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The official magazine for Members of the New York Academy of Sciences. It features news and information about current issues in science and technology and articles about the Academy and its Members.


Latest Issue
Winter 2009 (PDF 5.08 MB)
Academy Member & Revolutionary

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Magazine Archives (members only access)

Special Publications

Parkinson's Disease: The Life Cycle of the Dopamine Neuron: NYAS conference
An Enigmatic Disease Although both research funding and basic scientific understanding of Parkinson's have increased in the past decade, no known treatment can slow or stop its progression. Instead, it remains a severely debilitating and enigmatic disease - without a known cause or cure - that affects millions of people worldwide.

Full-Text Booklet (PDF 855K)

Experts Diagnose Growing Epidemic of Uncontrolled Diabetes At NY Academy of Sciences Writer's Conference June 3
An Overview of Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases and Public Health
Presented by Stephen N. Davis, M.D., Chief, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vanderbilt University

Full-Text Booklet (PDF )

The Promise of Proteomics: Leading the Way to 21st Century Medicine
This report summarizes presentations and discussions at a media backgrounder on "The Promise of Proteomics," sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences and held at NYAS headquarters in New York City on January 31, 2001. The backgrounder was webcast live and is currently archived on the NYAS website,

Full-Text Booklet (PDF 495K)

Policy Publications

Science and technology policy issues are considered in a variety of Academy reports and special publications, many the result of presentations by academic, governmental, and industry leaders as well as in several Annals volumes.

Pollution Prevention and Management Strategies for Dioxins in the NY/NJ Harbor Nov 2006

Pollution Prevention and Management Strategies for Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the NY/NJ Harbor Feb 2005

Pollution Prevention and Management Strategies for Cadmium in the NY/NJ Harbor Dec 2003

Pollution Prevention and Management Strategies for Mercury in the NY/NJ Harbor Jun 2002



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