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The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association is pleased to unveil "Aggregates in Action", or A2, taking NSSGA's grassroots network to the next level. The aggregates industry continually faces legislation in Congress that directly impacts the bottom line and the operations of its companies. According to lawmakers, constituent or grassroots mobilization may be the most effective way to accomplish legislative goals. Through A2, NSSGA members have the potential to become more influential advocates for aggregates.

NSSGA strives to focus its grassroots system on effective and well-executed activities that will produce results as well as establish a seasoned base of grassroots activists. Several legislative issues of importance to the aggregates industry are certain to come before the 110th Congress; this included the reauthorization of TEA 21, NSSGA's top legislative priority. The passage of the bill is a testament to the power of grassroots; NSSGA members led a steadfast campaign that contributed to its enactment. It is vital that we have an army of aggregates activists at the ready for whenever the need arises. As an industry, we have the ability to "double the punch" -- increasing our individual connection with each of our elected representatives while simultaneously raising the profile of our industry.

NSSGA is your mouthpiece in Washington, but you voice is only as loud as you make it.

In order to take NSSGA's grassroots network to the next level, NSSGA has created new innovative tools and lines of communication to help our members get our message across to legislators more efficiently.

Aggregates In Action
An integral part of NSSGA's new grassroots structure is the appointment of six industry peers to act as A2 regional co-chairs. At the direction of NSSGA, the co-chairs will issue Action Alerts in order to execute a national or targeted grassroots campaign. One of the anticipated results of A2 is that we will be able to acquire more information about both regional and national legislative issues and their direct impact on our members. We hope to facilitate increased feedback on these issues from our grassroots activists using the A2 regional co-chairs as a conduit for this information. If you currently are a grassroots captain, you should have been receiving periodic Action Alerts from NSSGA and serving as the point of contact for your company's employees on these grassroots activities. The co-chairs will act as liaisons between grassroots captains NSSGA's government affairs division. Your regional co-chair will be your main point of contact for regional and national legislative activities at the grassroots level. For more information on being a grassroots captain or to sign up, please contact the Government Affairs Division.

Aggregates in Action CD-ROM
This advocacy toolkit provides guidance to NSSGA members on organizing grassroots operations within their own companies, effectively communicating with their members of Congress, hosting facility tours for candidates and legislators and much more. The CD also discusses the aggregate industry's key issues through NSSGA's policy positions and legislative agenda and links to NSSGA's real time scorecard for all members of Congress. In addition, the CD also examines the benefits of NSSGA's Political Action Committee, ROCKPAC and examines ROCKPAC's unprecedented 94 percent success rate in the 2004 election. Included is ROCKPAC's contribution criteria check list. As always, the NSSGA Government Affairs staff stands ready to help you at any time, but this resource is something that you can turn to for fast, comprehensive answers to many of your questions!

Click here to order the Aggregates in Action CD:

NSSGA Members-$15.00

NSSGA Agenda Brochure
NSSGA has expanded our objectives for the 110th Congress and has created NSSGA's Agenda for the 110th Congress brochure, click here to download a copy. Please use this as a beginners guide when addressing members of Congress. For a free copy of the brochure, please contact the Government Affairs Division.

NSSGA encourages our members to continue to use our online Legislative Action Center and toll-free Washington Action Hotline, (800) 450-8293, as means of communicating with your elected officials.

Through A2, NSSGA will continue to support pro-aggregates polices on Capitol Hill and serve as a resource for members of Congress and their staffs as they consider issues related to aggregates and American's quality of life.

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Alexandria, VA 22314
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