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Introduction Page Overview Page Chapter 1: Elementary and Secondary Education Chapter 2: Higher Education in Science and Engineering Chapter 3: Science and Engineering Workforce Chapter 4: U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Alliances Chapter 5: Academic Research and Development Chapter 6: Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace Chapter 7: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding Chapter 8: Significance of Information Technology Appendix Tables

Volume 2– Appendix Tables

Download all of Volume 2, Science and Engineering Indicators–2002 (4,382KB).

Chapter 1
Elementary and Secondary Education top

(This chapter contains no appendix tables.)

Chapter 2
Higher Education in Science and Engineering top

Download Chapter 2 PDF (626K)

Table Excel PDF Title
2-1 Excel PDF Population of 20- to 24-year-olds in selected countries and regions: 1975-2010
2-2 Excel PDF U.S. population of 18- to 24-year-olds, by race/ethnicity: 1980-2025
2-3 Excel PDF Enrollment in higher education, by Carnegie institution type: 1967-97
2-4 Excel PDF Institutions awarding S&E degrees, by institution type and degree level: 1998
2-5 Excel PDF S&E degrees, by institution type and degree level: 1998
2-6 Excel PDF Postsecondary faculty in S&E, by field, race/ethnicity, and employment status: 1999
2-7 Excel PDF Enrollment rates of high school graduates in higher education, by race/ethnicity: 1975-99
2-8 Excel PDF Undergraduate enrollment, by race/ethnicity, citizenship, and sex: 1978-97 (selected years)
2-9 Excel PDF Undergraduate enrollment in engineering and engineering technology programs: 1979-99 (selected years)
2-10 Excel PDF Engineering enrollment, by level and attendance: 1979-99
2-11 Excel PDF Freshmen intending to major in S&E, by race/ethnicity, field, and sex: 1975-2000
2-12 Excel PDF Freshmen intending to major in selected S&E fields, by race/ethnicity: 1971-2000
2-13 Excel PDF Freshmen reporting need for remedial work in science or mathematics, by intended major: 2000
2-14 Excel PDF Earned associate's degrees, by field and sex: 1975-98 (selected years)
2-15 Excel PDF Earned associate's degrees, by field and race/ethnicity: 1977-98 (selected years)
2-16 Excel PDF Earned bachelor's degrees, by field and sex: 1975-98 (selected years)
2-17 Excel PDF Earned bachelor's degrees, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: 1977-98 (selected years)
2-18 Excel PDF Ratio of first university degrees and science and engineering degrees to 24-year-old population in selected locations, by region:1999 or most recent year
2-19 Excel PDF Graduate enrollment in S&E, by field and sex: 1975-99 (selected years)
2-20 Excel PDF Graduate enrollment in S&E, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: 1983-99
2-21 Excel PDF Enrollment of foreign graduate students in U.S. universities for top 10 locations of origin, by field and academic year: 1987/88 to 1999/2000
2-22 Excel PDF Earned master's degrees, by field and sex: 1977-98 (selected years)
2-23 Excel PDF Earned master's degree, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: 1977-98 (selected years)
2-24 Excel PDF Earned doctoral degrees, by field and sex: 1970-99 (selected years)
2-25 Excel PDF Earned doctoral degrees, by field, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: 1977-99 (selected years)
2-26 Excel PDF Earned doctoral degrees, by field and citizenship: 1986-99
2-27 Excel PDF Full-time S&E graduate students, by source and mechanism of primary support: 1980-99
2-28 Excel PDF Full-time S&E graduate students, by field and mechanism of primary support: 1999
2-29 Excel PDF Full-time S&E graduate students whose primary source of support is the Federal Government, by field and mechanism of primary support: 1999
2-30 Excel PDF Full-time S&E graduate students with primary support from Federal Government, by Federal agency: 1980-99
2-31 Excel PDF Primary mechanisms of support for S&E Ph.D. recipients, by citizenship, sex and race/ethnicity: 1999
2-32 Excel PDF Foreign doctoral recipients from U.S. universities who plan to stay in United States, by field and location of origin: 1990-99
2-33 Excel PDF Bachelor's S&E degrees in the United States and Asia, by field: 1975-98 (selected years)
2-34 Excel PDF First university degrees and ratio of first university degrees and S&E degrees to 24-year-old population, in selected regions and locations, by sex: 1999 or most recent year
2-35 Excel PDF Enrollment of foreign students in U.K. universities, by level, field, and 10 top countries of origin: 1995 and 1999
2-36 Excel PDF Enrollment of foreign S&E students at French universities, by level, field, and country of origin: 1999
2-37 Excel PDF Enrollment of foreign students at Japanese universities, by degree level, field, and country of origin: 1999
2-38 Excel PDF Foreign graduate student enrollment in S&E fields, by country and field: 1998 or 1999
2-39 Excel PDF Doctoral S&E degrees in selected Asian countries and economies, by field: 1975-99
2-40 Excel PDF Doctoral S&E degrees in selected industrialized countries, by field: 1975-99
2-41 Excel PDF Doctoral S&E degrees earned by Asian students at their place of origin and at U.S. universities: 1975-99
2-42 Excel PDF Earned S&E doctoral degrees in selected regions and locations: 1999 or latest available year
2-43 Excel PDF Earned S&E doctoral degrees in selected regions and locations, by sex and field: 1999 or most recent year
2-44 Excel PDF Doctoral S&E degrees earned by foreign students in the United Kingdom, by field and top 10 locations of origin: 1995 and 1999
2-45 Excel PDF Doctoral S&E degrees earned by foreign students in selected industrialized countries: 1998 or 1999

Chapter 3
Science and Engineering Workforce top

Download Chapter 3 PDF (602K)

Table Excel PDF Title
3-1 Excel PDF SESTAT degree field and occupational category
3-2 Excel PDF U.S. scientists and engineers, by S&E degree and labor force status: 1999
3-3 Excel PDF U.S. scientists and engineers, by S&E degree and labor force status: 1997
3-4 Excel PDF U.S. scientists and engineers, by S&E degree and labor force status: 1995
3-5 Excel PDF U.S. scientists and engineers, by S&E degree status and labor force status: 1993
3-6 Excel PDF Occupational distribution of employed U.S. scientists and engineers, by level and field of highest degree: 1999
3-7 Excel PDF Occupational distribution of employed U.S. scientists and engineers, by level and field of highest degree: 1993
3-8 Excel PDF Employed individuals with S&E highest degrees whose jobs are closely related to field of highest degree by degree level and years since degree: 1999
3-9 Excel PDF Employed individuals with S&E highest degrees whose jobs are closely or somewhat related to field of highest degree by degree level and years since degree: 1999
3-10 Excel PDF Individuals with S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, and employment status: 1999
3-11 Excel PDF Individuals with S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, and employment status: 1993
3-12 Excel PDF Employed individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, and employment sector: 1999
3-13 Excel PDF Employed individuals with S&E highest degree, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, and employment sector: 1999
3-14 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, broad occupation category, and employment sector: 1999
3-15 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, broad occupation category, and employment sector: 1997
3-16 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, broad occupation category, and employment sector: 1995
3-17 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, broad occupation category, and employment sector: 1993
3-18 Excel PDF Individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, broad field of highest degree, and employment sector: 1999
3-19 Excel PDF Individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, broad field of highest degree, and employment sector: 1997
3-20 Excel PDF Individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, broad field of highest degree, and employment sector: 1995
3-21 Excel PDF Employed individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, broad field of highest degree, and employment sector: 1993
3-22 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by occupation and highest degree attained: 1999
3-23 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by occupation and highest degree attained: 1997
3-24 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by occupation and highest degree attained: 1995
3-25 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by occupation and highest degree attained: 1993
3-26 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1999
3-27 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1997
3-28 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1995
3-29 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1993
3-30 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1999
3-31 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1997
3-32 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1995
3-33 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of U.S. individuals with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and years since highest degree: 1993
3-34 Excel PDF Individuals in labor force in S&E occupations by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 1999
3-35 Excel PDF Individuals in labor force in S&E occupations by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 1993
3-36 Excel PDF Individuals in labor force with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 1999
3-37 Excel PDF Individuals in labor force with S&E highest degrees, by highest degree attained, field of highest degree, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 1993
3-38 Excel PDF Individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment status: 1999
3-39 Excel PDF Individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment status: 1993
3-40 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment sector: 1999
3-41 Excel PDF Employed U.S. scientists and engineers, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, and race/ethnicity: 1999
3-42 Excel PDF Employed U.S. scientists and engineers, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, and race/ethnicity: 1997
3-43 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, and race/ethnicity: 1995
3-44 Excel PDF Individuals employed in S&E occupations by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, and race/ethnicity: 1993
3-45 Excel PDF Number, employment status, and median salary of 1997 and 1998 bachelor's and master's degree recipients, by field of degree: 1999
3-46 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of individuals in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment sector: 1999
3-47 Excel PDF Median annual salaries of individuals employed in S&E occupations, by highest degree attained, occupation, sex, race/ethnicity, and employment sector: 1993
3-48 Excel PDF Individuals in the labor force with S&E highest degrees, by degree level, tenure status at four-year educational institutions, field of highest degree, and age: 1999
3-49 Excel PDF Individuals in the labor force with any S&E degrees, by degree level, tenure status at four-year educational institutions, occupation, and age: 1999
3-50 Excel PDF Older S&E-degreed individuals working full time: 1999
3-51 Excel PDF Foreign-born U.S. residents with S&E highest degrees, by place of birth: 1999
3-52 Excel PDF Number of foreign-born U.S. residents with S&E doctorates, by place of birth: 1999
3-53 Excel PDF Total science and engineering jobs: 2000 and projected 2010

Chapter 4
U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Alliances top

Download Chapter 4 PDF (406K)

Table Excel PDF Title
4-1 Excel PDF GDP and GDP implicit price deflators: 1953-2003
4-2 Excel PDF Purchasing power parity and market exchange rates, by selected country: 1981-2000
4-3 Excel PDF U.S. R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-4 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-5 Excel PDF U.S. R&D expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-6 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted R&D expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-7 Excel PDF U.S. basic research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-8 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted basic research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-9 Excel PDF U.S. basic research expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-10 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted basic research expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-11 Excel PDF U.S. applied research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-12 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted applied research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-13 Excel PDF U.S. applied research expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-14 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted applied research expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-15 Excel PDF U.S. development expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-16 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted development expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953-2000
4-17 Excel PDF U.S. development expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-18 Excel PDF U.S. inflation-adjusted development expenditures, by source of funds and performer: 1953-2000
4-19 Excel PDF Trends in Federal and non-Federal R&D expenditure shares: 1953-2000
4-20 Excel PDF Federal basic research budget authority, by budget function: fiscal years 1995-2001
4-21 Excel PDF R&D expeditures by state, performing sector, and source of funds: 1999
4-22 Excel PDF R&D expenditures by state, performing sector, and sources of funds: 1987-98
4-23 Excel PDF Total R&D and gross state product, by state: 1999
4-24 Excel PDF Trends in R&D and Federal outlays: fiscal years 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2002
4-25 Excel PDF Estimated Federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant, by selected agency, performer, and character of work: fiscal year 2001
4-26 Excel PDF Federal R&D budget authority, by budget function: fiscal years 1980-2001
4-27 Excel PDF Estimated Federal obligations for research, by agency and field of science and engineering: fiscal year 2001
4-28 Excel PDF R&D associated primarily with chemistry (nonmedical) and chemical engineering: 1985-98
4-29 Excel PDF R&D associated primarily with the life sciences: 1985-1998
4-30 Excel PDF Budgetary impact of Federal research and experimentation tax credit: fiscal years 1981-2000
4-31 Excel PDF Total expenditures for industrial R&D (financed by company, Federal, and other sources), by industry and size of company: 1997-99
4-32 Excel PDF Company and other non-Federal funds for U.S. industrial R&D performance, by industry and size of company: 1997-99
4-33 Excel PDF Federal funds for industrial R&D performance, by industry and size of company: 1997-99
4-34 Excel PDF Discrepancy between Federal R&D support as reported by performers and Federal agencies: 1980-2000
4-35 Excel PDF Indicators of Federal technology transfer activities, by Federal agency: fiscal years 1987-2000
4-36 Excel PDF Small Business Innovation Research awards, by award type and agency: fiscal years 1983-99
4-37 Excel PDF Small Business Technology Transfer Program awards, by award type and agency: fiscal years 1994-99
4-38 Excel PDF Advanced Technology Program awards, number of participants, and funding: fiscal years 1990-2000
4-39 Excel PDF International strategic technology alliances, by technology and selected region/country: 1980-2000
4-40 Excel PDF International R&D expenditures and R&D as percentage of GDP, by selected country and for all OECD countries: 1981-99
4-41 Excel PDF International nondefense R&D expenditures and nondefense R&D as a percentage of GDP by selected country: 1981-99
4-42 Excel PDF International R&D expenditures for G-8 countries, by performing sector and source of funds: 1998 or 1999
4-43 Excel PDF Distribution of government R&D budget appropriations in G-8 countries, by socioeconomic objective: 1998 or 1999
4-44 Excel PDF Sources of total and industry R&D expenditures, for all OECD countries combined: 1981-98
4-45 Excel PDF Proportion of industry R&D expenditures financed from foreign sources, by selected country or region: 1981-99
4-46 Excel PDF Industrial R&D performed abroad by foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies: 1985-99
4-47 Excel PDF Industrial R&D performed abroad by foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by NAICS industrial classification: 1997-99
4-48 Excel PDF R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by region and country: 1982, 1989, and 1994-98
4-49 Excel PDF R&D performed by U.S affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by region and country of ultimate beneficial owner: 1980-98
4-50 Excel PDF R&D performed by majority-owned U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by region/country of ultimate beneficial owner: 1980 and 1987-98
4-51 Excel PDF R&D performed by majority-owned U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by NAICS industry of affiliate: 1997 and 1998
4-52 Excel PDF Industrial R&D expenditure flows and industrial globalization R&D (IGRD) index, by sector and selected industries: 1998

Chapter 5
Academic Research and Development top

Download Chapter 5 PDF (518K)

Table Excel PDF Title
5-1 Excel PDF Total, federally funded, and nonfederally funded academic R&D, by basic research, applied research, and development: 1953-2000
5-2 Excel PDF Support for academic R&D, by sector: 1953-2000
5-3 Excel PDF Sources of R&D funds at private and public institutions: 1979, 1989, and 1999
5-4 Excel PDF R&D expenditures at the top 100 academic institutions, by source of funds: 1999
5-5 Excel PDF Expenditure allocation among instruction, research, and public service at academic institutions, by type of control: 1977-96
5-6 Excel PDF Expenditure allocation among instruction, research, and public service at academic institutions, by type of control and selected Carnegie classification: 1977-96
5-7 Excel PDF Total, Federal, and non-Federal R&D expenditures at academic institutions, by field and source of funds: 1999
5-8 Excel PDF Percentage of academic R&D funds provided by the Federal Government, by field: 1973-99
5-9 Excel PDF Expenditures for academic R&D, by field: 1973-97
5-10 Excel PDF Federal obligations for academic R&D, by agency: 1970-2001
5-11 Excel PDF Federal obligations for academic research, by agency: 1970-2001
5-12 Excel PDF Distribution of Federal agency academic research obligations, by field: FY 1999
5-13 Excel PDF Federal academic research obligations provided by major agencies, by field: FY 1999
5-14 Excel PDF Number of academic institutions receiving Federal R&D support, by selected Carnegie classification: 1971-99
5-15 Excel PDF Academic research space, new construction, and repaired/renovated space, by field: 1986-2001
5-16 Excel PDF Cost of new construction and repair/renovation of academic research facilities, by field: 1986-2001
5-17 Excel PDF Funds for new construction and repair/renovation of S&E research space, by type of institution and funding source: 1986-99
5-18 Excel PDF Percentage of funds for new construction and repair/renovation of S&E research space, by type of institution and funding source: 1986-99
5-19 Excel PDF Expected costs of deferred S&E research facility construction and repair/renovation needs, by field: 1999
5-20 Excel PDF Current fund expenditures for research equipment at academic institutions, by field: 1983-99
5-21 Excel PDF Current funds provided by Federal Government for research equipment at academic institutions, by field: 1983-99
5-22 Excel PDF Expenditures of current funds for research equipment at academic institutions as a percentage of total academic R&D expenditures, by field: 1983-99
5-23 Excel PDF Doctoral scientists and engineers in research universities and other academic institutions, by type of appointment and primary work activity: 1973-99
5-24 Excel PDF U.S. and foreign-born doctoral scientists and engineers with U.S. doctorates at academic institutions, by type of position and field of degree: 1973-99
5-25 Excel PDF Doctoral academic scientists and engineers, by type of position and Carnegie classification and administrative control of institution: 1973-99
5-26 Excel PDF Academic employment of doctoral scientists and engineers, by type of position and field of degree: 1973-99
5-27 Excel PDF Recent S&E Ph.D.s employed in academia by years since doctorate, type institution, appointment, and tenure status: 1973-99
5-28 Excel PDF Age distribution of academic doctoral scientists and engineers, by type of appointment: 1973-99
5-29 Excel PDF Age distribution of doctoral scientists and engineers in full-time faculty positions at research universities and other academic institutions: 1973-99
5-30 Excel PDF Doctoral scientists and engineers employed in academia, by degree field, sex, and type of position: 1973-99
5-31 Excel PDF Academic employment of doctoral scientists and engineers, by degree field, race/ethnicity, and type of position: 1973-99
5-32 Excel PDF Academic doctoral scientists and engineers, by primary work activity: 1973-99
5-33 Excel PDF Academic doctoral scientists and engineers whose primary or secondary work activity is teaching or research: 1973-99
5-34 Excel PDF Estimates of number of academic doctoral researchers and graduate research assistants, by field of degree or study: 1973-99
5-35 Excel PDF Estimates of total academic employment, doctoral researchers and graduate research assistants, by Carnegie institution type: 1973-99
5-36 Excel PDF Estimates of academic doctoral researchers by type of position
5-37 Excel PDF Estimates of academic doctoral researchers and graduate research assistants by field: 1973-99
5-38 Excel PDF Academic doctoral scientists and engineers with Federal support, by field of degree: 1973-99
5-39 Excel PDF Recent doctorate holders in academia with Federal support, by field: 1973-99
5-40 Excel PDF Broad and fine fields for publications output data
5-41 Excel PDF Number of scientific publications by region and country: 1986-99
5-42 Excel PDF Per capita output of scientific articles: 1998
5-43 Excel PDF Regional and country portfolio of scientific articles, by field: 1999 and 1986
5-44 Excel PDF Distribution of U.S. scientific and technical articles, by sector and field: 1988, 1994, and 1999
5-45 Excel PDF Incidence of multiple corporate authorship of U.S. scientific and technical articles, by field: 1988, 1994, and 1999
5-46 Excel PDF Patterns of cross-sectoral coauthorship of U.S. scientific and technical articles, by sector and field: 1988 and 1999
5-47 Excel PDF Breadth of international coauthorship ties for selected countries: 1986 and 1999
5-48 Excel PDF U.S. international scientific collaboration: 1986 and 1999
5-49 Excel PDF Intraregional scientific collaboration in selected regions: 1986 and 1999
5-50 Excel PDF Citations by world's scientific papers to scientific literature, by region and country/economy: 1990, 1994, and 1999
5-51 Excel PDF Relative prominence of scientific and technical literature, by region: 1990-99
5-52 Excel PDF Relative prominence of scientific literature by country/economy and field: 1990, 1994, and 1999
5-53 Excel PDF Citations of foreign literature by country and region
5-54 Excel PDF U.S. patent citations to scientific literature, by field and by country/region: 1987-2000
5-55 Excel PDF Citations of U.S. patents to U.S. literature, by field and sector: 1987, 1990, 1994, and 2000
5-56 Excel PDF U.S. patents awarded to all U.S. universities and colleges and to top 100 patenting institutions in 1990s: 1982-98

Chapter 6
Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace top

Download Chapter 6 PDF (448K)

Table Excel PDF Title
6-1 Excel PDF World industry and trade data for selected countries or economies and industries: 1980-98
6-2 Excel PDF Production by five knowledge-intensive service industries, for selected countries or economies: 1980-98
6-3 Excel PDF U.S. trade balance for advanced technology products: 1990-99
6-4 Excel PDF U.S. trade exports of advanced technology products: 1990-99
6-5 Excel PDF U.S. trade imports of advanced technology products: 1990-99
6-6 Excel PDF U.S. reciepts and payments of royalties and fees associated with affiliated and unaffiliated foreign residents: 1987-99
6-7 Excel PDF U.S. receipts and payments of royalties and license fees generated from exchange and use of industrial processes with unaffiliated foreign residents, by region or country/economy: 1987-99
6-8 Excel PDF Leading indicators of technological competitiveness: 1999
6-9 Excel PDF United States industrial R&D performance: 1987-97
6-10 Excel PDF Japan industrial R&D performance: 1987-97
6-11 Excel PDF European Union industrial R&D performance: 1992-1997
6-12 Excel PDF U.S. patents granted, by residence of inventor/type of ownership: Pre-1986 and 1986-99
6-13 Excel PDF Number of U.S. patent applications: 1989-99
6-14 Excel PDF Patents granted in selected countries, by inventor residence
6-15 Excel PDF Human DNA sequence patents: Number of international patent families, by priority country and priority year
6-16 Excel PDF Human DNA sequence patents: Number of active assignees (not including individual inventors), by priority country and priority year: 1980-99
6-17 Excel PDF Internet-related business methods patents: Number of international patent families by priority country and priority year: 1995-2000
6-18 Excel PDF Internet-related business methods patents: Number of active assignees (not including individual inventors) by priority country and priority year: 1995-2000
6-19 Excel PDF U.S. venture capital disbursements, by industry category: 1980-2000
6-20 Excel PDF U.S. venture capital disbursements, by stage of financing: 1980-2000
6-21 Excel PDF U.S. venture capital disbursements as seed money, by industry category: 1980-2000

Chapter 7
Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding top

Download Chapter 7 PDF (236K)

Table Excel PDF Title
7-1 Excel PDF Level of public interest in selected policy issues: 1979-2001
7-2 Excel PDF Level of public interest in selected policy issues: 1979-2001
7-3 Excel PDF Level of public interest in selected policy issues, by sex and level of education: 2001
7-4 Excel PDF Feeling informed about selected policy issues: 1979-2001 (selected years)
7-5 Excel PDF Feeling informed about selected policy issues: 1979-2001
7-6 Excel PDF Feeling informed about selected policy issues, by sex and level of education: 2001
7-7 Excel PDF Public attentiveness to selected policy issues: 1979-2001
7-8 Excel PDF Public attentiveness to science and technology issues, by sex and level of education: 2001
7-9 Excel PDF Correct answers to scientific terms and concept questions: 1995-2001
7-10 Excel PDF Correct answers to specific science literacy questions: 2001
7-11 Excel PDF Public understanding of the nature of scientific inquiry: 2001
7-12 Excel PDF Attitudes toward science and technology items included in the Index of Scientific Promise and the Index of Scientific Reservation: 2001
7-13 Excel PDF Results of Attitude Toward Organized Science Scale: 1983-2001
7-14 Excel PDF Belief that people would do better by living a simpler life: 1997, 1999, and 2001
7-15 Excel PDF Belief that technological discoveries will destroy the Earth: 1997, 1999, and 2001
7-16 Excel PDF Public assessment that technological development creates an artificial and inhuman way of living: 1997, 1999, and 2001
7-17 Excel PDF General attitudes toward science and technology: 1999 and 2001
7-18 Excel PDF Public assessment of general scientific research: 1979-2001
7-19 Excel PDF Public assessment of funding of scientific research by the Federal Government: 1985-2001
7-20 Excel PDF Support for Federal funding of basic scientific research, by level of Index of Scientific Promise, Index of Scientific Reservation, and by education: 2001
7-21 Excel PDF Public preferences for level of Federal Government spending on selected policy issues: 1981-2001
7-22 Excel PDF Public preferences for level of Federal Government spending: 2001
7-23 Excel PDF Public assessment of genetic engineering: 1985-2001
7-24 Excel PDF Public assessment of selected biotechnology applications: 2001
7-25 Excel PDF Public assessment of space exploration: 1985-2001
7-26 Excel PDF Public assessment of use of mice in scientific research: 2001
7-27 Excel PDF Public assessment of use of dogs and chimpanzees in scientific research: 1988-2001
7-28 Excel PDF Public belief in global warming: 2001
7-29 Excel PDF Public assessment of global warming: 2001
7-30 Excel PDF Public assessment of the quality of science and mathematics education in the United States: 1985-2001
7-31 Excel PDF Public confidence in leadership of various institutions: 1973-2000
7-32 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientists are helping to solve challenging problems": 2001
7-33 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientific researchers are dedicated people who work for the good of humanity": 2001
7-34 Excel PDF Response to statement, "A scientist usually works alone": 2001
7-35 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientists don't get as much fun out of life as other people do": 2001
7-36 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientists are apt to be odd and peculiar people": 2001
7-37 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientists have few other interests but their work": 2001
7-38 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientists are not likely to be very religious people": 2001
7-39 Excel PDF Attitude toward or interest in science career: 2001
7-40 Excel PDF Response to statement, "Scientific work is dangerous": 2001
7-41 Excel PDF Access to the World Wide Web at home: 2001
7-42 Excel PDF Leading source of information about current news events: 2001
7-43 Excel PDF Leading source of information about science and technology: 2001
7-44 Excel PDF Leading source of information about specific scientific issue: 2001
7-45 Excel PDF Users of public information on an annual basis: 2001
7-46 Excel PDF Viewers watching news magazines, public television, and science television shows: 2001
7-47 Excel PDF Viewers watching television news: 2001
7-48 Excel PDF Daily newspaper readers: 1979-2001
7-49 Excel PDF Users of various sources of information: 2001
7-50 Excel PDF Visitors of science or technology museums one or more times per year: 1983-2001
7-51 Excel PDF Readers of science fiction books or magazines: 2001
7-52 Excel PDF Viewers of Star Trek and X-Files: 2001
7-53 Excel PDF Public assessment of astrology: 1979-2001
7-54 Excel PDF Frequency of reading astrology reports, by selected characteristics: 1985-2001
7-55 Excel PDF Belief in psychic powers or extrasensory perception, by selected characteristics: 2001
7-56 Excel PDF Belief that unidentified flying objects are space vehicles from other civilizations: 2001
7-57 Excel PDF Belief in lucky numbers, by selected characteristics: 1988-2001
7-58 Excel PDF Belief in alternative medicine, by selected characteristics: 2001
7-59 Excel PDF Public assessment of magnetic therapy, by selected characteristics: 2001

Chapter 8
Significance of Information Technology top

Download Chapter 8 PDF (44K)

Table Excel PDF Title
8-1 Excel PDF Moore's Law: 1971-2005
8-2 Excel PDF Worldwide production of original content, stored digitally using standard compression methods: circa 1999
8-3 Excel PDF Mobile phone penetration in OECD countries: 1990-99
8-4 Excel PDF Internet hosts per 1,000 inhabitants in OECD countries
8-5 Excel PDF Percentage of households with computer
8-6 Excel PDF Percentage of households with Internet access
8-7 Excel PDF Internet use for individuals age 3 and older

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