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Environmental Guiding Principles

The members of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) recognizes that the Earth's resources, upon which all life depends, are finite, and that wise environmental stewardship is necessary today to preserve the potential for a quality life for future generations. To that end, the NSSGA Board of Directors amended these Environmental Guiding Principles on February 11, 2001. The Environmental Guiding Principles were originally adopted January 20, 1991.

The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA)
  • Encourages its members to meet all established environmental regulatory requirements, and where possible to do better than the law and regulations require.
  • Believes that environmental laws and regulations should be based on sound scientific, engineering and medical research and on established scientific, engineering and medical principles. To this end, NSSGA will work with lawmakers and regulators and make available the expertise of its member, staff and research facilities to help in shaping the nation's environmental policies.
  • Encourages its members to adopt and implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) program to meet its environmental requirements and improve its overall performance. An EMS is a continual cycle of planning, implementing, reviewing and improving the actions that an organization takes to meet its environmental goals.
  • Encourages its members to strive for excellence in environmental affairs and to provide leadership by example by demonstrating environmental stewardship in all aspects of their operations.
  • Encourages its members to contribute to environmental enhancement by implementing programs such as landscaping and wildlife habitat development.
  • Encourages its members to work with community leaders and citizens groups in developing plans for appropriate uses of the land in the community interest, once mining operations have been completed.
  • Encourages its members to participate in communicating to the public the importance to society of an environmentally-responsible aggregate industry, and in educating the youth of our country in the wisdom of responsible environmental stewardship in a business setting.
  • Believes that wise environmental stewardship is good business, and good for business.

© 2009 National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
1605 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
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