Papers and Presentations
Mathematics and Science Initiative
Archived Information

  1. Secretary Rod Paige
  2. Science Advisor to the President John H. Marburger, III
  3. Tom Loveless, Brookings Institution — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | PowerPoint ]
  4. William Schmidt, Michigan State University — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | PowerPoint ]
  5. Craig Barrett, CEO, Intel Corporation
  6. IES Director Grover (Russ) Whitehurst — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | PowerPoint ]
  7. NSF Director Rita Colwell
  8. NASA Deputy Administrator Frederick Gregory
  9. Alejandro Ádem, University of Wisconsin
  10. Deborah Loewenberg Ball, University of Michigan — [ Presentation [downloadable files] PDF | PowerPoint ]

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Last Modified: 02/17/2004