Op-Eds Archive


Biotech Centers Need Infusion Of State Dollars

Florida has made progress in its bid to become a more prominent player on the biotechnology scene, but California’s passage last month of an initiative to pump $3 billion into embryonic stem cell research has raised the stakes considerably.

Filed under Op-Eds on Sunday, December 12, 2004.

Are Christian ethics dead in America?

The lead article in the most recent issue of the journal Christian Ethics asks, “Can Christian Ethics Be Saved?” If its fate lies in the hands of those conservative Christians who labored so effectively to re-elect President Bush, then the answer is a resounding, “No.”

Filed under Op-Eds on Sunday, December 5, 2004.

SPEAKING OUT: Florida’s biotech efforts must not leave sea behind

The recent BioFlorida conference in Boca Raton showcased the state’s remarkable progress toward growing Florida’s biotechnology economy.

Filed under Op-Eds on Sunday, November 7, 2004.

GOP’s edge in Florida withers

The most notable aspect of the presidential contest is not Florida’s likely repeat performance as tiebreaker, but rather that Florida continues to shift enough toward the Democrats to be seriously in play.

Filed under Op-Eds on Wednesday, October 20, 2004.

Amendment 2: Assault on right to vote

Amendment 2, a referendum on the November statewide ballot, is a misguided effort to ”reform” the state’s initiative process. The ballot measure, the brainchild of special interests in Tallahassee, is really an all-out assault on our rights as Floridians.

Filed under Op-Eds on Thursday, October 7, 2004.

Saving candidate Kerry

An open letter to Candidate John Kerry:
Mr. Kerry - your presidential campaign is in trouble. After leading President Bush in the polls, your numbers have headed south since the Republican convention.

Filed under Op-Eds on Wednesday, September 22, 2004.

Fair, responsible media debatable in Venezuela

Reading a newspaper article or watching a television newscast is not the same in Venezuela as it is in the United States — especially when the political future of the country is at stake. The referendum on Aug. 15 was a key event, of course. But as interesting as anything else taking place was the debate taking place in the media.

Filed under Op-Eds on Monday, August 23, 2004.

Bush Policies Stray From Republican Principles

The violence following the transfer of sovereignty to the new Iraqi government should give conservatives pause. Three months before the presidential election, where have the policies of George W. Bush and his coterie of neoconservatives led the Republican Party?

Filed under Op-Eds on Thursday, August 5, 2004.

Understanding a third-culture kid

Much has been said about John Kerry’s military career, patrician background and marriage to the wealthy heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry. The presumed Democratic presidential nominee has been described as “complex,” with an aloofness that is his “Achilles heel.”

Filed under Op-Eds on Thursday, July 29, 2004.

Nicaragua’s Sandinista legacy

Life in Nicaragua has changed dramatically since I lived there 10 years ago. My most recent trip, in early July, triggered some thought as I wandered around on a hot and steamy Saturday and noticed the preparations for the 25th anniversary of Nicaragua’s signature event: the Sandinista revolution.

Filed under Op-Eds on Monday, July 19, 2004.