In Focus Archive


Blind foreign exchange student rarely slows down

Kristy Hyland is from Melbourne, Australia, but walks around the University of Florida campus at a New York City clip – a surprising pace, considering she is legally blind.
“I like to get where I’m going,” she said.
Going places seems to be a theme of Hyland’s life. Before beginning at UF, she traveled around the United [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, December 2, 2008.

Green careers are red hot — New degree helps students prepare for sustainability jobs

Environmentalists aren’t the only ones with “green jobs” anymore.
Green or sustainability jobs, in which professionals work to solve problems like energy use and urbanization, are popping up in practically every business, government and nonprofit sector — under job titles such as sustainability officer, sustainable design professional, resource manager and energy engineer.
Apart from those in the [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, November 18, 2008.

New Gator ad campaign makes debut at Gator Growl

Thousands of Florida Gator fans caught a first glimpse of the next generation of the University of Florida branding campaign on Oct. 24 at Gator Growl.
The new campaign is based on the theme “When did you become a Florida Gator?” and the television commercial captures inspirational answers to that question.
“The new theme is an extension [...]

Filed under Announcements, In Focus on Wednesday, November 5, 2008.

Professor’s book provides insight to Florida politics, upcoming election

Since 1996, Florida voters have chosen to adorn the state in Republican red. With an election of firsts looming, Florida may see a first of its own in the 21st century — a democratic majority vote.
“It’s going to be a close race,” Dr. David Colburn, an emeritus professor of history and past provost for UF, [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, October 7, 2008.

‘It is my hope that my story will both inspire and change your life’

Note: The following is a supplement to the story, “Alumna raises organ-donation awareness through life story” that appeared in the Sept. 23 print edition of InsideUF.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Rachel Nates, a UF alumna, wrote on her Web site, “It is my hope that my story will both inspire and change your life.”
Inspiration is defined by [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, September 23, 2008.

Alumna raises organ-donation awareness through life story

Rachel Nates, a UF graduate, took Hurley, her long-haired Chihuahua, for long walks before she was diagnosed. She used to go to work, cook dinner for her husband, Brian, and laugh until she cried with her best friend, Alexis Southcott.
Rachel was diagnosed with Lymphangioleiomyomatosis in May 2007, at the age of 27.
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (pronounced lim-fan-gee-o-lyo-myo-ma-toe-sis) or [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, September 23, 2008.

Artist Robert Stout – living the American dream

(Note: The following story is a supplement to the story “Italian mosaic brings art to Nanoscale Research Facility” that appeared in the Sept. 9 edition of InsideUF.)
Following your dreams may be more of a myth than reality to most Americans these days. But for some, the dream lives on.
For Robert Stout, a well-accomplished American artist, [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, September 9, 2008.

Florida Museum’s Randell Center completes Pineland tree planting program

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Florida Museum of Natural History’s Randell Research Center in Pineland recently completed a two-year program to plant more than 800 native trees.
Volunteers donated nearly $40,000 in labor costs to plant more than 30 species of trees at the state-owned Pineland archaeological site and at the Lee County-owned Gill House property, both [...]

Filed under In Focus on Friday, April 25, 2008.

Students speak out against local drinking and driving

Drunken mistake No. 41 is going home with a Seminole — but at least you didn’t drive.
Posters around Gainesville listing similar drunken mistakes, including buying shots for the whole bar, are part of a local anti-drinking and driving campaign to remind students that although people do stupid things while drinking, nothing is worse than choosing [...]

Filed under In Focus on Monday, April 14, 2008.

Research proves snuff is still very dangerous stuff

High school- and college-age smokers who look to smokeless tobacco as a stepping-stone to quitting are in for a rude awakening—this “lesser of two evils” will still cause cancer and other significant health risks.
Dr. Scott Tomar, department chairman and professor of community dentistry at the University of Florida’s College of Dentistry, and University of Missouri [...]

Filed under In Focus on Tuesday, April 1, 2008.