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 NIOSH Publication No. 2004-146

Worker Health Chartbook 2004

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1chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-20 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths accounted for 25,768 nonfatal on-farm injuries, both occupational and nonoccupational. Household farm youths had a higher overall nonfatal injury rate (1.87 per 100) than youths hired to work on the farm (0.32 per 100). (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

2chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-21 Number and rate of nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by relationship to the farm, 1998. In 1998, farm youths under age 20 accounted for 12,382 nonfatal occupational on-farm injuries. Youth visitors and hired youths accounted for similar numbers of occupational injuries (2,208 and 2,127 injuries, respectively). Household farm youths had a higher overall occupational injury rate than youths hired to work on the farm. (Note: A probability sample was used to produce different injury estimates. Because of rounding in calculating these estimates, data may not sum to the totals.) (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

3chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-22 Number and rate of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. In 1998, the Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of all nonfatal on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 (12,040 injuries), whereas the West had the highest rate of these injuries (1.38 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)

4chart thumbnail - click on image for larger view.Figure 3-23 Number and rate of occupational on-farm injuries to youths under age 20 by region, 1998. The Midwest region of the United States had the highest number of occupational on-farm injuries to youths in 1998 (6,107 injuries) as well as the highest occupational injury rate (0.95 per 100 youths). (Source: Myers and Hendricks [2001].)


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