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Annual Report
The ANHC has expanded its requirement to report annually to the governor and state legislature to a nationally-award winning document that has drawn praise from the professional community and the general public. The complete publication is available for download or you can view and print individual sections.

Educational resources have been developed in coordination with education professionals to integrate Arkansas-specific information across the pre-K through 12 curriculums. This section includes lesson plans available for download, along with details about six Arkansas natural communities illustrated in individual posters. ANHC staff is available to present programs that engage participants of all ages in active learning with multi-sensory experiences using pictures, audio and mounted specimens.

The ANHC extends its impact and accomplishes more by partnering with other agencies and organizations. Links to partner websites are listed in this section. Links to learn more about global ecological issues are also found in this section.

Staff Publications
ANHC staff reqularly publish results of research in professional journals and technical documents. A list of staff publications can be found in this section with several available for download.

Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission

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