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NIOSH Programs > Wholesale and Retail Trade > Publications and Products

Wholesale and Retail Trade

Outputs: Publications

Selected Publications

Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Elements of Ergonomics Programs: A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-117 (1997)
This publication describes the basic elements of a workplace program aimed at preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. It includes a toolbox , which is a collection of techniques, methods, reference materials, and sources for other information that can help in program development.

Injured at work. What workers' compensation data reveal about work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs)
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, PO Box 44330, Olympia, WA 98504-4330. 2005 Jan:1-16. Grant-Number-U01-OH-007292.
This report provides a summary of workers' compensation data from the Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP) Program regarding the impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in Washington State workplaces.

Studies on back belts in the workplace. (Analizan la eficacia de los cinturones lumbares en el trabajo)
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica (SIIC) 2003 Dec:1-6.
In an evaluation of the effectiveness of using back belts in reducing back injury claims and low back pain based on surveys of material-handling workers in 160 retail merchandise stores, this study revealed that neither frequent back belt use nor a store policy that required belt use was associated with reduced incidence of back injury claims or low back pain.

Infectious Diseases and Indoor Air Quality

Exposure to Ozone and Other Irritant Gasses in Pulp Mills and the Onset of Rhinitis
Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2002 Apr 165(8) (Suppl):A526.
This study revealed characteristics and industries associated with adults with asthma who reported workplace exacerbation of this medical condition.

Guidance for filtration and air-cleaning systems to protect building environments from airborne chemical, biological, or radiological attacks
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-136
This document discusses air-filtration and air-cleaning issues (worksite assessment, installation and upgrading of equipment) associated with protecting building environments from an airborne chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) attack.

Protecting building environments from airborne chemical, biological, or radiological attacks
Mead-KR; Gressel-MG. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2002 Oct; 17(10):649-658.
This document identifies actions that a building owner or manager, such as in retail, can implement without undue delay to enhance occupant protection from an airborne chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) attack.

Respirator Usage in Private Sector Firms, 2001
NIOSH and U.S. DOL BLS Publication
This study describes findings from the Survey of Respirator Use and Practices conducted in 2000-2001 that provides estimates of the number and percent of private sector establishments that used respirators, by voluntary and required use, in addition to describing differences among industry sectors and establishment size.

Occupational Violence

Building a research and prevention initiative for workplace violence
The 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Vienna, Austria, June 6th-9th 2004. Vienna, Austria: Kuratorium für Schutz und Sicherheit/Institut Sicher Leben, 2004 Jun; :341-342.
This document describes efforts to develop a national workplace violence research and prevention initiative that includes all aspects of workplace violence across different types of violent incidents.

Compliance to a workplace violence prevention program in small businesses
Am J Prev Med 2004 May; 26(4):276-283.
This study revealed that a customized robbery and violence prevention program (Workplace Violence Prevention Program) that was used with small, high-risk businesses in Los Angeles City , resulted in voluntarily implement components of the intervention program and that greater implementation was associated with reductions in robbery and violent crime.

Effectiveness of crime prevention through environmental design in reducing criminal activity in liquor stores: a pilot study
J Occup Environ Med 2004 May; 46(5):450-458. This study examined the effectiveness of the violence prevention intervention entitled "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" that aimed to help liquor stores and small businesses prevent workplace violence, with study outcomes indicating reductions in criminal activity for businesses that received the program.

Request for Assistance in Preventing Homocide in the Workplace
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 93-109 (May 1995)
The purposes of this Alert are to identify high-risk occupations and workplaces, inform employers and workers about their risk, encourage employers and workers to evaluate risk factors in their workplaces and implement protective measures, and encourage researchers to gather more detailed information about occupational homicide and to develop and evaluate protective measures

Workplace Assault-Related Injuries Incidence and Risk
Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, California 1996 Feb
This document provides estimates of the incidences and workplace characteristics associated with fatal and non-fatal assaults for various industries in California.

Workplace-violence investigations by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, 1993-1996
J Occup Environ Med 1999 Aug; 41(8):647-653.
This study evaluated California Division of Occupational Safety and Health's inspection data (1993-1997) for violent events and provided summaries of the circumstances surrounding violent events, such as with respect to the type of industry and the source and nature of the events.

Violence on the Job
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-100D (DVD).
This training and educational DVD that provides employers, workers, safety professionals, and others with recommendations and resources for preventing work-related homicides and assaults. Violence on the Job discusses practical measures for identifying risk factors for violence at work, and taking strategic action to keep workers safe. It is based on extensive NIOSH research, supplemented with information from other authoritative sources.

Sources and Costs of Occupational Fatalities and Injuries

Costs of occupational injury and illness across states
J Occup Environ Med 2004 Oct; 46(10):1084-1095.
Using BLS and workers' compensation cost data, this study provided estimates of occupational injury and illness costs per worker across various states and industry sectors.

External cause-specific summaries of occupational fatal injuries: part I - an analysis of rates
Am J Ind Med 2003 Mar; 43(3):237-250.
This document summaries the incidence and causes of occupational fatalities by industry sectors and occupations, with recommendations for targeted interventions.

Fatality assessment and control evaluation in Alaska
.National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS), Pittsburgh , PA , Oct. 17-19, 2000. This document summarizes Alaska 's Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) project that collects data on work related fatalities and summarizes the information by industry and circumstances leading to the fatalities.

Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss - A Practical Guide
DHHS ( NIOSH) Publication No. 96-110
This document provides guidance in nontechnical terms regarding the eight key components of an effective hearing loss prevention program.

Traumatic occupational fatalities in the retail industry, United States, 1992-1996
University of California Los Angeles , Los Angeles , California
Based on analyses of data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (1992-1996), this study describes occupational fatality rates by age, gender, types of establishment, and characteristics of the deaths in the retail industry as compared with other industries.

Small Business

Safety and Health Resource Guide for Small Businesses
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-100 (March 1998).
This guide is intended to help small business owners, employers, and managers deal with occupational safety and health concerns. Others involved with the small business community may also benefit from using this resource.

Stress At Work

Effectiveness of a healthy work organization intervention: ethnic group differences
J Occup Environ Med 2004 Jul; 46(7):623-634.
This study examined ethnic group differences in the effectiveness of a healthy work organization intervention on organizational climate and worker health and well-being, where intervention produced positive effects on both the climate and health and well-being outcomes though these effects varied significantly by ethnic group.

Health work organization: Intervention effectiveness
NIOSH 2004 Jan; :1-70
This study examines the impact of a healthy work organization intervention on such indicators as organizational climate, work behavior, and worker health and well-being.

Stress... At Work
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 99-101
This booklet highlights knowledge about the causes of stress at work and outlines steps that can be taken to prevent job stress.

Stress Management in Work Settings
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 87-111
This publication summarizes the scientific evidence and reviews conceptual and practical issues relating to worksite stress management. It is a collection of original contributions that address current issues and problems in the field.

Stressful psychosocial work environment increases risk for back pain among retail material handlers
J. Am J Ind Med 2003 Feb; 43(2):179-187.
This study revealed seven distinct factors associated with the risk of job related back pain that could be useful in modifying the work environment for material handlers in large retail stores.

Working with Stress Video
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-114d
A brief introduction to work stress issues for the worker and manager. Topics include the causes of job stress, physical and psychological effects, and what can be done to minimize job stress. The video is available in both DVD and VHS formats, and can also be viewed online. (17 minutes)

Work Schedules: Shift Work and Long Hours

Overtime and Extended Work Shifts: Recent Findings on Illnesses, Injuries and Health Behaviors
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004-143
Presents a review of the methods and findings from 52 studies that examined the relationship between long work hours and selected health outcomes. Also provides recommendations on issues and priorities to consider in future research.

Young Worker Safety and Health

Masters education in occupational health
NIOSH 2002 Sep :1-16. School of Nursing , University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , PA 19104-6096
This document describes the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing program with respect to reasons for establishment of the program, structure of the program, and impact on program student graduates.

NIOSH Alert: Preventing Deaths, Injuries And Illnesses Of Young Workers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-128 (2003)
Summarizes data on young worker injuries and illnesses, provides case reports, and makes recommendations for prevention measures that can be taken by young workers, employers, educators and parents.

On-the-job injury in south Texas middle school children
NIOSH, May 2001, 1-29.
This document summarizes data on work-related injuries in young workers, with examination of differences among youth of different age, socioeconomic, and minority groups.

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Wholesale and Retail Trade

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