 10-year period, the highest rates of lost-workday injuries were consistently observed for stone operator workers. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

199chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-10 Rate of lost-workday injuries for underground mining operations by type of employer and commodity, 1993-2002. During 1993-2002, underground coal operator workers and underground coal-independent contractor workers consistently had the highest rates of lost-workday injuries. Although marked by slight increases and decreases during this 10-year period, lost-workday injury rates for underground nonmetal operator workers and underground stone operator workers have remained relatively constant. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

200chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-11 Rate of lost-workday injuries by type of incident and work location, 1998-2002. During 1998-2002, miners at underground locations generally had higher nonfatal injury rates than those working on the surface. Injuries to miners at both surface and underground locations were most frequently associated with handling materials and slip or fall of person. Miners working underground also had relatively high rates of injury from fall of ground incidents (caving rock), or in incidents involving powered haulage or machinery. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

201chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-12 Distribution of lost-workday injuries by age of worker and type of employer and commodity, 2002. The proportion of injured workers above age 44 at the time of injury was highest among coal and metal operator workers and lowest among coal-independent contractor workers. Conversely, the proportion of injured workers under age 25 was highest among coal-independent contractor workers, sand and gravel operator workers, and stone operator workers. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

202chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-13 Number of lost-workday injuries by sex of worker and type of employer and commodity, 2002. In 2002, only 2% (190) of all nonfatally injured mine workers were female, whereas 14.6% of the entire mining workforce was female (Chapter 1, Table 1-4). The highest proportion of female workers with lost-workday injuries was reported by metal operators (6%), and the lowest proportion was reported by metal/nonmetal-independent contractors (1%) and coal operators (2%). (Note: Percentages shown within the bars represent the proportion of male workers with lost-workday injuries.) (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

203chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-14 Median number of lost workdays due to nonfatal lost-time mining injuries by work location and selected types of incidents, 1998-2002. During 1998-2002, the median number of lost workdays due to nonfatal lost-time mining injuries was 21 for miners injured underground and 14 for miners injured at surface locations. At surface locations, falls of ground (e.g., rock dislodging from a highwall) accounted for the highest median number of lost workdays. At underground locations, powered haulage and slip or fall of person accounted for the highest median number of lost workdays. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

204chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-15 Distribution of lost-workday injuries among miners by type of employer and commodity and years of total mining experience, 2002. In 2002, the proportion of workers with lost-workday injuries was highest among coal operator workers with more than 5 years of experience, and lowest among coal operator workers with less than 1 year of experience. Of the mine workers with less than 1 year of mining experience, independent contractor workers had the highest proportions of lost-workday injuries. These differences must be interpreted with caution, since years of mining experience were not reported for 10% of cases. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)

205chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-16 Number of nonfatal injury and illness cases in metal/nonmetal mines by years of total mining experience for 1991-1995 and 1996-2000: (A) mine operator cases, and (B) independent contractor cases. During 1991-2000, the role of total mining experience was fairly consistent and stable over time among mine operator worker cases of nonfatal injury or illness in metal/nonmetal mines. The number of cases was characteristically reduced during the second year of experience and followed by an upsurge for the next 3 to 4 years. A steady decline thereafter suggests that experience continually reduces risk for miners. The later period (1996-2000) showed some improvement over the early period (1991-1995). Metal/nonmetal-independent contractor cases showed a similar pattern, but with higher case counts for the least experienced miners. (Sources: MSHA [2002]; NIOSH [2003b].)

206chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-17 Number of injury and illness cases in coal mines by years of total mining experience for 1991-1995 and 1996-2000: (A) mine operator cases, and (B) independent contractor cases. Coal mining showed a distinctly different pattern from metal/nonmetal mining for 1991-2000. Mine operators reported increasing numbers of cases with increasing years of mining experience up until 20-24.9 years. As with metal/nonmetal mining, a dramatic drop in overall case count occurred for coal miners between the early and late 1990s. The shift in the experience group with the highest case count may reflect the aging of the mining workforce. The role of experience among independent contractor workers was similar but more pronounced for new miners. Note that case counts alone may be misleading. Incidence rates (cases per 100 full-time equivalent workers) may show different patterns, but they could not be developed because employment by years of experience was not available. (Sources: MSHA [2002]; NIOSH [2003b].)

207chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-20 Average distribution of full-time construction workers by trade, 1992-2001. Among the trades monitored by CPWR, the estimated distribution of employed construction workers by trade ranged from 0.6% to 13.3% during 1992-2001. Carpenters made up the largest proportion of construction workers (13.3%), followed by construction laborers (8.8%) and electricians (5.9%). (Notes: (1) Apprentices are included for some trades when data were available. (2) All other includes managers, professionals, supervisors, clerical workers, sales personnel, and trades that each totaled less than 1% of the industry. (3) Computations were based on a definition of full-time work as 2,000 employee hours per year.) (Sources: BLS [2002c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

208chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-21 Distribution of fatal occupational injuries among construction workers by age, 1992 and 2001. The construction workforce has been growing older: In 2001, the average age for construction workers was 38.7 (1.5 years older than it was in 1992). In addition, the median age increased from 35 to 39 during this 10-year period. The aging of the construction workforce is reflected in the distribution of fatal occupational injuries in this group by age. From 1992 to 2001, the largest proportion of fatal occupational injuries shifted from construction workers aged 25-34 to those aged 35-44. For construction workers aged 25 or 34, the proportion with fatal injuries declined (from 27.8% to 21.7%), whereas it increased for workers aged 65 or older (from 3.9% to 5.9%). (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

209chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-22 Fatal occupational injury rates among Hispanic and non-Hispanic workers in the construction industry, 1992-2001. Fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic construction workers increased from 108 in 1992 to 281 in 2001. Since 1992, Hispanic construction workers have had markedly higher fatal occupational injury rates than their non-Hispanic counterparts. In 2001 (the most recent year measured), the rate of work-related deaths from construction injuries for Hispanics was 19.5 per 100,000 full-time workers-62.5% higher than the rate of 12.0 for non-Hispanic construction workers. During 1990-2001, Hispanic employment in the U.S. construction industry increased greatly, from 649,800 in 1990 to 1.5 million (or 15.6% of the construction workforce) in 2001. (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

210chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-23 Fatal occupational injury rates by construction trade, 2001. Fatal occupational injury rates in the construction trades for 2001 ranged from 6.0 per 100,000 full-time workers for drywall installers to 75.6 for ironworkers-more than a 12-fold difference. (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Chowdhury and Dong [2002].)

211chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-24 Distribution of construction workers and fatal occupational injuries by employment size of establishment, 2001. In 2001, more than 80% of construction establishments had fewer than 10 employees, and establishments with fewer than 20 employees employed only 38.2% of the wage-and-salary workforce. However, fatal occupational injuries among these smaller establishments accounted for more than 55.5% of fatal occupational injuries in 2001. (Note: The calculation excludes the self-employed workers and deaths reported without establishment-size information.) (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Census [2003]; Dong et al. [2004].)

212chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-25 Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries among construction workers by fatal event, 2001. In 2001, falls to lower level accounted for the greatest number of fatal occupational injuries among construction workers (410 fatalities or 4.3 per 100,000 full-time workers). Highway accidents accounted for 161 deaths, a fatal injury rate of 1.7 per 100,000 full-time workers. (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

213chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-26 Fatal occupational fall rates by selected construction trade, 2001. The 2001 rate for fatal occupational falls among ironworkers was 66.8 per 100,000 workers-15 times the average rate for all construction. For roofers, the fatal fall rate was 30.1, or 7 times the average rate for all construction. (Sources: BLS [2002b,c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

214chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-27 Rate of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work by construction trade, 2001. In 2001, the rate of nonfatal injuries and illnesses involving days away from work ranged from 131.2 per 10,000 full-time workers among painters to 751.8 for ironworkers-nearly a 6-fold difference. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

215chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-28 Rates of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases with days away from work in construction and private industry by selected ergonomic events or exposures, 2001. Injuries and illnesses associated with ergonomic events or exposures made up 26.5% (49,237 of 185,662) of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in the construction industry in 2001. The rate of bending, climbing, crawling, reaching, twisting injuries in construction was 15 per 10,000 full-time workers-nearly double the rate of 8 for all private industry that year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b,c]; Dong et al. [2004].)

216chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-30 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for brickmasons and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work were generally lower for brickmasons than for all construction workers. Rates for brickmasons showed a downward trend from a 424 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1994 to 201 in 2001. BLS reported 36,172 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among brickmasons during this 10-year period-an average of 3,617 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

217chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-32 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for carpenters and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work were slightly higher for carpenters than for all construction workers, but they were comparable in overall magnitude. Rates for carpenters showed a downward trend, from 489 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1993 to 313 in 2001. BLS reported 285,705 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among carpenters during this 10-year period-an average of 28,570 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

218chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-34 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for drywall installers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for drywall installers showed a downward trend during 1992-2001, from 720 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 259 in 2000. BLS reported 43,575 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among construction workers during this 10-year period-an average of 4,357 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

219chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-36 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for electricians and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for electricians were slightly higher but comparable with those for all construction workers. Rates for electricians showed a downward trend, from 522 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1994 to 246 in 2001. BLS reported 142,811 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among electricians during this 10-year period-an average of 14,281 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

220chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-38 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for ironworkers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for ironworkers during 1992-2001 were consistently greater (1.7-3.9 times greater) than those for all construction workers. Rates for ironworkers showed a downward trend, from 1,750 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 550 in 1997. The 2001 rate of 752 per 10,000 full-time workers represents a 57% decrease from the 1992 rate of nonfatal injury and illness for ironworkers. BLS reported 40,173 cases of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among ironworkers during this 10-year period-an average of 4,017 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

221chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-40 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for construction laborers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for construction laborers during 1992-2001 were consistently greater (1.8-2.7 times greater) than those for all construction workers. Rates for construction laborers showed a downward trend, from 1,330 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 512 in 2001. The 2001 rate represents a 62% decrease from the 1992 rate. BLS reported 467,258 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among construction laborers during this 10-year period-an average of 46,726 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

222chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-42 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for operating engineers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work were lower for operating engineers than for all construction workers, but both rates were comparable in overall magnitude. Rates for operating engineers showed a downward trend, from 581 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 162 in 2001. BLS reported 37,431 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among operating engineers during this 10-year period-an average of 3,743 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

223chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-44 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for painters and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for painters were consistently lower (0.5 to 0.8 times lower) than those for all construction workers. Rates showed a downward trend, from 368 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 131 in 2001. The 2001 rate of 131 per 10,000 full-time workers represents a 64% decrease in rates since 1992. BLS reported 50,264 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among painters during this 10-year period-an average of 5,026 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

224chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-46 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for plumbers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for plumbers were slightly higher than those for all construction workers, though they were comparable in overall magnitude. Rates for plumbers showed a downward trend, from 504 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 326 in 1998. BLS reported 113,679 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among plumbers during this 10-year period-an average of 11,370 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

225chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-48 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for roofers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work were consistently greater for roofers (1.1-1.8 times greater) than for all construction workers. Rates for roofers showed a downward trend, from 838 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1994 to 325 in 1998. BLS reported 61,539 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among roofers during this 10-year period-an average of 6,154 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

226chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-50 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for truck drivers and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for truck drivers usually exceeded rates for all construction workers. Rates for truck drivers varied from 533 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1992 to 359 in 1998. BLS reported 57,999 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among truck drivers during this 10-year period-an average of 5,800 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

227chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 4-52 Rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for welders and cutters and all construction workers, 1992-2001. During 1992-2001, rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work for welders and cutters show an overall decreasing trend, ranging from 573 per 10,000 full-time workers in 1994 to 171 in 2001. BLS reported 21,940 nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among welders and cutters during this 10-year period-an average of 2,194 nonfatal cases per year. (Sources: BLS [2002c; 2003b]; Pollack and Chowdhury [2001]; Dong et al. [2004].)

228chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-1 Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries by age of worker, 2002. Workers aged 25-54 accounted for 3,672 or 66.5% of the 5,524 fatal occupational injuries in 2002. Fatality rates ranged from 1.1 per 100,000 among workers aged 16-17 to 11.5 per 100,000 among workers aged 65 and older. Fatalities among workers aged 65 and older accounted for 9% (494 fatalities) of all fatal occupational injuries. (Note: Labor force data are unavailable for youths aged 15 and younger. This precludes estimating rates for these workers.) (Source: BLS [2003a].)

229chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-2 Number and distribution of nonfatal injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in private industry by age of worker, 2001. Younger workers accounted for 45,443 cases or 3.0% of the 1.5 million injury and illness cases involving days away from work for which age was reported. Workers aged 55 and older accounted for 160,231 cases or 10.5%. Age was not reported for 16,930 cases. (Source: BLS [2003b,c].)

230chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-3 Median days away from work due to occupational injury or illness in private industry by age, 2001. Median days away from work due to injury or illness increased with age. In 2001, workers aged 14-15 and 16-19 had median work losses of 2 and 4 days, respectively. Workers aged 55-64 and 65 and older had median work losses of 10 and 14 days, respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

231chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-4 Median days away from work due to occupational injury or illness in private industry by race/ethnicity, 2001. Median days of work loss varied from 5 to 7 days in 2001. Hispanic workers had the highest median work loss of 7 days. Race/ethnicity was not reported for 415,616 of the 1.5 million reported injuries and illnesses involving days away from work. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

232chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-5 Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 16-17 and 18-19, 1993-2002. Fatal occupational injury rates declined during this 10-year period from 2 to 1.1 per 100,000 employed workers aged 16-17 and from 3 to 2.2 per 100,000 employed workers aged 18-19. Fatal injury rates were higher each year for workers aged 18-19 compared with workers aged 16-17. The number of fatal injuries ranged from 32 in 1998 to 46 in 1999 for workers aged 16-17, and from 92 in 2002 to 137 in 1998 for workers aged 18-19. (Note: BLS rounded rates to whole numbers for 1993-1995.) (Source: BLS [2003d].)

233chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-6 Number and distribution of fatal occupational injuries by age among young workers, 1992-2002. Fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 16 and 17 accounted for 158 and 270 fatalities, respectively, or 60.5% of all fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger for the period 1992-2002. A significant number of deaths (94 or 13.3% of the total) occurred among youths aged 12 and younger. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

234chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-7 Number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger by sex of worker, 1992-2002. For this period, the total number of fatal occupational injuries for workers aged 17 and younger ranged from 41 in 2002 to 73 in 2000. Deaths among male workers predominated, accounting for 89% of the worker deaths reported in this age group during 1992-2002. (Note: Dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria.) (Source: BLS [2003d].)

235chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-8 Number and distribution of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger by race/ethnicity, 1992-2002. White, non-Hispanic youths accounted for 520 or 73.6% of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger during 1992-2002. In contrast, 39 fatal occupational injuries (5.5%) were reported for black, non-Hispanic youths, and 114 (16.1%) were reported for Hispanic youths during the 11-year period. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

236chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-9 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger by occupation, 1992-2002. Work in farming, forestry, and fishing accounted for 289 or 42.3% of all fatal occupational injuries among youths aged 17 and younger during 1992-2002. Youths employed as operators, fabricators, and laborers accounted for 195 or 28.6% of the fatal injuries. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

237chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-10 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger by industry, 1992-2002. During 1992-2002, young workers in agriculture, forestry, and fishing accounted for 287 or 43.3% of all fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 or younger. Workers in retail trade and construction had the next largest numbers of fatal injuries among young workers (127 fatal injuries [or 19.2%] and 107 fatal injuries [or 16.1%], respectively). (Note: Dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria.) (Source: BLS [2003d].)

238chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-11 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 17 and younger by event or exposure, 1992-2002. Transportation incidents accounted for 45.4% (320) of fatal occupational injuries among youths. These incidents are further described by the smaller pie chart, which shows incidents on highways, farms, and industrial premises accounting for more than 74% of all transportation incidents among youths. Overall, assaults and violent acts accounted for 126 or 17.8% of all fatal occupational injuries among youths. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

239chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-12 Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among workers under age 14 involving days away from work in private industry, 1992-2001. Reported cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness involving days away from work are very rare among workers younger than 14. No cases are reported by BLS for 1997-2001, and relatively few cases are reported for 1992-1996. The highest estimated count of 91 cases was reported in 1992 (compared with an estimated 2.3 million for all age groups). (Note: Dash in parentheses indicates that no data were reported or that data do not meet BLS publication criteria.) (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

240chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-13 Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 14-15 in private industry, 1992-2001. Among workers aged 14-15, reported cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness involving days away from work ranged from 1,476 in 1996 to 276 in 1998. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

241chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-14 Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 16-19 in private industry, 1992-2001. Among workers aged 16-19, reported cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness involving days away from work ranged from 97,262 in 1994 to 44,535 in 2001. Overall, this age group accounts for 2.9% of all reported cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness. Data for 1992-2001 show a consistently decreasing trend in reported cases. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

242chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-15 Distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 14-15 and 16-19 in private industry by number of days away from work, 2001. Young workers tended to experience more short-term than long-term work loss. For workers aged 14-15, 62.3% of the cases had a work loss of 1 or 2 days. For workers aged 16-19, 60.1% of the cases involved work loss of 5 days or less. Workers aged 14-15 had a median loss of 2 days, and workers aged 16-19 had a median loss of 4 days. Overall, private sector workers had a median of 6 days away from work. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

243chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-16 Distribution and number of occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 16-19 in private industry by occupation, 2001. BLS estimates that 44,249 cases of occupational injury and illness involving days away from work occurred among workers aged 16-19 during 2001. The highest proportions of these cases occurred in operators, fabricators, and laborers (37.4% or 16,566 cases) and service (30.8% or 13,640). (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

244chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-17 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 16-19 in private industry by industry, 2001. Wholesale and retail trade and services accounted for the highest percentages (45.6% and 21.2%, respectively) of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among workers aged 16-19. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

245chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-18 Occupational injuries among young workers in Massachusetts by data source, 1993-1999. Cases are identified from two sources-workers' compensation claims resulting in 5 or more lost workdays and reports from emergency departments. Of the 3,389 cases identified, 2,391 were identified solely from workers' compensation claims. (Source: Davis [2002].)

246chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-19 Occupational injuries among young workers in Massachusetts by age and sex, 1993-1999. Workers aged 16 accounted for 30.0% of occupational injuries among adolescents, and workers aged 17 accounted for 58.3%. Male workers accounted for 62.5% of the adolescents injured. (Source: Davis [2002].)

247chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-20 Occupational injuries among young workers aged 14-17 in Massachusetts by injury type and data source, 1993-1999. Of the 945 cases of occupational injury among young workers in Massachusetts who were identified through emergency department reports, the majority involved cuts, lacerations, and punctures (46.8%), followed by heat burns and scalds (14.0%). These data contrast with the data for workers' compensation claims, which report that most cases involved strains and sprains (35.5%), followed by cuts, lacerations, and punctures (23.8%). (Source: Davis [2002].)

248chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-21 Occupational injuries identified by workers' compensation data among young workers aged 14-17 in Massachusetts by selected industry, 1993-1999. The largest numbers of occupational injury cases identified among young workers in Massachusetts through workers' compensation claims occurred in restaurants (25.6%), grocery stores (15.0%), retail bakeries (6.7%), and nursing homes (5.8%). (Source: Davis [2002].)

249chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-22 Numbers and rates of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55-64 and older, 1992-2002. Rates of fatal occupational injuries among older workers declined during 1992-2002. For workers aged 55-64, rates varied from 8 per 100,000 workers in 1994 to 5 in 2002. The number of fatal occupational injuries ranged from 767 in 1992 to 875 in 1997. For workers aged 65 and older, rates declined from 15 per 100,000 workers in 1993 to 11.5 in 2002. The number of fatal occupational injuries in this group ranged from 467 in 1992 to 565 in 1999. (Note: BLS rounded rates to whole numbers for 1992-1995.) (Source: BLS [2003d].)

250chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-23 Number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older by sex, 1992-2002. Male workers accounted for most fatal occupational injuries among older workers (94% during the 11-year period). From year to year, small differences occur in the number of fatal injuries among women, ranging from 67 in 1992 to 101 in 1995. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

251chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-24 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older by race/ethnicity, 1992-2002. White, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 12,075 or 82.1% of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older. Black, non-Hispanic workers in this age group accounted for 1,237 fatal occupational injuries or 8.4% of the total. Hispanic workers suffered 854 fatal occupational injuries or 5.8%. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

252chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-25 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older by occupation, 1992-2002. Two groups accounted for slightly more than half of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older: operators, fabricators, and laborers (4,075 or 28.0%) and farming, forestry, and fishing (3,880 or 26.7%). Three occupations each accounted for approximately 13% of the fatal injuries: managerial and professional specialty; technical, sales, and administrative support; and precision production, craft, and repair. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

253chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-26 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older by industry, 1992-2002. Among workers aged 55 and older, those in agriculture, forestry, and fishing experienced the largest share of fatal occupational injuries (3,629 or 27.1%) during 1992-2002. Five industries accounted for nearly 64% of these fatalities: transportation and public utilities (1,974 or 14.7%), services (1,817 or 13.6%), construction (1,756 or 13.1%), manufacturing (1,554 or 11.6%), and retail trade (1,474 or 11.0%). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

254chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-27 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among workers aged 55 and older by event or exposure, 1992-2002. Transportation incidents (6,737 or 45.8%), contacts with objects and equipment (2,508 or 17.0%), and assaults and violent acts (2,270 or 15.4%) were major types of fatal occupational injuries during this 11-year period. Among the transportation incidents, highway (3,200), nonhighway (farm and industrial) (1,701), and being struck by a vehicle or mobile equipment (1,074) were principal sources of fatal occupational injuries. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

255chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-28 Number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 55 and older in private industry, 1992-2001. Recorded cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness involving days away from work among workers aged 55 and over ranged from 148,249 cases in 1993 to 126,494 cases in 1996. The number of cases in 2001 (135,690 cases) is consistent with a slight increase in reported cases since 1996. Data for workers aged 65 and older show a similar pattern (a decrease in the first half of the decade followed by an increase in the second half), with numbers ranging from 17,664 in 1996 to 25,334 in 2000. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

256chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-29 Distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 55 and older in private industry by days away from work, 2001. Workers aged 65 and older tended to experience lower percentages of short-term work loss (1 and 3-5 days) and a substantially higher percentage of long-term work losses of 31 days or more (29.6% for workers aged 55-64, and 34.5% for those aged 65 and older). Workers aged 55-64 had a median loss of 10 days away from work, and those aged 65 and older had a median of 14 days. Overall, private sectors workers had a median of 6 days away from work. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

257chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-30 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 55 and older in private industry by occupation, 2001. The distribution of cases by occupation for workers aged 55 and older shows the highest proportions of cases among operators, fabricators, and laborers aged 55-64 (34.8% or 47,095 cases) and those aged 65 and older (31.5% or 7,704 cases). Service has the next highest proportions of cases for workers aged 55-64 (20.3% or 27,438 cases) and those aged 65 and older (28.7% or 7,012 cases). (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

258chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-31 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 55 and older by major private industry sector, 2001. Services, manufacturing (durable), and wholesale and retail trade together account for 67% of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among workers aged 55-64. The same industry sectors predominate for workers aged 65 and older, accounting for nearly 75% of all cases. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

259chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-32 Number and distribution of fatal occupational injuries by race/ethnicity among Hispanic and non-Hispanic workers, 2002. The 840 fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers (15.2% of the total) represented a 5.7% decrease from the 891 fatal occupational injuries reported in 2001. The 3,917 fatal injuries among white, non-Hispanic workers represented 70.9% of all fatal occupational injuries in 2002. (Source: BLS [2003a].)

260chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-33 Number and rate of fatal occupational injuries among employed Hispanic workers, 1992-2002. During the 11-year period 1992-2002, the number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers ranged from 533 in 1992 to 895 in 2001. The fatal occupational injury rates varied from 5 to 6.0 per 100,000 employed workers during this 11-year period. (Note: BLS rounded rates to whole numbers for 1992-1995.) (Sources: BLS [2003a,d].)

261chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-34 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers by age, 1992-2002. During 1992-2002, workers aged 25-34 had the most fatal occupational injuries (2,310 or 30.1%), followed by workers aged 35-44 (1,929 or 25.1%). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

262chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-35 Number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers by sex, 1992-2002. In 2002, male workers accounted for about 94% of all fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers. During this period, fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic female workers ranged from 21 in 1992 to 54 in 2001. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

263chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-36 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers by occupation, 1992-2002. During this period, three occupational groups accounted for nearly 77% of all fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers: operators, fabricators, and laborers (41.4% or 3,128 cases), precision production, craft, and repair occupations (19.9% or 1,504 cases), and farming, forestry, and fishing (16.2% or 1,225 cases). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

264chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-37 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers by industry, 1992-2002. During this period, the largest proportion of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers was in construction, which accounted for 27.7% of the total, or 1,994 cases. (Source: BLS [2003d].)

265chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-38 Distribution and number of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers by event or exposure, 1992-2002. Transportation incidents accounted for 33.7% of fatal occupational injuries among Hispanic workers during 1992-2002. Other events or exposures that accounted for substantial proportions of fatal injuries included assaults and violent acts (20.6%), contact with objects and equipment (16.7%), and falls (15.0%). The 2,593 transportation fatalities were primarily associated with incidents on highways (1,427 cases) or on farm or industrial premises (368 cases), or with incidents in which workers were struck by a vehicle or mobile equipment (562 cases). (Source: BLS [2003d].)

266chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-39 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in private industry by race/ethnicity among Hispanic and non-Hispanic workers, 2001. Among cases reporting race/ethnicity in 2001, white, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 68.2% of the cases involving days away from work. Hispanic workers represented 17.1% of the cases involving days away from work, and black, non-Hispanic workers accounted for 11.9%. (Note: Race/ethnicity was not reported for 415,616 of the 1.5 million cases involving days away from work in 2001). (Source: BLS [2003b].)

267chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-40 Annual number and percentage of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among Hispanic workers in private industry, 1992-2001. Cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness with days away from work among Hispanic workers ranged from 198,022 in 1992 to 169,300 in 1996. The decrease for 1992-1996 contrasts with the increase for 1996-2001, when reported cases increased from 169,300 cases to 191,959. When presented as a percentage of all nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses with days away from work, the cases among Hispanic workers show a fairly consistent upward trend, from 8.5% in 1992 to 12.5% in 2001. (Sources: BLS 2003b,c].)

268chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-41 Distribution of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in private industry among non-Hispanic and Hispanic workers by number of days away from work, 2001. Compared with white, non-Hispanic or black workers, Hispanic workers had the lowest percentages of short-term work loss (1 or 2 days) and the highest percentage of long-term work loss (31 days or more). (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

269chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-42 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among Hispanic workers in private industry by occupation, 2001. Among Hispanic workers, the distribution of nonfatal occupational injury and illness cases involving days away from work by occupation shows the highest proportion of cases (43.5% or 83,319 cases) among operators, fabricators, and laborers. Service and precision production, craft, and repair accounted for 17.3% (33,140 cases) and 17.1% (32,816 cases), respectively. (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

270chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 5-43 Distribution and number of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses involving days away from work among Hispanic workers by industry, 2001. Among the total 191,959 cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness, wholesale and retail trade and services accounted for the largest percentages of Hispanic cases (22.3% and 21.4%, respectively). (Sources: BLS [2003b,c].)

271chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Table 4-2 Number and 5-year average rate of lost-workday injuries by type of employer and commodity at various work locations, 1998-2002. During 1998-2002, both the highest numbers and rates of lost-workday injuries occurred in the underground work areas of underground mines. Within underground work areas, the highest rates were observed for coal mine operator and coal mine contractor workers, who together accounted for 88% (17,260) of all the lost-workday injuries in underground work areas. Within surface locations, the highest injury rates were in stone and nonmetal dredge locations. High numbers and rates of injuries were also experienced by stone mine operator workers at both surface production areas and processing (mill) work areas. (Sources: MSHA [2003]; NIOSH [2003a].)


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