
Web Page Accessibility

UF has a strong commitment to facilitate the use of our Web pages by people with disabilities. We produce industry recognized, standards-based designs which are accessible to a range of text readers. Many of the sites at UF use these designs and we are actively moving to full implementation.

In addition to accessible design, we also provide a Web page text-only translator, Lift Transcoder. This software tool allows a user to translate any Web page into a text-only version.

Browse [an error occurred while processing this directive] with Lift.

Browse the UF Web presence with Lift.

Enter any URL to see the text-only version:

It is suggested links to this page use accesskey 's'.

Disability Related Services

UF strives to provide effective, reasonable accommodations FOR students, staff, faculty and visitors with disabilities. Student classroom accommodation issues can be addressed through the Disability Resource Center while other issues go through the ADA Compliance Office.

Campus Wide Compliance Issues

The ADA Office provides direct support to individuals with disabilities. UF has designated the ADA Office administrator with the responsibility of ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to all programs and services provided by the university. The ADA Office strives for direct and personal contact to anyone seeking assistance by advising the University community about issues of access. In addition, it provides support to anyone with questions about access to university-sponsored programs and services. Some of the services provided by the ADA Office include:


The Disability Resource Center in the Dean of Students Office provides students and faculty with information and support regarding accommodations for students with disabilities in the classroom. Staff at the Disability Resource Center will assist any student who registers as having a disability. Official documentation of a disability is required to determine eligibility for appropriate classroom accommodations. The professional employees at the Disability Resource Program serve as full-time advocates for students with disabilities ensuring students have physical and programmatic access to all college programs. Some of the services provided by the Disability Resource Center include:

Other Services for the Disabled

Many other units on campus provide services for members of the UF community with disabilities. These include:

Primary Navigation