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Terms: 20021935 1 - 1 of 1 Bibliographic entries All record(s) shown.
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 1 Nosocomial poisoning associated with emergency department treatment of organophosphate toxicity Georgia 2000
Authors Geller-RJ; Singleton-KL; Tarantino-ML; Drenzek-CL; Toomey-KE 
Source JAMA J Am Med Assoc 2001 Feb; 285(5):527-528 
NIOSHTIC No. 20021935 
AbstractEmergency department (ED) staff caring for patients contaminated with toxic chemicals are at risk for developing toxicity from secondary contamination. This report describes three cases of occupational illnesses associated with organophosphate toxicity caused by exposure to a contaminated patient and underscores the importance of using personal protection equipment (PPE) and establishing and following decontamination procedures in EDs and other areas of acute care hospitals. 
KeywordsHealth-care-personnel; Health-care; Protective-measures; Protective-clothing; Protective-equipment; Personal-protective-equipment; Organo-phosphorus-compounds 
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