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Garden Ecology:  Page 1 of 1   

Beneficial Insect Packages : Collapsible Row Cover : Deer Fence : Ecology Books : Fabric Pins - 75 ct : Floating Row Cover : Hand Lens : Heavy Duty Deer Fence : Insect Net : Natural Controls : Safer Japanese Beetle Trap Bag : Safer Japanese Beetle Trap Stand : Seed Collections : Sprayers : Whitefly Traps

Beneficial Insect Attracting Flower Collection

Beneficial Insect Attracting Flower Collection By gracing our gardens with flowering plants that attract and feed beneficials, we are inviting them to stay and feast on insect pests. This collection was selected, based on our research, to enhance beneficial insect activity in the garden while beautifying the landscape. This collection includes one pack each of Sweet Alyssum, Cilantro, Korean Licorice Mint, Calendula, Yarrow, Fennel, and Feverfew. Click here to buy your own Beneficial Flower Collection.

Beneficial Insect Packages: Fly Parasites : Garden Variety Insect Pack : Lacewing Eggs : Ladybug and Lacewing Food : Ladybugs : Praying Mantis

Collapsible Row Cover

Deer Fence
Ecology Books: Great Garden Companions : Insect, Disease and Weed I.D. Guide : Organic Gardeners Handbook of Natural Insects

Fabric Pins - 75 ct

Floating Row Cover

Hand Lens

Heavy Duty Deer Fence

Insect Net
Natural Controls: Hot Pepper Wax Spray : Safer Insect Killing Soap : Semaspore Bait

Safer Japanese Beetle Trap Bag

Safer Japanese Beetle Trap Stand
Seed Collections: Beneficial Insect Attracting Flower Collection : Garden Ecology Collection
Sprayers: Backpack Sprayer : Garden Sprayer

Whitefly Traps
Garden Ecology: Page 1 of 1   

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