Center for Distance and Professional Education

Future Students

Tuition & Fees

2008-2009 Tuition Fees

Learn how to pay tuition

Note: Active duty U.S. military personnel stationed in Washington, their spouses, and their children may be eligible for resident tuition. See information about establishing military residency.

Tuition is based on several factors, including residency status, number of WSU credits you enroll in, and undergraduate/graduate standing.
Tuition is due the first day of the semester. WSU does not send paper billing statements. Check your student account balance by selecting 'Finance' in myWSU to find out what you owe.
Note: There is a two credit minimum charge during the Fall and Spring semesters. Summer semester tuition is always charged per credit.
Tuition rates are subject to annual review.
Resident Status Credits Undergraduate Graduate
WA resident tuition is the same as on-campus tuition, whether a student is a distance or a campus-based student.

*Note: Full-time financial aid packages are based on 12 credits for undergraduates.
More info
Part-time (less than 10 credits) $336 per credit $403 per credit
Full-time *(10-18 credits) $3,360 $4,034
Over 18 credits $311 per credit (in addition to full-time tuition) $378 per credit
Non-resident tuition per credit hour for distance students, including international students living outside the U.S., is different than non-resident tuition for campus-based students.

*Note: Full-time financial aid packages are based on 12 credits for undergraduates.
More info
Part-time (less than 10 credits) $492 per credit $593 per credit
Full-time *(10-18 credits) $4,915 $5,926
Over 18 credits $467 per credit (in addition to full-time tuition) $568 per credit


Media Rental Fees

  1. Many courses offered through DDP have required media (e.g., DVDs, CDs, videotapes).

    You may:

    Rent the media from DDP: Choose the “R” Section of the class when registering. DDP will send you the media before the course begins and your student account will be billed the appropriate rental fee.

    or, when available as an option:

    Access the media from a WSU campus or Learning Center: Choose the “U” section when registering. Return the borrowed items to the lending location.
  2. Some DDP courses have required media that is commercially produced and copyrighted and is only available for rent from DDP. The course will only be available as an "R" section. You will be charged a rental fee and you must return the materials to DDP. Fees vary. WSU campuses and Learning Centers do not have this type of media.

Lab Kit Fees

Some courses have lab kits that will be automatically sent to you when you register for a course. There is a fee for lab kits which will be applied to your student account. Do not return lab kits. WSU campuses and Learning Centers do not have lab kits.

The fees for media and lab kits are listed in the DDP course descriptions and are charged to students' accounts to be paid with WSU tuition.

WSU Writing Portfolio Fees

DDP students completing the WSU Writing Portfolio will be assessed $35 in fees ($20 from DDP and $15 from WSU) on their student account for the costs associated with administering the portfolio.


Tuition is due the first day of the semester. WSU does not send paper billing statements.

Center for Distance and Professional Education , PO Box 645220, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-5220, 800-222-4978, Contact Us