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Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services

Laboratory Services Division accurately test the samples submitted to assure the quality of agricultural products sold, to protect the environment, to diagnose animal diseases and to assure the correctness of all weights and measures.

Our Goal:

The production of high quality analytical data through the use of methods and measurements that are accurate, reliable and adequate for the intended use.

Current Events:

New Agriculture Laboratory Building

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Most state wheat farmers have already purchased or arranged to purchase seed wheat for next year’s crop but the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry cautions sellers to follow state and federal seed laws.
September 2008

Animal Health

Phone: (405)522-5449
Fax: (405)522-1855
The Animal Health Section assists State and Federal programs in the control and eradication of animal diseases by providing diagnostic services to Oklahoma accredited veterinarians and animal owners. The State/Federal Cooperative Laboratory, which is part of this section, is recognized by Nation Veterinary Services Laboratory (USDA) as a regulatory disease lab for the diagnosis of regulated diseases in large animals. Diagnostic testing is performed for Brucellosis, Psuedorabies, and Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). These diagnostic tests are approved by the USDA as official tests which qualify for interstate and international shipments. Microbiological tests in food products are also performed by the Serology & Microbiology section.

Feed, Fertilizer & Lime

Vicki Murley, Section Supervisor
Phone: (405)522-5443
Fax: (405)522-1855

The Feed, Fertilizer & Lime Section provides prompt and accurate testing of animal feed and fertilizer samples for regulatory compliance and consumer protection. The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Laboratory is the only laboratory in the state of Oklahoma which performs label compliance testing for livestock feeds, pet foods, fertilizers, and agricultural liming materials. Product ingredients and contaminants are tested on samples submitted to the laboratory by state inspectors of the Consumer Protection Services (CPS) Division of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. Testing is also provided as a fee based services to consumers, producers, and the general public. Analysis is conducted according to collaborative and/or published test methods from nationally and internationally recognized technical referee organizations and journals, such as the Association of Official Analytical Chemists - International, Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, and the American Oil Chemist's Society.

Food & Dairy

440 S. Houston Avenue, Room 10
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127
Phone: (918)581-2014
Fax: (405)581-2820

The purpose of the Food and Dairy Section is to assure the quality and wholesomeness of dairy products sold in the state. This section also does testing of some food and water samples for bacterial contamination. This section is an FDA Certified laboratory, FDA Certification Number 40008.

The Dairy Laboratory is located at:


Phone: (405)522-5436
Fax: (405)522-1855

The Pesticide Section provides testing of pesticide related samples for regulatory compliance and consumer protection. Pesticide concentrates and formulations are tested for label compliance and contaminants. Pesticide application monitoring samples are tested for application rate compliance. Environmental samples are submitted to the laboratory by state inspectors of the Plant Industry and Consumer Services (PICS), Forestry and Water Quality Divisions of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. Testing is also provided as a fee based service to consumers and producers.

Quality Assurance

Phone: (405)522-0316
Fax: (405)522-1855
The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Laboratory Services Division is committed to the use of "good laboratory practices" (GLP) in achieving the highest quality analytical results. In order to ensure that GLP's are followed the ODA Laboratory has established a quality system that is overseen by a QA Manager. Independent review of analytical results, participation in appropriate proficiency testing programs, internal audits, proper document control, implementation of necessary corrective actions and feedback from clients support that quality system. The ODA Laboratory invites clients to discuss methods and results by contacting the QA Manager. Clients requesting split samples for independent testing are asked to do so in writing or electronic mail through the QA Manager.


Phone: (405)522-5458
Fax: (405)522-1855
The Seed Section provides prompt and accurate testing of seed samples for regulatory compliance and consumer protection. Regulations governing seed production, marketing and testing are given by the Federal Seed Act, the Oklahoma Seed Law, and Oklahoma Department of Agriculture rules and regulations. Testing is conducted according to procedures set forth by the Association of Official Seed Analysts. Samples are submitted to the laboratory by the state inspectors of the Plant Industry and Consumer Services (PICS) division of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. Testing is also provided as a fee service to consumers and to seed producers for labeling purposes, prior to marketing a product.

Water & Inorganics

The Water & Inorganics Section provides testing of ground and surface water samples to ensure consumer protection and regulatory compliance. Its primary mission is to enable the characterization of environmental contamination related to agricultural activities or industries. This is accomplished by the analysis of water samples submitted by state inspectors of the Consumer Protection Services (CPS) division, Animal Industry Services (AIS), Forestry, and Agricultural Environmental Management Services (AEMS) of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. In addition, the Water Quality Section provides fee-based services to other state agencies and the general public.