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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Exposure Assessment

Outputs: Products

NIOSH research and program activities in the area of exposure assessment have resulted in products that address general issues for exposure assessment strategies and specific methods and applications of exposure assessment. The the Exposure Assessment Cross-Sector Program Team hopes that government agencies, academic institutions, public and private research organizations, labor organizations, professional societies, and others will use these documents as a basis for planning and prioritizing their own research, as well as for pursuing new partnerships and identifying areas for collaborative efforts.

General Products

Exposure Assessment Methods: Research Needs and Priorities
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2002-126
This document was compiled during the first decade of NORA by the Exposure Assessment Methods Team in an effort to describe the research needed to advance knowledge and the state-of-the-art in exposure assessment. The intent was to present a framework of the objectives and research needed to begin filling the knowledge gaps in order to further progress toward healthier workplaces and practices.

NIOSH – Mixed Exposures Research Agenda – A Report by the NORA Mixed Exposures Team
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-106
This document was compiled during the first decade of NORA by the Mixed Exposures Methods team to articulate the issues involved with mixed exposures to the wide variety of chemical substances, biological agents, physical agents, and other stressors encountered both in and out of the workplace, as well as to recommend research strategies and define research priorities that could lead to improved interventions for protecting workers from mixed exposures.

Stressor-Specific Products

Occupational Exposure of Police Officers to Microwave Radiation from Traffic Radar Devices
This report illustrates the output of a specific study that measured and evaluated microwave emissions from, and operator exposure to, ten models of radar guns. The specific measurements included both fixed-mount and hand-held radar units operated both inside and outside the police vehicle. It is useful in illustrating the use of voluntary consensus standards and research products from other government agencies. The measurement procedures were based, in part, upon the IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields-RF and Microwave, other information from the technical literature, and a technical report from what is now the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

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NIOSH Program:

Exposure Assessment

measurement tools, man near cloud of gas