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Oregon's Asset Management Plan
A Plan to Guide the Care and Management of Land, Waterways, Minerals and Energy Resources to Benefit the Common School Fund
2006 - 2016 Asset Management Plan adopted by the State Land Board October 10, 2006.
The State Land Board
"The Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer shall constitute a State Land Board … the board shall manage lands under its jurisdiction with the object of obtaining the greatest benefit for the people of this state, consistent with the conservation of this resource under sound management techniques of land management."
(Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by J.J.R. No. 7, 1967, and adopted by the people May 28, 1968)
Asset Management Plan
The Asset Management Plan (Plan) is a plan to increase revenue to the Common School Fund (CSF) and the overall value of the land and mineral rights within the real estate portion of the CSF portfolio.  The Plan is a ten-year plan that is periodically reviewed and updated.  It provides the policy direction and management principles to guide both the short- and long-term management of the CSF’s real estate assets. The 2006 - 2016 Plan replaces a 1995 Asset Management Plan (AMP) that has successfully guided the management of CSF lands for the past decade and increased contributions to the CSF.
ORS 273.245 provides that the Land Board "shall adopt an asset management plan…to guide management and disposition of real estate under the board’s jurisdiction."  The Plan is to: "…provide a schedule for the disposition of state lands…"
Implementation of the 2006 - 2016 AMP will accomplish the following goals:
  • Retain core real estate assets;
  • Increase the value of the real estate portion of the CSF portfolio and cash flow from those assets to the CSF;
  • Rebalance the portfolio and create capital for reinvestment through investment in assets with high performance potential and the strategic disposal of selected assets;
  • Through active management, increase the overall value of the real estate portion of the CSF portfolio;
  • Establish priorities for management actions; and
  • Balance revenue enhancement and resource stewardship.
Key Plan Strategies
The Plan proposes to accomplish the goals through several key strategies:
Protect and retain a core base of lands for long-term revenue generation.
Acquire lands with a high probability for appreciation in value or the ability to consistently generate revenue over the lnog term. 
Evaluate for disposal lands that are not actively managed, difficult, or uneconomical to manage or are low revenue producers.
Invest in lands that have a clear potential for appreciation in value.
Actively manage lands to meet or exceed performance targets established in the Plan.
Reinvest proceeds from the sale of lands into acquiring new lands and improving lands with revenue-producing potential.
Ensure that leases and other use authorizations reflect market values.
Expected Outcomes
The Plan provides the policy direction and management principles to guide both the short- and long-term management of the CSF’s real estate assets.  Expected key outcomes of Plan implementation are:
  • A balanced approach to revenue enhancement and resource stewardship.
  • A consistent and sustained stream of revenue from the CSF to schools.
  • A more aggressively managed portfolio ICR and mineral and energy resource lands to generate new revenues.
  • A rebalanced portfolio through investment in assets with high performance potential and the strategic disposal of selected assets.
  • Market level rates for leases and other authorizations.
  • Realistic performance targets that assist the Land Board and Department in measuring progress in achieving key outcomes.
  • Investment standards that help determine the value of proposed land acquisitions and capital improvements.
For additional information contact:
John E. Lilly, Manager
Asset Management Section
Land Management Division
Oregon Department of State Lands
775 Summer St NE Ste 100
Salem OR 97301
Crookham Opinion  (5mb)
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