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Table of Contents


  1. Science and Technology in Times of Transition: the 1940s and 1990s
  2. U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Alliances
  3. Science and Engineering Workforce
  4. Higher Education in Science and Engineering
  5. Elementary and Secondary Education
  6. Academic Research and Development: Financial and Personnel Resources, Support for Graduate Education, and Outputs
  7. Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace
  8. Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding
  9. Significance of Information Technologies

Chapter 1: Science and Technology in Times of Transition: the 1940s and 1990s top

Highlights of the First Time of Transition: 1945--51
Early Visions/Key Policy Documents
Monitoring the Condition of the Science and Engineering Enterprise
Presidential Statements
Current Visions/Key Policy Documents
Advances in Science and Engineering
Enduring Themes: Continuity and Change
Current Emerging Themes
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 2: U.S. and International Research and Development: Funds and Alliances top

Economic Measures of R&D
Trends in Financial Support for R&D
Trends in R&D Performance
Industrial R&D Performance
Performance by Geographic Location, Character of Work, and Field of Science
Inter-Sector and Intra-Sector Domestic Partnerships and Alliances
International Comparisons of National R&D Trends
International R&D by Performer, Source, and Character of Work
International Comparisons of Government R&D Priorities
International Public- and Private-Sector R&D and Technology Cooperation
International Industrial R&D Investment Growth
Trends in U.S. Industry's Overseas R&D
Foreign R&D in the United States
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 3: Science and Engineering Workforce  top

Selected Characteristics of the S&E Workforce
Women and Minorities in S&E
Labor Market Conditions for Recent S&E Degree-Holders
Projected Demand for S&E Workers
Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers in the United States
International R&D Employment
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 4: Higher Education in Science and Engineering top

Characteristics of U.S. Higher Education Institutions
Undergraduate S&E Students and Degrees in the United States
International Comparison of First University Degrees in S&E
Graduate S&E Students and Degrees in the United States
International Comparison of Doctoral Degrees in S&E
Diversity Patterns in S&E Enrollment and Degrees in the United States
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 5: Elementary and Secondary Education top

Student Achievement
Curriculum and Instruction
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 6: Academic Research and Development: Financial and Personnel Resources, Support for Graduate Education, and Outputs top

Financial Resources for Academic R&D
Academic Doctoral Scientists and Engineers
Financial Support for S&E Graduate Education
Outputs of Scientific and Engineering Research: Articles and Patents
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 7: Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace top

U.S. Technology in the Marketplace
International Trends in Industrial R&D
Patented Inventions
Venture Capital and High-Technology Enterprise
Summary: Assessment of U.S. Technological Competitiveness
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 8: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Public Understanding top

Interest in-and Knowledge about-Science and Technology
Public Attitudes Toward Science and Technology
Use of Computers and Computer Technology in the United States
The Relationship Between Science and the Media: Communicating with the Public
Belief in the Paranormal or Pseudoscience
Selected Bibliography

Chapter 9: Significance of Information Technologies top

Information Technology Over the Past 50 Years
IT and the Economy
IT and Education
IT, Research, and Knowledge Creation
IT and the Citizen
Selected Bibliography

Appendices top

Appendix A: Contributors and Reviewers
Appendix B: Index (Available in PDF version. 356K)

Volume 2 - Appendix Tables

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