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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Exposure Assessment

Outputs: Conferences

Organization, co-sponsorship, and active participation in local, national, and international conferences that have an exclusive or embedded focus on exposure assessment methods and their applications are vital and effective ways to engage with our partners to share and assess state-of-the-art information, identify research and practice gaps, and foster collaborations to fill those gaps. A comprehensive list of upcoming conferences is continuously available at

NIOSH Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategies Manual Update
November 8 and 9, 2007
Washington Court Hotel, Washington, DC

NIOSH is soliciting input from its Stakeholders on their needs for information and guidance to be included in a revision of the “Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategies Manual” (OESSM)," which is sometimes referred to as "Leidel, Busch and Lynch" or "The NIOSH Yellow Book".  This meeting is an excellent opportunity for you to provide input on the update and help shape the future of occupational exposure assessment.

Examples of recent and upcoming conferences of significance for exposure assessment include:

American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) and Ventilation 2006-the 8th International Conference on Ventilation
These conferences were held concurrently in Chicago, Illinois, May 13-18, 2006. Many of the meeting activities were related to exposure assessment and included NIOSH participation. AIHce 2006 featured weekend symposia on nanotechnology and infectious disease, late-breaking sessions on hurricane response and recovery, and expert panel sessions on nanotechnology, confined spaces, and hexavalent chromium. Ventilation 2006 served as a forum for exchanging latest developments in ventilation-related emission and exposure controls. NIOSH was a co-sponsor of Ventilation 2006. The electronic proceedings of the AIHce 2006 can be found at

The International Conference on Nanotechnology Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety: Research to Practice
December 3-8, 2006, Cincinnati, Ohio
NIOSH co-sponsored the meeting with the University of Cincinnati. Other co-sponsors include the National Science Foundation (NSF), Ohio University, Ohio State University, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PolymerOhio, Inc., and the Center for Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Devices (CMPND). The conference focused on effective approaches to protecting and promoting worker safety and health in nanomanufacturing enterprises/environments and consumer public health, and on the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases through the use of nanotechnology. Exposure assessment methods and practice were important topics of discussion throughout the conference. The conference followed other successful international forums cosponsored by NIOSH in Buxton, U. K., in 2004, Minneapolis in 2006, and Miami earlier in 2006. Plans are also underway for an August 2007 meeting in Taiwan.

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NIOSH Program:

Exposure Assessment

measurement tools, man near cloud of gas