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Disability License Exemption Information

Sport Hunting and Fishing and Renewal



KRS 150.175 (aa) states that Kentucky residents certified totally and permanently disabled are eligible to purchase the discounted Senior/Disabled Combination Hunting and Fishing License ($5), but must first obtain a disability authorization card to be able to purchase this special license. The procedure is as follows:

If your disability is through the:

  1. Federal Social Security Administrationcontact your local social security office and request a printout that includes your name, SS#, date of birth and address.  This printout must also state that you are disabled and are currently receiving benefits.
  2. Veteran’s Administration – contact your local VA office and request a letter stating your disability is at least 50% service connected.
  3. State Worker’s Compensation Board – Request an application from KDFWR, complete it and send it to the State Worker's Compensation Board.
  4. United States Railroad Retirement Board – contact the Board and request a letter stating you are 100% disabled.
  5. Kentucky Teacher Retirement System – contact the Teacher Retirement System and request written documentation stating you are 100% disabled.
  6. United States Office of Personnel Management – contact the federal Office of Personnel Management and obtain certification of employment, obtain certification of being 100% disabled from a recognized authority, and obtain documentation of being a Kentucky resident.


  • Mail your disability certification (and proof of residency as noted in #6 above) to: KDFWR, Disability License, #1 Sportsman's Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601, or
  • Fax the form to: Disability License, (502) 564-9368, or
  • Bring the form in person to the KDFWR office in Frankfort during business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).

Once the documentation is processed, you will receive an authorization card that allows you to purchase the $5 license from ANY license vendor. You must present the authorization card at time of purchase. Authorization cards are valid for three years – do not lose the authorization card or you will have to repeat the process unnecessarily the next year.

Holders of Senior/Disabled Combination Licenses, if qualifying for the license due to eligible disability, must carry both the license and authorization card while hunting and fishing.

NOTE: We cannot accept an award letter, copy of a check or Medicare Card.

Call 800-858-1549 for more information.

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