Wish List

You can help Angelic Organics Learning Center with a gift of professional services or new or gently used products. Your support will help us keep our cost of operations low. If you would like to donate an item or service listed below, please contact us at 815.389.8455 or donate@learngrowconnect.org.


Equipment & Supplies for the Farm
Equipment & Supplies for Urban Programs


Equipment & Supplies for the Farm

  • Office desks and chairs
  • Rubber boots in kid and adult sizes ($20 each) and ponchos and raincoats ($25 to $50 each)
  • Straw hats
  • Work shirts that kids can put over their clean clothes when they visit the farm
  • Magnifying glasses ("loopies" that kids can wear around their necks) ($5 each)
  • Children's picture books with stories about farming and gardening ($20 each)
  • Food processor ($250) for nutrition education
  • Stainless steel cabinets and countertops ($2,000 to 10,000)
  • Stainless steel sink ($400) and stove/oven ($600) for the outdoor classroom/picnic area
  • Soil sampling equipment (probes, sieves, thermometers)
  • Quality power tools for maintenance, including a weed whacker, and a reliable riding lawnmower
  • Outdoor lighting: 4 solar lights (garden type), string lights in clear tubing, 4 heavy-duty flashlights
  • Quality hand tools for visiting groups: 4-6 long handled hoes, 4-6 hand hoes, 4-6 hand trowels, 3-6 digging forks, 3-6 garden spades, 2-4 garden rakes, sledge hammer, hammers, 4-6 pairs hand clippers (Fiskars or similar), 4-6 garden knives (Johnny's Selected Seeds carries good ones)
  • Snowshoes of various sizes for to get to our outdoor toilet in inclement weather
  • 4 sturdy, weather-proof step stools
  • Weatherproof chalkboard for posting schedules for visiting groups
  • Metal bookends,1-3 magazine holders, and 10-15 clipboards
  • 10-12 five-gallon buckets, 14-16 clear “under the bed” lidded plastic storage tubs, 2-3 “sweater size” (17 ¼ in. x 8 in.) clear lidded plastic storage tubs, 4-8 shoebox size plastic storage containers
  • Magnetic decals for our truck ($200)
  • Audio-visual equipment: VCR ($200-300), DVD player ($150-250), CD player ($100-200), PowerPoint/DVD Projector ($500)
  • Laminating machine for signage and educational materials
  • Conference speaker phone for phone meetings
  • Multi-page scanner or multi-page scanner/copie/fax, preferably with capacity to handle legal-size paper


Equipment & Supplies for Urban Programs

  • Food processor/juicer ($250) for nutrition education
  • Good quality kitchen knives and peelers and lightweight, non-dentable cutting boards
  • Refrigerator and 1-3 large coolers
  • Pop-up tent and two lightweight folding tables for market sales and outreach events
  • Potting soils, soil amendments, soil blockers, and seeds
  • 2 wheelbarrows or garden carts
  • Well-maintained van for transporting Roots & Wings youth
  • 24 1-inch, 3-ring binders for Root & Wings program
  • PC laptop computer for Roots & Wings farmer’s market business
  • Recycling bins, curtains, vacuum, silverware, and serving utensils for Chicago office
  • Conference speaker phone for phone meetings at the Chicago office


Learn about additional volunteer opportunities.


  • Printing services for our Annual Report and other publications
  • Printing and/or mailing services for our newsletter and other period communications with friends and supporters
  • Sign painting to make signs for indoor/outdoor use at our Chicago office and greenhouse/garden
  • Exhibit table and display design for sales and outreach events
  • Public relations consulting to develop our first media relations and public outreach plan
  • Volunteer management consulting to develop our first volunteer management plan



  • Heat gun ($20), roll of shrink wrap ($60), and hand held crimper sealer ($75) to package our handcrafted soaps
  • Organic cotton t-shirts to make Learning Center shirts (up to 6 dozen)
  • Products or gift certificates for raffles, auctions, or other fundraising events
  • Products or gift certificates to give as volunteer recognition gifts