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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Musculoskeletal Disorders

Inputs: NIOSH Strategic Goals

A key leadership role for Acumen is the development of the NIOSH Research Agenda for Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Acumen is in the process of developing "strategic goals" to guide our research and partnership efforts over the next decade.

NIOSH Program Portfolio Approach

NIOSH has been organizing research, guidance, information, and service efforts into specific programs that can be readily communicated and strategically governed and evaluated. Eight NORA Sector Programs represent industrial sectors, and twenty-four Cross-sector Programs organized around adverse health outcomes, statutory programs and global efforts.

The NORA Sector Programs intersect with Cross-Sector Programs in a matrix-like fashion. For example, an Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program goal of reducing farm-related deaths and injuries due to tractor rollovers and trucks would likely be a shared goal with the Transportation Program and if appropriate would be adopted by both programs. This approach provides an added advantage and will allow multiple Programs to work towards accomplishment of intersecting goals.

Each of the 32 programs in the NIOSH Program Portfolio has a Manager and Coordinator. Each of the 8 NIOSH Sector Programs facilitates the work of a NORA Sector Council to engage external stakeholders in the process of developing sector goals for the nation and methods to measure the short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes arising from those goals. The NORA goals for the nation will be considered when choosing NIOSH sector program goals. Cross Sector programs have internal Steering Committees that develop program goals and monitor outcome measures.

These planning efforts will position NIOSH to align with the most current governmental approaches for evaluating program effectiveness, i.e., the Program Assessment Rating Tool (or PART). PART is a mechanism to hold governmental agencies accountable for accomplishing results. As part of our comprehensive approach to performance measurement, NIOSH has engaged the National Academies to independently evaluate our sector and cross-programs for relevance and impact.

Draft Musculoskeletal Disorders Goals

Five preliminary Strategic Goals have been chosen. They are categorized as Exposures, Causes, Effects, Intervention, and Surveillance. Likewise, several Intermediate Goals have been identified. Each Intermediate Goal will soon be associated with specific prioritized research tasks and performance measures (stay tuned to this website). Fulfilling these research goals will tap the broad strengths of NIOSH, including biochemistry, biomechanics, economics, engineering, epidemiology, occupational medicine, molecular biology, physiology, psychology, and toxicology.


Strategic Goal 1: Valid, reliable, comprehensive exposure assessment of MSD risk factors in multi-factorial environments.

  • 1.1 Biomechanical: Valid, reliable, comprehensive methods for measuring biomechanical exposures associated with MSDs.
  • 1.2 Behavioral: Valid, reliable, comprehensive methods for identifying, categorizing, and measuring behavioral factors associated with MSDs.
  • 1.3 Environmental and Chemical: Valid, reliable, comprehensive methods for measuring environmental and chemical exposures associated with MSDs.

Strategic Goal 2: Definitive understanding of the multi-factorial relationships among exposures, risk factors, and MSDs.

  • 2.1 Biomechanical: Understanding of biomechanical exposures associated with the development of and recovery from MSDs.
  • 2.2 Physiological: Understanding of the continuum of biological mechanisms associated with the development of and recovery from MSDs.
  • 2.3 Behavioral: Understanding of worker behaviors, management practices, and psychosocial factors that impact the occurrence and reporting of MSDs.
  • 2.4 Individual: Understanding of host factors that influence development of and recovery from MSDs.
  • 2.5 Environmental and Chemical: Understanding of the environmental and chemical factors that impact development of and recovery from MSDs.

Strategic Goal 3 : Definitive understanding of MSDs and their consequences.

  • 3.1 Tools: Robust, validated systems for measuring changes associated with development and occurrence of MSDs and their consequences.
  • 3.2 Diagnosis: Valid measures for detection, classification, and grading of MSDs and associated processes.
  • 3.3 Effects: Understanding of functional, physiological, and psychological outcomes by type, severity, and chronicity of MSDs.
  • 3.4 Impact on Business: Practical understanding of costs, risks, benefits and other effects of MSDs and MSD interventions on management and the workforce.

Strategic Goal 4: Prevention and reduction of MSDs and related consequences.

  • 4.1 Controls: Industry and job-specific engineering solutions, administrative practices, training, personal protective equipment, and medical management for preventing MSDs.
  • 4.2 Effectiveness: Proven methods for measuring the impact and cost-effectiveness of interventions for preventing or reducing MSDs.
  • 4.3 Implementation: Widespread application of proven interventions for preventing or reducing MSDs.

Strategic Goal 5: Actionable knowledge of the prevalence, incidence, and severity of MSDs.

  • 5.1 Tools and Collection: Clear case definitions and proven, practical instruments as foundations for ongoing surveillance of MSDs.
  • 5.2 Analysis: Well defined and annotated volumes of MSD information suitable for dissemination and use.

NIOSH and Acumen are interested in your opinions about the relevance and value of strategic goals for the MSD Cross-Sector Program. We encourage you to consider partnering with us on issues of interest to you and your organization.

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Page last updated: December 5, 2008
Page last reviewed: June 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

NIOSH Program:

Musculoskeletal Disorders

figure showing skeleton and musculature