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 1 Injuries to youth on minority farm operations
Authors NIOSH 
Source NIOSH 2003 Dec; :1-8 
NIOSHTIC No. 20024096 
AbstractAgriculture continues to rank as one of the most hazardous industries. Youth are exposed to hazards while living, working on, or visiting farms. In 2000, there were approximately 47,700 farms operated by minorities in the United States, with an estimated 28,600 youth living in these farm households. Between 1995 and 2000, the injury fatality rate for youth on minority farm operations was 34 fatalities per 100,000 youth. In 2000, the non-fatal injury rate for all youth who reside on, work on, or visit minority farm operations was 130 injuries per 100,000 youth on the farm. Household youth comprise all youth 0-19 years of age who reside on minority farm operations and include working and non-working youth. Of the estimated 28,600 household youth who lived on minority farm operations in 2000: a) 348 were injured (12 injuries per 1,000 household youth); b) 10-15 year olds had the highest injury rate (15 injuries per 1,000 household youth); c) 138 injuries occurred while working on the farm (3 injuries per 1,000 household youth); and d) 10-15 year olds experienced the highest rate of injury while doing farm work (13 injuries per 1,000 household youth). 
KeywordsAge-factors; Age-groups; Agricultural-industry; Agricultural-machinery; Agricultural-workers; Agriculture; Occupational-hazards; Injuries; Injury-prevention; Traumatic-injuries; Safety-education; Racial-factors; Farmers 
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